Some facts about Grand Ethiopia Renaissance Dam

* On April 2, 2011, the foundation stone of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was laid on

* Project site: Guba Woreda of Benshangul Gumez State

 * Dam size: 145m high

* Dam length: 1,708m long

* Thickness of the Dam: 130m at the center and 11m at periphery

* The Dam will hold 74 billion cube meters of water

* The area of the Dam could cover one thousand 680 square kilo meters

* The Dam will create 246 km lake

* The height of the saddle of the dam is 50m

* The length of the saddle of the dam is 5.2km

* 16 power generating turbines

* Each turbine has the capacity to generate 375 MW up to 400 MW

* When it is completed, it would have the capacity to generate 6,450MW

* It enables to develop more than 500 thousands of hectares of land by irrigation

* Over ten tons of fish could be harvested

* The Dam will hold 74 billion cube meters of water

* It can be used for water transportation and tourism purpose

* It protects environment from pollution

* Currently the project has reached 66 percent completion

* It is the largest Dam in Africa

The Ethiopian Herald, April 3/2019


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