Humanitarian ceasefire on the heels of military success


On November 4, 2020, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) terrorist group carried out attacks on Ethiopian National Defense Force based in Tigray State. Following the attack by the terrorist group, the federal government launched law enforcement operations. The operations, which were completed successfully made the TPLF terrorist group fled, only to become insurgents attacking civilians and officials from interim administration and anyone it supports.

On Monday, Interim Administration of Tigray State has called up on the federal government to enact unilateral ceasefire. The ceasefire came after continuous consultations had been conducted with representatives of the communities in the region, regional and zonal officials and scholars of the region and investors and others.

Consequently, the federal government announced its enactment of unilateral humanitarian ceasefire following Tigray State’s request. The ceasefire is aimed at facilitating enabling environment for the state’s agricultural activities and ongoing humanitarian provisions.

Accordingly, the federal government accepts the call and enacted the unilateral ceasefire understanding the situation in the region and considering the people of Tigray, especially those in the rural areas, have suffered greatly, battling desert locust, the COVID-19 pandemics, the displacement and interruption of farming activities due to the criminal clique’s instigation of violent conflict that have left many in the region exposed to untold suffering.

In a statement, Office of the Prime Minister following its enactment of the unilateral ceasefire indicated that all federal and regional civil and military entities are instructed to respect and enforce the ceasefire based on the details they obtain from the government. The government would be forced to ensure the rule of law if there are attempts to subvert this provision aiming at taking any advantages, the statement added.

The request was made on account of facilitating conditions for the people to freely carry out agricultural activities, it was learnt.

Further explaining the decision to journalists on Tuesday in an event organized to honor the Ethiopian media community for championing Ethiopia in the election 2021, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) stationed in Mekelle has withdrawn for it is not a priority at this time to stay in the city that has already ceased to be center of attraction from military perspective.

The Premier stated: “Militarily, the city is no different from other Ethiopians towns and cities. As the threat has already been neutralized with the law enforcement operation, the withdrawal paves the way for the people to consider the alternative of peace and understand the sacrifices the latter has been paying over the last months.”

He said the major objective of operation that was carried out by the government in the region was aimed to neutralizing the Junta, recapturing armaments and setting the encircled national army free from the Junta in the region for military preparedness in other fronts over security threats posed by various outside forces.

“We have accomplished withdrawal of the armaments and other military property from the region through the recent operation. We have now in a good position to prepare and protect the sovereignty of the nation from any outside threats,” he said.

The Premier also noted that the government injected 100 billion Birr to the rehabilitation of Tigray, which is 13 times of the budget allocated to the state. The amount does not include finance spent on military logistics, he added. The government spent such a huge finance from its meager budget to restore infrastructure such as roads, telecom, electricity, health as well as education.

“No one encouraged the government for its humanitarian and rehabilitation efforts. The only thing the government received has been unjust accusations from the people in the region and outside forces.”

“Despite the stabbing on the back perpetrated on the Defense Force and the funneling of huge finance, many from various corners are heard blaming the government. Withdrawal of the army and the decision to the unitary ceasefire also gives an opportunity to the community to identify differences between the national army and the Junta and thereby decide what to do next”.

The national army took the blame of the TPLF Junta instead of being appreciated for what it has done to protect the community, premier underlined. The federal government which has invested money, time, labor and lives of the troops to spare the people in the region has not got anything in reward.

“We have other businesses at hand to give priority to. Therefore, we have to save our money, workforce and arms for this purpose” he said. TPLF was not in Mekelle when the national army started withdrawing from the city. It was those who were hiding in the city that were shouting and dancing as if they declared victory against the national army. The same is true in the case of Adigrat and other towns in the region.

State Minister Ambassador Ambassador Redwan said the ceasefire considered the objectives of the law enforcement operation, survival of the nation, concerns of the people of Tigray, and the international community. During the operation, he said, the government aimed to neutralize TPLF militarily, recapture or destroy looted ammunition, set Ethiopian troops free from TPLF, and hold criminals accountable for their impunity.

Speaking at a joint press conference held on Wednesday, State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Redwan for his part said the government met the objectives, and despite its propaganda, TPLF is no longer an existential threat to the well-being of the nation. Although TPLF’s capacity to launch conventional war was neutralized within three weeks and many insurgents were decimated through time, the government declared the ceasefire because the Ethiopian army was not ready to exchange fires with people in Tigray who have been misled by the ethnically charged propaganda of the TPLF.

He said the ceasefire would help the people of Tigray to reflect on the pros and cons of colluding with a terrorist group to fight the Ethiopian troops who were providing protection and humanitarian aid in the region. The law enforcement operation also costs the government about 100 billion Birr for rehabilitation and humanitarian works, said the state minister adding that the ceasefire is a pragmatic approach to avoid this financial quagmire too.

The unilateral ceasefire is also an attempt to address the major concerns of the international community for cessation of hostility, unimpeded access to the region, and the withdrawal of Eritrean troops, he said.

In line with the government’s decision, he said the international community now is expected to scale up much-needed humanitarian support to the people of Tigray and give due attention to the recent TPLF bravado belittling the ceasefire and threatening to launch attacks against the Amhara region and Eritrea.

Military Capacity Building Division Chief Coordinator Let. Gen. Bacha Debele, on his part, said the Ethiopian army evacuated from Mekelle because Mekelle has ceased to be the center of gravity that is capable of posing a threat to the nation and the federal government. He also downplayed the claims of TPLF and its sympathizers that said the Ethiopian army was dislodged by the TPLF from Mekelle.

He said the group was defeated in three weeks times of swift conventional war while it was armed to teeth but now its military, administrative and organizational structures are obliterated and could not make the ENDF leave the city by force. Now, the army has to refocus its attention to protecting the country from another national threat, this time an external one, rather than fighting the already incapacitated TPLF. Gen. Bacha further said the army is ready to respond accordingly if unduly provoked by attacks that compromise the spirits of the ceasefire.


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