Ethio-China’s decades of relations in global arena

Unlike the West, China has been following a more neutral approach in the internal affairs of developing nations. It has been voicing its concern concerning foreign intervention in international and other platforms.

As the People’s Republic of China stands against westerners that every often pulls out all the stops to put pressure on developing nations and, it has been rejecting unwarranted sanctions and use of force against countries by the West.

The country is following the same path when it comes to Ethiopia. The People’s Republic of China managed to demonstrate its stance in black and white to the world regarding the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and Tigray situation.

In consideration of the foregoing, China was able to express its opposition to attempts of unguided foreign interventions both in GERD and Tigray issues.

Beijing has played a major role in referring back the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam to the African Union. Moreover, the country has also stood firm against the West’s intervention in Ethiopia about the Tigray situation.

A case in point, recently Zhao Lijian, Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China said, “China opposes new US sanctions regime on Ethiopia. We hope the US will be prudent and play a constructive role. We believe the parties concerned in Ethiopia have the wisdom and capability to properly resolve differences, realize national reconciliation, and restore peace and stability.”

Similarly, the country reaffirmed its position in a virtual meeting held last Tuesday in connection with the 72nd founding anniversary of the country.

Speaking at the meeting, the Chinese Ambassador to Ethiopia, Zhao Zhiyuan said, “We will uphold multilateralism to safeguard world peace and stability. China will stand, as always, on the side of peace and justice, follow the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, commit to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security at the global level, and build a world of enduring peace and common security. We strongly oppose arbitrary unilateral sanctions or the use of force, or interference in other countries’ internal affairs.

China cannot be separated from the world in achieving development, and the world also needs China for prosperity. On the journey ahead, we will remain committed to peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit, and to the path of peaceful development.

“We will work to build a new type of international relations and a human community with a shared future, promote high-quality growth of Belt and Road cooperation, and translate China’s new development achievements into new opportunities for the world,” he added.

“We will enhance anti-pandemic cooperation to build a line of defense for life and health. As the coronavirus continues to mutate and wreak havoc, pandemic control remains the top priority of the world. As the leader of anti-pandemic cooperation, China has donated and is donating vaccines to 106 countries and 4 international organizations. Honoring the spirit of science, China will continue to work with all sides in active global origins-tracing and oppose politicization. China will strive for fair and equitable distribution of vaccines around the world, with a focus on making vaccines accessible and affordable in developing countries. In this way, we will boost global efforts to end the pandemic at an early date,” he noted.

China will embrace openness and inclusiveness to develop an open world economy. It will continue to safeguard the multilateral trading system with the WTO as its cornerstone, ensure stable and smooth operation of global industrial and supply chains, and bring the global economy onto a path of strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth. History will shed light on the future, and our journey ahead will be a long one. Both China and Ethiopia are ancient civilizations. Our two peoples have the shared character of tenacity and perseverance. China-Ethiopia traditional friendship is time-tested and keeps gaining strength.

He stressed that in recent years, with the commitment and guidance of President Xi and Prime Minister Abiy, the two countries have enjoyed frequent high-level exchange, consolidated political mutual trust, supported each other on issues of core concerns and achieved fruitful outcomes in practical cooperation. China-Ethiopia Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership has kept growing in both depth and width, setting a shining example of China-Africa relations.

“I am pleased to see that China and Ethiopia have been fighting COVID-19 in solidarity. Through concrete actions, the two countries have given a vivid expression of the China-Africa community with a shared future. Ethiopia was the destination for the very first Chinese medical expert team to Africa.

China is the first country that has continued to donate vaccines to Ethiopia via bilateral intergovernmental channels. Up until now, China has donated and pledged to donate a total of 1.8 million doses. The BGI test kits plant in Ethiopia has been up and running. The Chinese company also unveiled its first fast-testing laboratory in Africa at the Bole International Airport.

Addressing the participants, former President Dr. Mulatu Teshome for his part said in the virtual meeting, “I witnessed China’s economic takeoff. China has grown to the second economy in the world and its population has witnessed tremendous improvement in their livelihood. China also comes a long way in achieving poverty reduction with flying colors, people-centered, forward, result-oriented and forward-looking leadership.

He stressed that it is China that helped build the first railway, expressway, and industrial park in many African countries including Ethiopia. It is China that has always been speaking out about Africa in international platforms with no condition attached. The relation between Ethiopia and China grew more on basis of mutual trust and understanding.

He further stressed that from the Ethio-Djibouti railway and remote sensing satellite, Ethiopia benefited from the longstanding relation it has pursued with China. China is Ethiopia’s largest and leading trading and investment partner for many years in a row.

He went on to say, “Chinese engagement in Ethiopia has not only empowered livelihood but also unveiled a new chapter of development and prosperity. The political commitment of the two countries’ leadership and the outgoing outlook of Chinese financial institutions and enterprises have catalyzed a win-win result in all sectors. Ethiopia and China’s partnership will continue to rise and shine like a star. Ethiopia views China as the most reliable friend and most cherished partner. Ethiopians never forget the positive impact that China brought to their lives.”



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