What should we do to exploit natural diversity and biological resources?

In terms of accelerating the overall development of our country, scholars’ role particularly the research they conducted has not been seen as ordinary. Thus, the studies that have been conducted this month are expected to have a significant impact on the overall development of the country.

One of these is a study presented by Addis Ababa University Professor Sileshi Nemomsa on September 14, 2021. Experts have also discussed in it. The research entitled “The state of the green ecosystem of Ethiopia: opportunities and challenges (Biodiversity, Wildlife, Protected Areas and Wetlands)”.

It focuses on Ethiopia’s green economic ecosystem and opportunities and challenges in terms of economic growth. It primarily talks about the current state of the country. Identifies opportunities and challenges in future implementation; shows trends of Ethiopian Biological Heritage; Biological resources, as well as Past and current state of biodiversity resources.

The study is presented in order to provide recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders based on scientific knowledge and findings. Noting that Ethiopia is a country with high levels of natural resources (wildlife, forests, forests, wetlands), it recommends the need for establishing various institutional arrangements in a reasonable way. It is imperative to recognize that we have different climates and landscapes and we need to do the same. According to Professor Sileshi and other researchers, Ethiopia has various geography, climatic zones, soil conditions and types, conducive for development. This study indicated the need for a strong institution to guide us in how to use these.

These include recommendations for modernization of these institutions. There are many problems with the conservation and use of natural diversity, and it is mentioned that we are not able to overcome them and get out of poverty. In this regard, it is explained that there are many opportunities that we did not take advantage of and resources that we never gave up. Professor Sileshi, who is well-versed in the field, especially in the afro-alpine area and has traveled extensively in various countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia), also presented recommendations. When described in a nutshell: Regarding biodiversity resources, the need to rehabilitate institutions in such a way that they can work. He said it is important to determine whether there is organized data for the reorganization of these institutions.

 It is important to check whether What should we do to exploit natural diversity and biological resources? biodiversity has been evaluated to date. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the reorganization of the institutions in the past (especially focusing on their causes)? What improvements can be made in the reconstruction process? It should be appropriate to re-examine the achievements and challenges of the restructuring and reorganization of institutions and to build on the results achieved; He further stressed the need to balance the use of biodiversity and economic growth.

According to Professor Sileshi Nemomsa, this natural resource that we are now seeing has evolved over millions of years. We need to take care of it now, without further ado. If we don’t take care of it, our biodiversity will be damaged; As a result, many things change and become useless. The study outlines the steps that need to be taken in the future. It also contains additional points for future discussion and consideration.

 Accordingly, five basic ideas on general natural resource management are presented: 1) Concerning the economic benefits of natural resources alone; 2) The first copy, which focuses on environmental protection; 3) Focuses only on the environment; 4) Natural resources (because they are limited resources) only for administration; And 5) Growth is in harmony with nature and not in isolation (keeping it balanced) He explained that they are the only sectors of the administration. So far, various institutions have been established and various initiatives have been taken.

However, things didn’t turn out that way. Therefore, reorganizing and reorganizing institutions is not a matter of time. According to Prof. Sileshi, this should be done by thinking about how to restructure and review the institutions. According to Professor Sileshi, there is a lack of awareness about natural resource management in our country.

Therefore, it is important to work hard to change this attitude. As the population grows rapidly, natural resources need to be conserved, developed, and used properly to provide adequate food. For all of this, information is needed and organized needs to be considered. According to Professor Sileshi Nemomsa, our economy is declining more than ever. For example, the forest was cleared in 1992, and Sasa was damaged in 2000 (citing the southern region as an example).

The same is true in Gojjam. In general, the forest cover began in 1985 and the Expansion of agriculture began in 1992; By 2000, the farmland was expanding and forests were being eroded. Not only that, but in the name of investment, the forest is being cleared. This is a task that must be stopped. The 10-year plan includes forest development. This is good. Professor Sileshi says that if it had been for King Jacob, he would not have reached this level today.

In particular, they said, it is important to expand forest development and benefit the economy by building a carbon-free economy. According to Sileshi, damage to biodiversity and biological resources can distort many things, from food security to biological resources. Or else it will result in abuse. This can have a devastating effect on humans and wildlife.

It distorts the economy. Thus, such as agriculture, firewood, climate change, focus on urban sprawl and the like. Respect for the rule of law and all environmental factors must be taken into account. He went on to say that when institutions change, reorganize, etc., it should be a reason and it should be considered and acted upon in a rational way, adding that there will be opportunities and challenges in their research. According to the accompanying research papers, there are 25 biodiversity sites in the world. Two are located in Ethiopia. However, we did not use them properly. We live by our natural resources. Therefore, realize that our natural resources are for our survival and development; It needs to be protected and nurtured and used for economic growth.

The Ethiopian herald September 21/2021

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