Office encouraging innovation

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian Intellectual Property Office (EIPO) said that it has been encouraging private investments in the economy through setting up effective systems that provide legal protection (patent rights) for original innovations.

Biruk Workneh Communication and Public Relations Acting Director at EIPO told The Ethiopian Herald that the government is dedicated to creating linkage between innovators and investors. Indicating that the office has been giving intellectual property rights for innovative works of companies and individuals, he said, the property rights will also incorporate legal protection from theft.

Intellectual Property Right (IPRs) gives the exclusive right to make; use or otherwise exploit the patented invention and prevents a third party not to exploit the patented invention without securing the patentee’s permission, he added.

“If there are no appropriate protections for an intellectual property in a given society, innovation by itself is good-for-nothing. That is why the government is performing various activities including raising society’s awareness towards intellectual property right.” Investors and innovators should find their way to engage in activities right after having certification and registration license, he pointed out.

In order to transform innovative works in the growing economy, the Office is applying utility model certificate and registration of minor inventions and industrial designs to enable them to work with businesspersons and others, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald, March 21/2019


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