UN resolution: Continued, smear campaign against Ethiopia

Following the attack on Ethiopian National Defense Forces by the terrorist TPLF junta officials, the former has been getting itself fully engaged in the law enforcement operation to bring criminals to justice. Amidst the operation, there have been claims of overblown human right violations in the state. Despite the exaggerated reports and tsunami of misinformation, the government of Ethiopia has been affirming its commitment to investigate those who participate in violating the rights of civilians with number of personnel now attending their case in courts.

Besides, the separate investigations being carried out by Attorney General and other bodies, Ethiopia has been fully engaging with international right organizations to conduct an independent investigation on the alleged human right violations.

Previously, the Ethiopian human rights commission investigated claims regarding human rights violations in the Tigray State and came up with tangible reports.

The government of Ethiopia reached into conclusion with the human rights commission for deploying a joint investigation team drawn from the Human Rights Commission to investigate human rights violations that purportedly took place in the course of the law enforcement operation in Tigray.

Similarly, the team has been actively scrutinizing its inquiry and anticipated to conclude the whole lot in the coming month. A wide spectrum of bodies such as prosecutors, federal investigators have been partaking in the inquiry to smoothen the progress of the investigation and came up with credible reports.

While this has been a step forward to bring perpetrators before the court at the earliest possible time, the international community is taking measures that could undo measure progress.

Be that as it may, on numerous occasions the international community have either been deceived or internationally been engaged in smear campaigns and distorting the ongoing reality in the Tigray State on the pretext of human rights violations.

It is amidst this that the UN came up with another premature and unjustified resolution that can only escalate the situation.

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on Tuesday calling for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Tigray in Ethiopia and expressed deep concern about abuses in the region since the conflict began eight months ago.

“This resolution is a show of disdain for the ongoing joint inquiry with the intent of influencing its conclusion,” said Ambassador Mahlet Hailu Guadey, referring to the joint investigation by the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and the United Nations on alleged rights violations announced in March.

In response to the UN’s biased resolution, which many see as an open and continued pressure against Ethiopia by the international community, Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia expresses its disappointment at the resolution by the European Union on the situation of human rights in Tigray adopted at the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

It is to be recalled that the Ethiopian Government has agreed to the deployment of the joint investigation team composed of the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to inquire into human rights violations allegedly committed during the crisis in Tigray. The joint team has commenced its investigation in May this year and is expected to finalize its work in August 2021.

In addition, investigations are being expanded in scope by coordinating the efforts of the military justice system, regional law enforcement authorities and federal investigators and prosecutors, the statement added.

The statement further noted that since the proposal was put forth by the European Union at the 47th Session of the Human Rights Council, the Government of Ethiopia has been appealing for the withdrawal of the resolution on the premise that first, it is premature, and second, it interferes with and undermines the integrity of the ongoing joint investigations. “It has made its case clear before the Council, pleaded for the investigation to run its course and called on the august body to provide the necessary time and space for the investigations to be completed.’’

All its efforts, however, were to no avail and, in its view; there is no moral nor legal ground to justify the untimely adoption of a politically motivated resolution, the statement added saying the constructive engagement, rather than a hasty decision by the Council, would have contributed to expeditiously bring the ongoing efforts to a successful conclusion. For these reasons, Ethiopia rejects this resolution.

Let it be known that those who were involved in committing crimes will be brought to justice and punished to the full extent of the law.

“The Government of Ethiopia once again reiterates its commitment to fulfill its national and international human rights obligations.”

In his yesterday’s social media post regarding the violent activities of TPLF terrorist group and the unfair pressure of external forces, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said, “Having forgotten voicing their concern about humanitarian aid and hunger; the international community ended up turning a deaf ear when the terrorist TPLF junta deployed children to fight in a war and turned a humanitarian corridor into a conflict zone, but they endeavor to blame the government. Taking the abovementioned issues into consideration, the government would appropriately take an appropriate measure”.

Commenting on the ongoing intervention of external bodies and the untimely adoption of the resolution, PhD candidate Bamlak Yideg, a political scientist at the University of Gondar unjustified intervention of the European Union to pressure Ethiopia is mounting due to various reasons. As a matter of fact, the motives of the pressure are as clear as crystal. Some forces and their accomplices are doing everything they can to twist Ethiopia’s arm to impose their hidden interests on Ethiopia.

Whenever something takes place, they embark on putting pressure on the country. This is not a new thing. They have a lot of hidden motives and agendas, he added.

“What surprises me most is the international community would like to put pressure and carry out a kneejerk act against Ethiopia right away. But when the TPLF junta committed different crimes, they do not utter a word against them.’’

By the same token, when the TPLF junta officials deployed children to fight in a war, they do not say anything against this evil act. They would like to put pressure on the government, he added: “At this moment in time, as we are under the pressure of foreign powers, we should stand together to resolve the problem.”

The government of Ethiopia has indeed tried its level best to ensure peace and stability in Tigray State by even ceasing fire unilaterally. However, TPLF group has been trying to instigate conflict in the state and the country taking the good will of the government as weakness. Unfortunately, the international community is condoning this evil act in contrast to what they do against the federal government. In this regard, all and sundry should stand together more than ever before.


The Ethiopian  Herald 15 July 2021

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