From self-proclaimed custodian of diversity to enemy of the peoples


Before downgraded to guerrilla fighter and becoming nothing but fugitives, the terrorist TPLF had been turning the lives of Ethiopia into living hell on its watch. The terrorist clique had been unremittingly violating human rights on a national scale. Their rule was ascertained by corruption and self-enrichment.

While enriching unfairly its kleptocrats and henchmen, life was a bitter pill to swallow and a hard nut to crack for Ethiopians on the grounds that they were under the yoke of oppression and the tyrant’s rule.

Contrary to its original form, the criminal group has been proclaiming itself as the guardian of the constitution and nations, nationalities of the country. In reality however, the terrorist group has been until this day anti diversity and constitution. Suffice it to mention its current belligerent acts against the people of Afar and Amhara.

Sowing the seeds of hatred and discord among Ethiopians has long been embodied in the DNA of the criminal group. Division than diversity what truly define the terrorist group. The term unity was not on the dictionary of the group. Even worse, talking about the harmony of the people was entirely forbidden and considered taboo.

To Ethiopians’ dismay, the terrorist group was bringing into play a number of strategies with a view to taking control of every regions of the country. Regrettably, as they were the backseat drivers, the regional governments had no right to do whatever they wanted in their respective regions in view of the fact that the terrorist Junta had drawn a red line between the ruling party and the affiliated ones all over the country.

Above and beyond, the terrorist group was persistently breaching the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia under the pretext of different lame reasons.

As if its old crimes are not enough, the terrorist group ended up attacking the Northern Command of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces positioned in the Tigray region for more than two decades targeting at taking possession of the military equipment and doing away with the federal government by force from power.

 Be that as it may, in retaliation for the attack, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces embarked on undertaking law enforcement operations in the left, right and center of the Tigray region in furtherance of restoring order, bringing fugitives to justice and things of that sort.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, a legal expert Amdegebriel Admasu said that the educated and uneducated people residing all over the country know like the palm of their hand the fact that the terrorist TPLF group is not the guardian of the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ of Ethiopia.

“The terrorist TPLF Junta officials pushed beyond their limits to put divide and rule strategies into effect and weaken the power of the people of Amhara and Oromo. Furthermore, they left no stone unturned to drive out certain groups from the market and take control of the country’s economy,” he opined.

“As the matter stands, the terrorist group is not the guardians of the various Nations, Nationalities, and peoples of Ethiopia. They every so often struggle to make their dream become a reality. Back in the day, “Above and beyond, the terrorist TPLF has been spreading the poison of hatred amid the various Nation’s Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia to weaken them.

It is important to highlight that the terrorist TPLF came up with the idea of establishing Special Forces for the various regions of the country, which entirely deviates from the federalism system. On the basis thereof, the different regions of the country kept on organizing their own special forces,” he wrapped up.

“The secret of the victory of Adwa is the unity of the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ of Ethiopia residing under the umbrella of Ethiopia, we need to keep the kind of this blessing.”

Apart from the various unique features, patriotism is the other one Ethiopians are known for centuries worldwide. On top of that, whenever the country encounters certain predicaments all and sundry stand against their opponents without reference to age, gender, ethnic background, political point of view, and other related aspects.

Dr. Tilahun Erduno, a commentator on current affairs said, “As the terrorist TPLF group pulled out all the stops to dismantle the constitution which it said had been protecting. The clique also tried futilely to sow discord among the people of Ethiopia.

 “Honestly speaking, the terrorist TPLF officials were not the guardian of the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ of Ethiopia. Instead of bringing the people of Ethiopia together, they were effectuating divide and rule strategies.”

As a matter of fact, the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia was formulated by the terrorist group with the intention of staying in power for long. The constitution does not meet a wee drop of the expectation of the population as a whole. They do need constitutional amendments.

“To everyone’s surprise, the terrorist TPLF Junta was not abode by the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Unpredictably, they are known for setting rules and breaching the Constitution. As they are dreaming of ruling the county until the end of time, they ended up rejecting the peace proposal,” Dr. Tilahun added.

He kept on saying, “The ongoing violence which the terrorist TPLF group launched intends to destabilize the various Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ of Ethiopia and putting their hidden agenda into practice at the earliest possible time.”

He stressed that as the terrorist group claims the war is not between the people of Tigray and the people of Amhara. As the Junta is known for perplexing the international community utilizing fabricated stories, nobody would lend an ear.

It is a crystal clear fact. The war is between the terrorist Junta and the people of Ethiopia. This is the real truth about the war.

He further stressed that over the past forty-seven years, the terrorist TPLF officials had been putting pressure on the people of Tigray and moving heaven and earth to sow the seeds of abhorrence. However, all their efforts went for nothing almost immediately.”

According to my way of thinking, in the present climate, the people of Ethiopia should cement their unity in order to defend their motherland from the terrorist Junta struggling to destabilize the country again and again. Ethiopians should keep a watchful eye on them. The government of Ethiopia should get itself ready for the potential predicament that can take place in various parts of the country. I would venture to say, preempt measures should be taken before it is too late.”

The Ethiopian Herald July 30/2021

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