The semblance of bladder with national issues


 Bladder is a bag of skin in which waste liquid collects in human and animal bodies. It is a complex store house for the liquid which the body has no use for and it disposes it through the exhaust pipe designed for this very purpose.

This organ can tolerate the waste liquid for the time being. But if the time is too long, it will forcefully eject it through the exhaust pipe. The reject causes damage to the bladder itself and the body at large. It is, after all, a disposable item for the body has no use for it.

The an organ, bladder has a prominent place in body function. The liquid goes into the body in the form water, tea and other drinks after having gone through the process of digestion and is set aside to be removed as urine. The waste liquid is first collected in the bladder waiting for the ejection which should take place as soon as possible; otherwise it causes severe pain to the person.

As a matter of fact, the longer the reject or the urine stays in the bladder, the worse the situation becomes as disease can develop for the simple reason that the waste is not removed in time.

So is the situation in the society or a country at large. The country can be the semblance of bladder. A country for that matter is a land occupied by a nation; it is also place of a person’s birth. Apparently, a country is where the citizens as a whole equally claim it as their natural right to live in it.

Each person within the territory is the rightful claimant of such a precious gift of God. What one demands is recognition of the fact that one is a legitimate owner or has the right to claim which in this case is a country. This is utterly an undeniable fact that cannot be refuted; the citizen deserves it; he is entitled to live in the country he was born and grew up without seeking the approval of anybody.

He demands that he should be treated well accordingly. Under normal circumstance, there should not be any power that denies a person such a legitimate right. It is not something that one has to labor or beg for. On the other hand, the claimant cannot disclaim his nationality or one does not have connection with the place of his origin at all; otherwise, the person will be banished or sent away out of the country as punishment.

The issue can even be taken for granted as treason- the treacherous act of betraying one’s country. As the bladder ejects the unwanted liquid out of itself, so does a country to the misfit inhabitants of the country before he or she causes damage to the wellbeing of the society. After all, in such circumstance, he or she is not well suited to his social environment. One crucial point is that before taking the drastic measure of evicting such harmful and defiling elements of the society, all corrective measure must be sought to redeem the situation at least for fairness sake.

 Democratic Justice, not tyrannical one, must be mated out for the advantage of the offender to repent or regret for failing to conform to the precept of the law as he or she should. Justice is based on laws relative to the mutual interaction which is known as the law of the nation. As a member of the society, the law must be properly supported. The citizens ought to, in times of peace, do one another all the good they can, and in time of war as little injury as possible, without prejudicing others’ interest. Putting one’s interest first in the face of common one becomes the most heinous crime ever committed.

Such violation that is beyond the limits of tolerance entails grave consequences to the offender. Capitalizing on treason, the current burning issue in our country claims total cooperation of the citizens to ward off the lurking wish of foreign invaders and maintain the peace and security and the sovereignty of the country as well. As a matter of fact, a country should be fully self-governing and independent in foreign affairs. Treason breaches the solidity of the nation and leaves it open to foreign attack.

This gets worse if a certain group initially organized itself in the name of the people, after holding the scepter of power, swerves to an opposite lane against the interest of the people it professes to defend. It mercilessly oppresses, suppresses and impoverishes the people, who are no better than downtrodden servants to it, for as long as it remains in.

The longer this junta perches upon the heads of the people, the more it flexes its political and economic muscles to dehumanize its subjects.

Every move it makes is the sheer indication that it is bent on only furthering its own interest while trampling that of the country‘s no matter what. Nevertheless, no matter how it appears to be an indomitable force, it is only a matter of time to sack its property and deflate its military power.

The bladder suffers from excruciating pain as long as the unwanted liquid remains in it; moreover, the pain develops into diseases that can adversely affect the body as a whole.

The tragedy of it is that when the situation reaches this point of no return, the members of body fall apart and tragically life comes to an end. In case of a country, the wise approach to tackle the situation is in the hands of the citizens. With their joint efforts, without any distinction, the society-consuming root should be uprooted and cast away once and for all.

Of course, this is not easy as it sounds; the old maxim it’s easier said than done holds water. As a matter of fact, the dissention that suddenly springs out of the people in most cases is the main bottleneck in the venture. Under normal circumstance, people have different opinions, about an idea or a belief, from the mainstream.

They refuse to assent to the majority’s decision and in the process, as offshoots. They form their own wing of struggle in which case the power of the people gets weakened. At this moment of crisis, when everything seems led astray and anarchy is about to take over, as Kennedy, the late president of the United States, once put it, the united we stand, the divided we fall sounds the only solution to such national crisis . Falling apart is the analogy of the absence of government or any form of control where thugs take advantage of enhancing their violent crimes to destabilize the government and keep on harassing people as they wish.

In this case they employ all vicious methods in their power to come back to power in the process. The concerted efforts of all the citizens is the most viable option and the only one that can push aside minor differences which can be handled with calm and serious thoughts.

After the victory which will be achieved shortly it is easy to put things on track. Given the proper medical attention in which the restoration of the law is in place to cure such political ailment, peace and security of the country as a whole can surely be ascertained. Therefore, the curiosity and the inquisitive mind of the citizens must focus on the current development of the country and be at standby for the dire national call. God help us all!

The Ethiopian Herald July 24/2021

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