The Arab League days before picked an issue, which even some of its members might have not known what the talking point was and is about, discussed it instinctively, resolved it irresponsibly and got dismissed exposing itself for mockery, as usual. In its statement which has shown its excessive sympathy towards Sudan and Egypt, the group has referred its letter to non-Africans to intervene and defend the ‘historic rights’ of Sudan and Egypt, a claim which the poorly oriented member states have imitated from old teachings of the paranoiac teachings to echo. They don’t know what historic right is all about, and don’t know where the river originates from and how many countries it belongs to.
Better to say, the Egypt-led axis of Arab States has backbitten Africa and Africans. Isn’t it gossip when one talks about private details of others in their absence, Africa and Africans in this case? Who is the Arab League to judge Africa, after all, and does it have the legal and moral compass to dictate Africa while some of its member states are suffering from layered man made problems? I don’t mean, the axis is entirely against justice, we know that there are few within the Arab league itself whose voices are respected and valued.
Not to defame its reputation, but what it’s done in Doha against Ethiopia is enough of its credibility, despite one can retrieve a record of its wrong doings about Ethiopia and Africa. And of course its newly released statement which it referred to non-African mediators demanding to resolve the long- rolling dispute has appeared more than enough for one to judge how poorly the continental body, AU, is perceived and humiliated by the Arab league. Isn’t it because of their underestimation to African made solutions to Africans problems that it has been insisting to take the issue of Nile Waters out of Africa? It’s up to Egypt to underrate its African identity, but Africa is proud of its values and wisdom to alleviate African problems, problems some of which are being authored and staged by foreigners. No exception to the Arab League, a circle of Arab countries which has shamed itself as it tried to favor Egypt at the expense of Ethiopia.
The league, as many established writers and analysts even from within itself reveal, is suffering from lack of political will, expertise and neutrality, even has dozens of times given no meaning to alleviate multi –themed problems of member states ,and even has conspired against its own member states.
Here begins its foul. There is no such a thing called historic rights of Egypt and Sudan which privileges only two of them at the expense of, namely over four hundred million Africans of eleven countries which have the right to claim over Nile Waters. Perhaps for lack of background knowledge about the subject in question, or else for its poor perception of Africa –the league with not even a slight hesitance has tried to deny the rights of Africans, am sure not because of its sympathy to Arab and Arab countries.
Many argue that the league is the one which has led many Arab countries into sufferings because of its denial to act in favor of the hemisphere it has been established for. Even that very day, as the group sat in Doha to backbite Ethiopia and Africa, there was chaos in Sudan which is still boiling with a potential to descending into civil war, as its officials admitted days before. Yemen is still mourning and is being devastated as the result of the axis’s refusal to protect the lives of thousands of civilians there. It’s not because the Egypt –made and led group is sympathetic to Arabs that it called its emergency meeting and came up with its self-shaming statements, understandably for its hidden motive to deny the rights of Africa to get electricity. It may not sound right to weigh its personality, but the Arab League has no moral compass to judge Ethiopia and Africa. Some might be tricked by its name, but the reality is that the axis has made many Arabs suffer because of its conspiracy, and many of its member states have even refused to host and grant visas to Syrian refugees .Turkey, and even Ethiopia, despite not member of the axis, have proven their humanity by kindly embracing refugees from Syria and many other countries. It’s not for the sake of the Arabs that the Egypt-led-league has been established for and propelled, rather to conspire and act against every move of Africa.
It’s increasingly becoming vivid that Africa, the horn in particular, has been becoming a stage for many diverse interests to flourish, but few others, such as some members of the Arab League, threw themselves into it from lack of sensing the new order and political shift of Africa and beyond. And in their reckless decision to please the hidden motives of some, they have rushed to deny the rights of not only Ethiopia, the horn and the Nile Basin countries, but also acted against Africa, if not blackness entirely. If the axis had had the moral courage to defend the rights of Arabs, it would have not turned its back on millions of Syrians, turned their visa requests down, and would have acted to save the children of Yemen from suffering. As I said a while ago, either for lack of knowledge of what its genesis and essence GERD is made of, or simply for being tricked by Egypt, some have been shaming themselves defending the wrongly preached water rights of Egypt and Sudan.
Egypt and Sudan, back then during the colonial period made the grave foul which is now bouncing back to themselves. Directed by its colonizer, plus fooled by preaches inherited from predecessors Egypt and Sudan agreed twice in 1929 and 1959 to monopolize the Nile waters. Neither Egypt and Sudan nor the world worried about the potential claims which would come along from the real owner of Nile waters, they thought they locked it never to be unlocked, and sadly preached their respective peoples that no one has the right to fetch even a cup of water from it, even in the hereafter. Egypt in Particular, has enough consumed Nile waters, blocking any quest of other Nile countries over it, but the time has made its way and other countries have appeared for fair and equitable usage of it, which Egypt has not shown appetites to share it with fellow Africans. But they can’t. Egypt is misbehaving and against the truth of both divine and manmade.
I think it’s time for Africa to unite for Egypt and Sudan are behaving against Africa entirely. Egypt well knows and officially admitted that the power plant Ethiopia is constructing has almost no impact on its water share, it’s rather for its dangerous plot to Africa that it’s faking mankind, including the Arab league as if Armageddon is hovering over its skies.
In conclusion the Arab League has done its ritual, a ritual of shaming itself. Its statement has nothing new against the power plant Ethiopia is building for it is supported by both manmade and divine laws. And as I depart, I want to tell some Egyptians who are daring to militarily blow my dam, and even as one of them threatened days before on RT Arabic to take us back to Stone Age, I confidently tell him that ours is not a grass fenced state, we are born of patriotism, despite its justice what outsmarts in any confrontation.
Africa Prevails!
Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald