When so-called ‘saving a country’ missions go wrong

The world is witnessing humanitarian imperialism in which developed countries impose their interests in less developed countries on the pretext of humanitarian aid. Rich countries through their servant humanitarian agencies and rights groups have meddled in the internal affairs of other countries only to end up meeting the political interests of the interventionists.

Humanitarian aid is increasingly becoming an instrument for countries to weaken other countries and step into other nations’ internal affairs. Past experiences indicate that countries have been pushed into unchartered territories with the intervention of superpowers.

The so-called mission to save countries has gone wrong and instigated more harm to civilians. What has happened in Afghanistan and Libya and other countries is a stark reminder of the disastrous ramifications of unguided interventionists’ policies. And, humanitarianism and human rights have been the leeway used by the West to preside over other countries.

Currently, the West is following the same approach in Ethiopia. Some countries like the U.S. have been trying to impose their agenda in the country under the banner of humanitarian assistance.

In an article entitled ‘Analyzing the American Hybrid War on Ethiopia’ published in Russian International Affairs Council “The U.S. “humanitarian imperialism”, as one can now call its policy against Ethiopia, is very pernicious. It focuses solely on the humanitarian crisis in the Tigray Region while ignoring the ones that the TPLF caused in the neighboring Afar and Amhara regions. This policy also manipulates perceptions about the situation in Tigray to delegitimize PM Abiy, the ENDF, and the political cause of national unity that they are fighting for. The purpose is to encourage more members of the international community to pressure Ethiopia to the point where it finally feels compelled to politically capitulate. This policy, however, has proven to be counterproductive.”

The TPLF felt emboldened to invade the neighboring regions of Afar and Amhara, parts of which it continues to occupy. Addis Ababa suspected that the group was receiving various equipment and other forms of support under the cover of UN aid shipments, according to the article.

The piece also accused the TPLF of manipulating international perceptions about the region’s humanitarian crisis to generate more support and increase pressure on the Ethiopian government. This American hybrid war on Ethiopia is waged in various ways that deserve further study. They closely resemble the American hybrid war on Syria in the sense that the U.S. is using humanitarian pretexts to justify meddling in the country’s internal affairs.

For nearly three decades the terrorist TPLF group was turning the lives of the general public into a living hell and taking the country into uncharted territory. On top of that, the group was cracking down on dissidents and locking thousands of Ethiopians behind bars on the pretext of fighting terrorism time after time.

At that specific point, as the people of Ethiopia were under the yoke of oppression and the tyrant’s rule, Ethiopia was hanging in the balance and backing itself into a corner time and time again. The ill-reputed group was generally known for infringing human rights and throwing thousands of Ethiopian youths into prison under the guise of a wide variety of lame reasons for the sake of staying in power.

At odds with its original version, the terrorist TPLF group was declaring itself as the guardian of the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples of Ethiopia, and sowing the seeds of hatred among them over and over again. As an evil deed is embodied in the DNA of the terrorist group, it moved heaven and earth to dismantle the country. It is no hyperbole to say division than diversity is what truly defines the terrorist group.

To the surprise of everyone, after its removal from office, the terrorist group made an effort to present itself as the guardian of the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples of Ethiopia and tap shoulders with terrorist groups designated by the House of Peoples’ Representatives.

To everyone’s dismay, as if its historical crimes are not adequate amount, the terrorist group attacked the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces situated in the Tigray State to get hold of the military equipment and remove the federal government by force.

In the same way, as some international media has been working in unison with the terrorist group, they have been mystifying the international community making use of cooked-up stories. Even though they know the truth like the palm of their hand, they kept on turning a blind eye to the reality going on across the country.

In the present climate, apart from killing and displacing thousands of civilians, the terrorist group has continued committing atrocities with impunity in the northern part of the country. Aside from engaging itself in looting and property destruction, the terrorist group has been doubling the stakes of its criminal behavior against the civilians of the Amhara and Afar states.

Likewise, some international media outlets are with the intent of paying no attention to a tsunami of annihilations being carried out by the terrorist TPLF group. Despite the terrorist TPLF group’s evil deeds, the international community has been giving the cold shoulder to the varnished truth going on across the country.

According to a press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia on the topic of TPLF’s deliberate destructions of the economic foundations of the people in North Wollo and Gondar of the Amhara region, the TPLF has continued with its dangerous attempt of holding on to political power by subjecting people to fear and want. The sheer number of people still under a safety net program in Tigray, despite its leadership of the country for the last 27 years, is a demonstration of its utter disregard for the welfare of the people of Tigray.

In areas of North Gondar and Wollo that the group has invaded by rejecting the Unilateral Humanitarian Ceasefire of the Government, the TPLF has proved, once again, of its enmity to the Amhara people.

Reports from occupied North Wollo and Gondar adjacent areas indicate that the TPLF is intent on devastating the economic lives of many households. As farmers in occupied territories recently reported, the terrorist TPLF soldiers and their co-opted peasant followers are stealing ready harvest.

What is worse is that the TPLF soldiers already having consumed the stockpiled food of farmers in occupied areas have destroyed the rest. The terrorist group did not even spare food-aid warehouses and forcibly taking distributed assistance from recipients in these areas. The livelihood of farmers in Ethiopia is highly dependent on livestock for food, farming, and biofuel. Sadly, these also have not been spared from the destructive actions of the TPLF.



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