The Washington Dilemma: How to stand on the side of the Ethiopian people


 Part II

Otherwise, what is the American logic of imposing sanctions on Ethiopia? Sanctions are one of the tools of Washington used to bring countries to their knees and force them implode. However, this strategy will not work in Ethiopia for many reasons.

What recent events have demonstrated is the fact that the tentacles of the Washington hawks extend in all directions and they have developed the capacity to win over professional liars to their sides, including the TPLF neo-fascists.

 Their tentacles extend to the very nerve centers of international aid agencies, financial institutions and UN specialized agencies. Close to 8 million people are said to be facing potential famine in the north of the country as a result of the sabotages of the devilish and neo-fascists TPLF that went as far as depriving its own constituency the right to receive food aid and then cried foul by accusing the Ethiopian side of blocking the supplies.

This is a satanic behavior worthy of the TPLF neo-fascists who, in their long history of mayhems and destructions, had gone as far as assassinating their own people in cold blood and then accusing and blackmailing others of these awful deeds. This is only a page in TPLF&#39’s fat book of atrocities that no healthy mind can imagine. As to the Washington hawks' extending tentacles, one can say that they make international agencies like FAO, WHO, many affiliated Western NGOs…etc. and their media dance to their music.

 WHO&#39’s silence is particularly deafening. Its present head of the organization is an Ethiopian who enjoyed the backing of African countries during his election. He was elected because he is an African and not because he is a genius who could not be replaced by anyone around. During his election, the WHO was lobbying African leaders and the AU boasting about his & quot; achievements & quot; in building hospitals and health clinics during his tenure as minister of health of Ethiopia.

Now that his legacy was threatened by the savagery of the TPLF neo-fascists, he preferred to keep silent, because in his mind, blood might be thicker than water. The list of such blunders is long and there is no point in writing the biography of all the traitors the TPLF has stationed as fifth columnists in the international organizations.

There are still more important surprises in store for Africa and Ethiopia. Washington’s tentacles are also evident I the recent decision by the so-called Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), an assortment of pro-American oil producing sheikdoms aligned to Egypt in the GERD controversy. Their decision to stand on the side of Egypt in the dispute this critical moment might be aimed at fishing in troubled waters or put further pressure on Ethiopia so that it would back down in pursuit of its national and security interests.

 President Joe Biden has recently nominated a new White House task force for Africa. A new policy is taking shape. The task force is apparently nominated to execute the new plan for Africa. Why a new policy is required at this particular time and how do the Washington Hawks are trying to implement the new American policy for Africa, remains somewhat nebulous for now at least. Soon the new Biden policy for Africa will unfold itself and its real motives will be unveiled.

It is not however rocket science to try to decipher the probable reasons why Washington is selecting the most hawkish elements in its administration to head the new Biden task force for Africa. First, there is a shift in American policy towards Africa in general and towards countries like Ethiopia that have rejected US political and strategic diktat. "How to punish these countries?"might be the top item on the list of their priorities. They have already tried proxy war and failed.

 They have attempted to put an economic noose to suffocate the Ethiopian economy. This too will not work. They have mobilized their huge media organizations and they have failed to turn public attention against Ethiopia. American policy towards Ethiopia is totally misguided and unjust. The new policy would therefore be to strangle the Ethiopian economy to punish its people or pour more money into revamping neo-fascist groupings that are more likely to seize the opportunity to reclaim their lost power and privileges.

The process might be painful but there is no backing from Ethiopia's and Africa's defiance which is gathering storm in the continent and in the black communities around the world. Black lives matter. Ethiopian lives matter. African lives matter.

 This process will grow into a historic and decisive confrontation between the Western world and black civilization. All said and done, what is expected from the Washington hawks at this moment is not softening their position but changing their policy of synchronizing their actions with the fate of the TPLF fascists on thebattlefield.

America needs to abandon TPLF for its own sake because it has cheated, misguided and led US policy astray through its systematic propaganda of disinformation. TPLF is not an ally that measures to Washington's great power status. It is a fully discredited, marginalized and losing side.

 This process will grow into a historic and decisive confrontation between the Western world and black civilization. All said and done, what is expected from the Washington hawks at this moment is not softening their position but changing their policy of synchronizing their actions with the fate of the TPLF fascists on thebattlefield.

America needs to abandon TPLF for its own sake because it has cheated, misguided and led US policy astray through its systematic propaganda of disinformation. TPLF is not an ally that measures to Washington's great power status. It is a fully discredited, marginalized and losing side.

The Ethiopian Herald December 25/2021

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