Schools devoting summer break to green legacy

Sene 30, which falls on 6 July every year, marks the last day of the academic year and ushers in the summer break. It is special day for students who have passed through formal education in Ethiopia. However, the day has both sweet and sour memory but many students remember the day with its negativity. Because in this day along with school closure, students plan to take revenge if there is a student who has offended them during the academic year.

Youth Yonas Girma told local media that Sene 30 is a very important day for a student. Consequently, as a student I have both sweet and sorrow memory. Besides, in this day we depart from our friends or classmates since the school is closed. Hence, Sene 30 is day that is expected by all students regardless of our academic performance. Asfaw Deble added that Sene 30 is impressive day. When every time I think of Sene 30 what comes to my mind among other things is, missing my friends.

But in addition to the pain students feel from the departure for two months, some schoolmates also tend to fight each other in retaliation to any mishap during the academic year. Ethiopian Ministry of Education, Minister Engineer Getahun Mekuria (Ph.D) said basically, Sene 30 is not only the day that students received their grade report but it is also a day that students take avenge with the one that offended them. They may also stone each other’s. Nevertheless, this year Sene 30 has changed into positive energy where students contribute to their planet earth. So, no more fight, but putting green legacy only.

Ethiopian Ministry of Education State Minister Million Mathios said that the Ministry with others stakeholders have been working to change the wicked memories of Sene 30 into positive one. Hence, this year students are planting tree seedlings for the day. This is a good starting to us which will continue hereafter.

Geeta Verma in her published article on October 4, 2019 entitle “the importance of a positive Environment” stated that a positive nurturing environment is an indispensable part of learning. It is in a positive environment that a student feels comfortable; a place where healthy relationships with peers and teachers flourish. In a positive environment, the process of learning becomes something that students easily adapt to and look forward to. To achieve this environment, young students need to be nurtured with love, care and support. As we all know, today, learning in a school involves more than just being exposed to information and set content. Research has established that children absorb all that they observe around them and that they learn best when they feel comfortable enough to explore their environment. In a positive and nurturing environment, students show their authentic curious self and paint the world with their unique and individual brush strokes.

A research made by Department of Conservation in New Zealand as National Education Strategy 2010-2030 with the theme of “The benefits of a childhood connection with nature” indicated the positive links between direct experiences in nature and children’s mental, emotional and physical health and well-being. The studies indicate that regular direct access to nature can: increase self-esteem and resilience against stress and adversity, improve concentration, learning, creativity, cognitive development, cooperation, flexibility and self-awareness and prevent childhood obesity.

Research has also shown that through positive experiences in nature, children will develop their love of nature and a foundation for the development of responsible environmental behavior. Studies of adults who demonstrate a commitment to protect the natural world suggest that childhood experience with nature plays a critical role in determining life attitudes, knowledge or behaviors regarding the environment.

Taking this fact in to considerations. Engineer Getahun Mekuria (Ph.D.) said that there are more than 27 million students and over 700 thousand teachers. Accordingly, the Ministry has determined vigorously to participate in green legacy activities of the nation with the school communities especially, students. The school communities are planting more than 300 million tree seedlings in this year. Therefore, the potential that the school communities have would help to achieve not only green legacy activities but also any other national strategy.

Amhara Regional State Education Bureau Head Yebekal Kefale in his part told that there have been several efforts to make schools comfortable and attractive to students. This year the efforts continue using green legacy programs. When students come to school to take grade report on Sene 30, they will also plant tree seedlings. This is very important activity which it would help to alter the negative telling of Sene 30 into good one.

State Minister for Teacher and Curriculum Development, Geremew Huluka (Ph.D) said the green legacy work of this year does not stop only on Sene 30 but it continues throughout July and August. Because the education sector has huge potential not only planting tree seedlings but also conserving and carrying the planted tree seedlings.

Million noted that there are more than 47 thousand schools across the nation and the Ministry of Education has been working to change the wrong understanding of Sene 30. Because students take part in planting tree seedlings activities in this day. This is very helpful to give insight about environmental protection work. Additionally, it would help to teach the coming generation about significance of environmental protection work.

Addis Ababa City Administration Deputy Mayor Adanech Abebe in her part explained that Sene 30 is a day that students take initiation to bring back the lost plants by planting indigenous tree seedlings. Hence, the students are making their future country attractive and comfortable. Education Bureau Head with the City Administration Zelalem Mulatu noted that there are more than 25 000 students and about 5 000 teachers in Addis Ababa. They have planted about 100 000 tree seedlings just in a day. This is a very imperative activity not only to change the narrative of Sene 30 but also to do meaningful job for the coming generation.

In fact, the government and the school initiation to change the summer break into positive energy deserves appreciation since constructive energy is important to nation building and protecting the environment hazard.


The Ethiopian herald August 1/2021

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