Western soft war on Ethiopia and their double standard on human rights


 Over the last nine months western powers headed by the USA and EU along with their commercial media companies were accusing the Ethiopian armed forces of committing human rights violations in Tigray. Today when the TPLF is mobilizing mothers and their children empty handed to the battle front, the western powers refuse to acknowledge and condemn the gross violations of human rights that TPLF has committed in the entire Tigray, Mai-Kadra, Humera and recently in Afar and various zones in Tigray.

The silence on the part of the western powers is the most uncommon political position taken by these countries who claim to be the epicenters of democracy. While a war crime is committed in Tigray against children, UN organizations like UNICEF, WHO, UNESCO, ICC, UNHRC and UNHCR are committing a gross miscarriage of justice as if the life of children in Tigray does not matter.

TPLF has been transporting the remains of child soldiers and women who died in Afar region in their forced battle against Afar Special Forces to prepare a mass grave yard and blame Ethiopian armed forces for crimes against humanity. Both the western governments and their commercial media outlets are already aware of this but say very little on the issue not to disappoint TPLF.

It seems that democracy is meant only for Europe and North America because the governments in these countries are dead silent when TPLF disrupts normal transportation of food to the needy in Tigray. The western media were lamenting about famine in Tigray affecting more than 300,000 populations in Tigray and when TPLF prevents its kith and kin again they keep silent in a seemingly supportive stance of citizens in Tigray going hungry.

This is clear and evidence based information that the EU and USA have chosen to ignore the entire situation. The UNHRC is dead silent because their news and analysis is based on falsehood that TPLF feeds them each day.

In this sense, TPLF is far more important to the EU and the USA than ordinary poor citizens in Tigray. This indicates that the lofty ideals of democracy and human rights is drifting away in quicksand. National interest is taking over the quest for democracy in Europe and Northern America.

The current stance of the western powers indicate that they are already out to destroy the democratic system in Ethiopia and replace by pro-western political order in which democracy will be totally crushed in Ethiopia once and for all.

When the Bidden Administration took power in the USA, Ethiopians here and in the Diaspora were delighted expecting that the US will support the nascent democracy in the country but multiple sets of sanctions were declared on this country which was partnering with the US for over 100 years. This is not only abrogating the century old friendly diplomatic relations but is indeed an unprecedented betrayal of the peoples and government of Ethiopia.

Despite all these years of diplomatic relations the western government in serious lack of understanding of the social psychology of the people of Ethiopia and their quest for democratic nationalism.

The western countries wish to see quick and ethnically divided Ethiopia as long as their interests are served. They are planning to control the Horn of Africa and the entire Red Sea trade route and chock Ethiopia disconnecting the country from the rest of the world. They already possess a hidden conspiracy that they will surface up in a matter of time.

They are talking about negotiations and dialogue when they are actually aware of the fact that TPLF has declared that it would continue with the war and work towards destroying Ethiopia even if it would take going to hell.

Any politician with a proper state of mind would as a fundamental question, why is the west providing propaganda and diplomatic support to a terrorist organization that is busy misinforming the international community?

The western countries are already alarmed by the socio-economic and political partnership that the PRC and Russia are enjoying in Africa and they seek to reverse this by establishing puppet regimes across the continent. They would readily support any opposition political organization in Africa as long as they think it would give them some level of diplomatic victory.

Western governments took sides and ignited the war in Yemen that has continued unabated. The US pulled out of Afghanistan plunging the country into the most chaotic situation by creating a favorable political atmosphere for Taliban forces. They pulled forces from Somalia leaving behind a shaky government that id getting ready to conduct a democratic election. The same scenario is also visible in Iraq where religious and political differences prevail putting the country under an unprecedented political quagmire.

In the US itself, the Bidden Administration is in a state of limbo on how to deal with the Iranian and North Koreas nuclear talks that were aborted during the Trump Administration. The tug of war between the Democrats and the Republicans both in Congress and the Senate has become the talks of the days among the US public.

When the online propaganda from TPLF has now proved to be flimsy, western politicians are facing difficulty attempting to base their arguments provided to them by the TPLF. That is why they are finding it very difficult to believe the daylight truth of the agony that innocent children in Tigray are facing.

Refugees in Tigray are being subjected to the most inhuman and fascistic treatment by TPLF cadres but it seems that the UNHCR is not concerned about it and did not even care to get a verified information from concerned national agencies in Ethiopia.

What is the gist of all this silence and indifference? Condemning TPLF for its utter violations of human rights does not necessarily mean that these organizations are providing support to the government of Ethiopia. Humanity is the major factor and TPLF is already engaged not only in violation of human rights but is committing a war crime punishable by the ICC.

The EU and the US are well aware of the entire situation in Tigray. They are not short of information but the truth will be revealed in the shortest possible time and the people of Ethiopia will remain united.

 Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald

The Ethiopian Herald July 24/2021

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