Making the UN nonpartisan


As the United Nations Day marked colorfully in various parts of the world, calls for more rational and nonpartisan approaches have grown on international bloc. As a founding member of the United Nations, Ethiopia has through the years amply demonstrated its commitment to the UN. UN agencies, in particular, those in the humanitarian area also had a long presence in Ethiopia providing lifesaving humanitarian assistance to millions. Ethiopia is grateful to all the support that these UN agencies have been extending to our people in need of assistance. Accordingly, the UN Day commemorated in Ethiopia as well.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen, had participated last Tuesday in a ceremony held in Addis Ababa to mark the United Nations Day. In addressing the Gathering, Demeke underscored Ethiopia’s commitment to value the UN Charter and pledged to continue supporting the multifaceted activities that the UN is undertaking in Ethiopia, according to information obtained from MoFA.

He also highlighted efforts of the Ethiopian government to create understanding between Ethiopia and the UN regarding current situations in the country. As one of the founding members of the UN, Ethiopia would continue to play its part in achieving its goals.

High-level UN officials and representatives from the African Union also addressed the gathering. In addition to giving prominence to the truth and treating all countries equally, UN should be able to discharge its duties and responsibilities deprived of bias. It does not have to take sides with a wide variety of parties giving the cold shoulder to the truth.

While Ethiopia appreciated the good of the international bloc, it is also dismayed by the UN for its biased policies towards Ethiopia in the law enforcement operation. Sadly enough, some UN agencies have been getting off the track from their organization’s values that take account of the equality and independence of nations, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the obligation of member countries to comply with the Charter, and things of that sort.

Even Ethiopia on 30 September 2021 declared a” persona non grata” for seven individuals who were working for UN humanitarian agencies in Ethiopia for meddling in the internal affairs of the country. In fact, Ethiopia did not reach into this conclusion out of the blue. It has made the whole thing going on under the banner of UN clear to pertinent bodies time after time. Dejectedly, no one was in the position to lend their ears. Instead of coming up with a prompt solution, it was persistently criticizing Ethiopia as if it is not giving unfettered access to humanitarian organizations.

One can mention more than a few illustrations to elucidate the unwholesome and deplorable method of the top UN officials to the occurrence of the expulsion of UN staffs. To the surprise of everyone, they calculatingly circumvented providing clarifications on the particulars released by the Ethiopian government on the illegitimate happenings of the exorcised UN officials.

The harmonized replies of the UN regarding the measure taken by Ethiopia in black and white demonstrate the fact that UN can do whatever it would like in the third world nation and twist their arms. Following the expulsion of the seven UN officials the United States of America warned the incumbent demanding an immediate reversal of Ethiopia’s decision and the return of the expelled staff back to Ethiopia.

The ousted UN members were found distracting humanitarian assistance, relocating communication apparatus to the rough TPLF group, infringing security arrangements, spreading cooked up stories, politicizing humanitarian assistance and the rest.

In connection to the current situation in the northern part of Ethiopia, we had sadly observed that some UN staff have failed to fulfill their mission independently and impartially in accordance with the abovementioned MoU and the relevant principles of the UN. These serious violations have been brought to the attention of the relevant UN high officials and other international partners on multiple occasions, but to no avail.

Despite these communications of concern, the grave violations persisted. As such, as a measure of last resort, the Government of Ethiopia had to ask some officials of UN agencies to leave the country. Therefore, in order to avoid confusion regarding the measure taken by the Government, we wish to highlight some of the following breaches: which these individuals have committed in violation of their professional code of conduct: diversion of humanitarian assistance to the TPLF; violating agreed-upon security arrangements; transferring communication equipment to be used by the TPLF;continued reticence in demanding the return of more than 400 trucks commandeered by the TPLF for military mobilization and for the transportation of its forces since July 2021; and dissemination of misinformation and politicization of humanitarian assistance.

Be that as it may, the militants of the terrorist group who moved heaven and earth targeting at gaining gain cover in the region have been found carrying UN refugee Identity Cards.

It is to be remembered that the terrorist TPLF forces entered Sudan refugees after committing Maikadra massacres. The group has been supported by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) as a mask for their severe crime pretending to be refugees.

Speaking during a UNSC meeting, once Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations Ambassador Taye Atskeselassie said, “The government of Ethiopia appreciates the good faith engagement by the secretary general. Ethiopia appreciates the Secretary General call for ending the suffering of the Ethiopian people. This same objective will continue to drive the efforts of the government of Ethiopia as was the case in the past nine months following the treasonous and unforgettable attack against the northern command of the Ethiopian National Defense Force by TPLF.”

The Government of Ethiopia reiterates its firm commitment to the principles of multilateralism and values enshrined in the UN Charter, while at the same time calling upon the United Nations to continue to uphold the principles of impartiality and neutrality. We will continue to cooperate with the UN and its agencies whose objectives correspond to the task of alleviating the suffering of our people during these difficult times.

The Ethiopian Herald October 29/2021

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