As the defense force of Ethiopia is confidently safeguarding Ethiopia’s territory, if it is equally capitalizing on rescuing the earth from untold dangers as they are protecting its space, sea, air, land, and cyber networks as properly as possible. Yes, the military was primarily set up to serve the people, defend the nation from internal and external aggressions or threats, preserve territorial integrity, and protect vital national interests and so on. Moreover, the military has many missions. To mention but a few: rescue operations, provide medical assistance in impoverished areas, food and humanitarian relief, security at embassies and other locations, policing in volatile areas, natural disaster relief, law enforcement, piracy and drug interdiction. Hence, the military is the nation’s largest group of national and international ambassadors. Thus there is a great deal of responsibility and respect to show.
Since April, 2,2018, Ethiopia has been undergoing different reform process. The military sector is one of the areas which have been passing through diverse reforms. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed during a meeting with Ethiopian Defense Forces officials on June 11, 2018 said that the reform is very important to ensure Ethiopia’s peace, stability and development.
As the case of principle of military missions in many countries, Ethiopia’s military has unique characters which could be observed since it is inception. The army, beyond warfare, has been participating in different social and voluntary works of the country. They also partake in helping the needy and the farmers along with its main national duties. This year the security forces of the country are also participating in green legacy of the nation.
Deputy Commissioner General of the Ethiopian Federal Police Crime Prevention Sector General Melaku Fenta told local media that the security forces besides safeguarding the peace and stability of the country are also discharging their social responsibility. Hence, this year they are planting tree seedlings which benefit not only the current generation but also those in the years to come.
Head of the FDRE Defense Forces Defense Union Training Department Lt. Gen. Hassan Ibrahim added that planting tree seedlings for the army is not luxury rather it is necessary since the military is controlling and protecting each and every piece of land of the land the country. Hence, planting tree seedlings would help smooth the work of soldiers during its mission.
He added that it is a known that the security forces have been marching across the nation to ensure the peace and stability of the people. Along with their movement they have been discharging their social responsibility. Accordingly, they are actively participating in green legacy.
In the field of environmental protections, scholars agree with the soldier’s contribution in fighting climate change can motivates others which brings high results. József Padányi and László Földi in their academic article entitle “Environmental Responsibilities of the Military – Soldiers Have to Be “Greener Berets” stated that during armed conflicts, protection of the environment is not a key issue. Masses of soldiers, vehicles and equipment marching on lands and seas can harm local wildlife. Large scale fires, explosions, oil spills, other chemical contaminations in the environment can cause catastrophic consequences for the animals and for whole ecosystems. Hence, the connection between the military and the climate change is a complex issue. On one hand, military, as one of the biggest environmental polluters, is partly responsible for the whole global process.
David E. Mosher, Beth Lachman, et al in their publication in entitle of “Green Warriors: Army Environmental Considerations for Contingency Operations from Planning Through Post-Conflict” stated also soldiers are the one that are affected by climate change. Because they include (but are not limited to) environmental conditions affecting soldier health; clean water, sewage, and other environmentally related infrastructures; compliance with environmental laws; pollution prevention and environmental management; protection of historical and cultural sites; sustainability; and management of agricultural and natural resources.
Furthermore, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been working to curve and mitigate the catastrophic consequences of the military activities on climate change. More specifically, NATO in its publication called “Environment – NATO’s stake” elucidated that “security challenges emanating from the environment. This includes extreme weather conditions, depletion of natural resources, and pollution – factors that can ultimately lead to humanitarian disasters, regional tensions and violence.
Ethiopia is also realizing this facts to offer the opportunity for everyone to plant tree seedling. The security forces of the nation along with their national duties received the offer and start fighting climate change through planting tree seedlings. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that Ethiopia’s desire to withstand the effects of climate change will be realized by its children. He expressed hope that Ethiopia’s desire to withstand the effects of climate change and ensure food security will be realized by its children.
Defense Indoctrination Representative Brigadier General Asfaw Mamca on his part noted that currently, the army is on special national duty in law enforcement operation on Tigray, nonetheless, the army is also fighting climate change through planting tree seedlings as the same times. The law enforcement operation is important to safeguard the country’s territorial integrity while planting tree seedling is significant to keep the balance of nature as the next generation who will take over the country with its future have to have green nation and make it peaceful, developed and environmentally preserved and suitable for living.
The Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner FiKiru Woldu on his part noted that each and every activities of the country touches the work of the nation security forces. Hence, the activity of planting tree seedlings is the concern of the army as they have been discharging their duty across the nation properly.
Head of the Federal Policy Crime Prevention Sector Chief Sergeant Commander, Yelikal Tebabl on his part said that since the security force control and protect the nation from any aggression, prevailing peace and stability is the responsibility the security forces. Planting tree seedlings is also important the nation as a whole and the army in particular since the forces supervise the land, the space, the sea, the cyber and so on.
Informing local media, Deputy Chief of Staff, Aleqa Brhanu said, “Nation means Mother, mother is also love, so I love my country as I love my mam. So, our love for our country is not a nightmare because we die for our country during rainy season while we protect its environment, the air and so on during peaceful time. So, we are planting trees seedling to hit our nation.”
Addis Ababa City Administration General Manager Tiratu Beyene added that the Ethiopian army is different from others. APart from its major duties, Ethiopian security forces are known for their works such as helping the farmers, harvesting crops, building schools for the community, building health facilities and sharing what they have to the people where they live. Furthermore, they are also planting tree seedlings to put their green legacy.
The Ethiopian Herald 23 July 2021