We know Ethiopia has long been an anchor state in the restive Horn of Africa. Ethiopia had been one of the founding members of the United Nation flagging justice and peace as well development to all.
In my view I had learnt that through the long magnificent history of Ethiopia, Ethiopians have been struggling to ensure peace and fair treatment before the law and ready to welcome anyone and let them enjoy life equal to the citizens.
In the old days our forefathers had welcomed messengers of Prophet Mohammad and let them enjoy life peacefully as well as preach their religion is one example we could tell.
TPLF had done all it could to breach all the social fabrics, threads and values that helped the people of the country to stay in strong bond.
We know that when the terrorist TPLF has been ruling through undemocratic and brutal fashion for three decades, it has controlled all economic and political power.
The Party also deliberately orchestrated the establishment of weak institutions that are rubberstamp to run its ill intentions.
The Horn of Africa region stands second next to Strait of Malacca as World’s Most Dangerous Place for Ships. In the past year, pirates have attacked more than 35 vessels off the coast of Somalia, in the Horn of Africa, making the region second only to the Strait of Malacca in Asia as the world’s most dangerous place for ships.
There are ranges efforts to protect the region to make it safe route and ensure peace and security. In all these efforts Ethiopia plays a central role. In my view undermining the loyal ally in this testing time is betrayal and a deliberate action to harm the people. It is time to switch to the trace what Ethiopia had done to the region and beyond.
Ethiopia has been championing for peace starting from decades back and striving through practical engagements in peacekeeping around the world. Ethiopians are peace loving people as well as brave to safeguard the national territory and address matters in just and legal approaches.
Ethiopia requests the international communities to refrain from interfering in its internal affairs. U.S also should revise it position and come to the same line of action in alliance for better and shared future.
In contemporary world politics regional security complex plays an important role in sponsoring Peace and stability. Conflict and instability trends in the Horn of Africa region continue to make it one of the most unstable regions in the world. Significant portions of the Horn of Africa have not been able to break free of the lethal cocktail of armed conflicts, violent crime, extremism, communal violence, political instability, and state failure that has plagued the region for decades. Armed conflict and instability in most parts of the Horn of Africa today are concentrated near border areas, posing a major risk of spillover and featuring powerful cross border drivers, interests and actors. Ethiopia is a key ally of the Western world, especially the U.S., which considers it as an important regional security partner in the global war on terror, and recently as negotiators in conflict resolution stages in most Horn of African states.
In my view, undoubtedly, Ethiopia plays a key role in the security complex of the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia, which is located at a geographically strategic place, and the most populous country in the region, enjoys relative power among the countries in this region.
Regardless of the external and internal problems, Ethiopia’s position is growing from time to time, just as its economic and political potential developed. In the region itself, no country doubts Ethiopia’s leading role and competes for hegemony in the Horn of Africa, which is because of the magnitude of Ethiopian economy and its rich history.
The U.S should acknowledge what Ethiopia had been doing in all fronts to ensure peace and security despite various hurdles.
The U.S should be clear on it foreign policy towards Ethiopia. Ethiopia has no patience for double standards, because TPLF is trying to undermine Ethiopia’s unity. At this juncture siding with TPLF is letting this nation to be like Yugoslavia.
Finally, the issue of humanitarian aid and opening Western corridor should be well weighed in more broader and full picture.
Many are watching its delicate transition to a potentially more open era with considerable expectation. Ethiopian leaders and their foreign allies should redouble efforts to prevent a breakdown and to shepherd the country to a better future.
Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald
The Ethiopian Herald August 4/2021