One cannot deny the multiple benefits of social media to the present world. Social media has eased life, and it also brought the world closer more than any time before, breaking the physical barriers among countries. With the digital platform, people buy and sell products, access information easily, discuss issues, learn and teach or simply chat and build relations with relatives or just somebody far away from them. These are all positive things that make people keep using the platforms despite having social, political and economic side effects.
Social media is also once hailed for fostering democratic ideas across the world. This was very much witnessed during the Arab spring. In fact, the platform is hailed as “a vehicles for providing a voice to the voiceless.’ Jamie Bartlett and et al article entitled ‘The new face of digital populism’ says that social media has been viewed as a way to overcome state controlled media and content especially in developing world. Despite this does seem convincing, other scholars like David Cook clearly put the imminent danger of social media as this: “social media platforms are also increasingly being used as a means of empowering disruptive voices, messages or ideologies.” The council of Europe also has similar views. The humanitarian organization expressed its concern over social media emphasizing “propaganda, misinformation and fake news have the potential to polarize public opinion, to promote violent extremism and hate speech and extremely reducing trust in democratic process.”
The online radicalization of some people by ISIS and other terrorist groups, political polarization in United States and other countries, spread of fake news, hate speech and populism reveal the danger of unregulated social media. The danger arises from users’ anonymity, lack of authenticity of information and censorship. Therefore, researchers indicate that it is imperative to figure out a way to maintain sensible dialogues that promote democratic principles. Ensuing this, there have been discussion among world leaders and several attempts have been made to provide solution to this problem. Some nations have proposed and approved their respective law aiming to combating fake news and curbing hate speech. Other nations introduced their own social media in a bid to monitor and control the circulation of fake news, propaganda and hate speech. And there are also nations that use both mechanisms as a way out from this dilemma.
As Ethiopia is not immune from the bad consequence of social media, it has also attempted to find ways of preventing this surging threat. In fact, Ethiopia has suffered a lot from the spread of fake news and relentless propaganda on social media. There have been various instances that government opted to close internet and some social media platforms for some time. Cognizant of this, Ethiopians have been discussing on ways to maintain the blessing of social media and on the other hand prevent fake news and propaganda disseminated through social media. Social media influencers have been forwarding their ideas on ways to manage the bad consequences of this media. Developers like Facebook, Twitter and others were also being pressed to expose and penalize users who are responsible for spread of fake news, propaganda and hate speech. In addition to these efforts, Ethiopia has also introduced fake news and hate speech law after approved by the House of Peoples’ Representatives. However, it isn’t sufficient given the proliferation of fake news, hate speech and propaganda waged against people, state, ethnicities, faith and other things previously considered sacred. So, it is now or never to deal with problem.
The other plausible method of fighting bad consequence of social media is to create one’s own social media platform that could be easily administered by local resources and expertise. This has so far been tested and proven successful by some countries like China. It seems the right time for Ethiopia to create own social media platform. There are now reports from different media sources that country is planning to create its own social media platforms. As the reports, Ethiopia has begun developing its own social media platform to rival Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp though it does not plan to block the global services. The reports quoted Ethiopia’s Director General of the Information Network Security Agency (INSA) Shumete Gizaw saying: “The rationale behind developing technology with local capacity is clear … Why do you think China is using WeChat?”
Therefore, the creation of social media platforms will have different benefits as in one hand shield people from fake news and propaganda and on the other hand it encourages local innovation. Information Network Security Agency (INSA) Director Shumete Gizaw said Ethiopia had the local expertise to develop the platforms and would not hire outsiders to help. He also told that authorities were working on the platform to replace Facebook and Twitter, while a trial has already been completed of a platform to replace WhatsApp and Zoom and that platform will soon be operational. The reports however didn’t disclose details such as a timeline, budget and other details of the project.
On top of curbing fake news and hate speech, it is also essential to be independent by creating and owning social media as global services like Facebook are not respecting their own terms and policies. The Director accused Facebook as it has deleted posts and user accounts who were “preaching national unity and peace” and “disseminating the true reality about Ethiopia”. Instead of controlling users that are circulating fake news, Facebook has been deleting users who obey the law. For example in June, days before Ethiopian national elections, Facebook said it had removed a network of fake accounts in Ethiopia targeting domestic users which it linked to individuals associated with INSA, which is responsible for monitoring telecommunications and the internet. Hence, it’s appropriate and timely to develop one’s own social media platform.
While doing this, the concern might be will this scheme suppress freedom of expression. The Ethiopian government has repeatedly shown its commitment for freedom of expression and democracy as it freed many journalists and prisoners of consciences. So, it would be logical to expect the government to respect its promises of democracy and freedom of expression while it carried out this plan. It is crystal clear that the surge of fake news and hate speech polarize people,
reduce trust and undermine our democracy which is at nascent stage. So it is timely to introduce local social media platform. On the other hand, government should also be extra careful in the creation and implementation of own social media so as to protect freedom of expression and promote democracy in the country.
The Ethiopian Herald August 31/2021