Party urges int’l community break silence to TPLF atrocities


ADDIS ABABA – The international community should break its silence to TPLF’s atrocities against the people of Tigray and react to rescue the latter from dire humanitarian situations, the Tigray Democratic Party has made the call.

Party Political Affairs Head Hagos Giday told local media that the situation in Tigray has been worsening following the terrorist enterprise’s blockage of aid convoys destined to the State in a clear violation of the unilateral ceasefire the federal government has declared on humanitarian grounds.

Apart from the humanitarian assistance  in transit to Tigray has been blocked from reaching those in need of help by TPLF, the criminal faction has also committed scores of killings of Tigrayans whom it accused of being loyal to the federal government. “Due to the international community’s silence to the clique’s cold-blooded actions, the people of Tigray have been faced with chronic food shortage and enormous sufferings.”

Highlighting TPLF’s warmongering character exposed the people of Tigray to various socio-economic challenges, Hagos said that global actors should pressure the group to allow the delivery of humanitarian food aid before the stockpile ran out.

“The people of Tigray have no choice than fighting those fugitives of justice as they have only distributed the food aid to TPLF members and associates.”

Noting his party members recently forced to flee to Afar by TPLF dissidents, the head indicated that they witnessed the clique’s militias and irregular army raided the food aid warehouses leaving the vast majority of people to severe hunger.

“I wonder how long the international community has remained partisan to those criminals. Surprisingly, the international media that outcry about the federal government’s law enforcement operation in Tigray has not uttered a single word for TPLF’s total blockage of humanitarian food delivery.”

The Ethiopian Herald July 31/2021

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