Developing countries use space technology to combat food insecurity


Accurate crop yield and production estimate is a critical component of decision making at different levels. Accordingly, Ethiopia has been implementing agricultural data collection since the 1980s (MoANR, 2013). Although such dataset includes important information at district level, they are much more subjective and hence prone for large uncertainties.

In this regard, the satellite provides enhanced data on the Ethiopian land surface characteristics useful to estimate crop yield, monitor the evolution of land use or cover changes, water resources management, forest cover monitoring, disaster monitoring, drought monitoring, and for applications in weather and climate prediction models. The satellite’s products will be utilized for the country’s key economic targets primarily the management and protection of natural resources, and improving agricultural and forestry yields.

It is also expected to supplement ground observation information and fill the information gaps in the data scarce sub-saharan Africa and Ethiopia in particular. Further, it saves a lot of currency as the country would no longer need to pay for remote-sensing data from foreign satellites. As such, ETRSS-1 was launched considering the aforementioned advantages and as a signature of cooperation between the two nations: China and Ethiopia to combat global climate change and meet the SDGs by 2030.

Most of the local, regional and international research findings expressed that Ethiopia needs high resolution topographical, meteorological, hydrological and agricultural information to understand and circumvent threats posed by natural and anthropogenic disasters. This is because planning, monitoring and evaluation of urbanization, agricultural productions and natural resources requires high resolution accurate and real time ground measurements or satellite information (Garuma, 2018). This is true considering the fact that the country has been vulnerable to extremes of climate: for example, persistent droughts and flooding.

To meet the expressed needs, the Ethiopian Remote Sensing Satellite (ETRSS-1) which is Ethiopia’s first Earth observation satellite, was launched on the 20th of December 2019 onboard the Chinese Long March 4B rocket (CZ-4B) at Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center in China. According to reliefweb more developing countries are tapping into science, technology and innovation solutions to monitor crops more efficiently to counter increasing challenges stemming from climate  change.

The technology is related to the application of a crop monitoring system using satellite data. The system is provided by the CropWatch Innovative Cooperation Programme (CropWatch-ICP), an initiative that resulted from discussions during the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD).

Food security is increasingly at risk due to climate change. In the equatorial tropics, every 1°C rise in mean temperature causes a 10% drop in crop yields. “We see the impact of accelerated climate change in forms such as droughts and cyclones and it has almost become a norm. Using space technology to monitor crops has become a national emergency mission,” said Shamika N. Sirimanne, UNCTAD’s director of technology and logistics.

During the online workshop, participants learned the theory, methodology and application of the CropWatch system. “This was a completely new area and we learned a lot from this programme,” said Arty Gungoosingh Bunwaree, a senior research scientist at the Food and Agricultural Research and Extension Institute in Mauritius.

Rakiya Baba Maaji, assistant director at the Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency, said: “We have always wanted to use space technologies but the push was not there. But with this programme, we were able to make a good presentation to our boss and we are excited about the next steps.”

Using the CropWatch system as well as their acquired knowledge and skills, participants from six of the countries have already submitted their analyses and data of their own countries to the global CropWatch bulletin, which provides an overview of the status of crops and agroclimatic conditions in each country. “I am so happy to see that some countries have already contributed to the bulletin,” Ms. Sirimanne said.

The programme’s partners, UNCTAD, the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) and the Aerospace Information Research Institute (AIR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), are now looking to the next steps – virtual field missions and CropWatch customization for technology transfer.

“This is a programme developed for countries’ specific needs. It is the customization of the CropWatch system to each country’s needs that adds an enormous amount of value,” Ms. Sirimanne said.

“I have learned that CropWatch is an effective tool to monitor crops. We now want to include other crops such as cereals, potatoes and olives to reflect the local needs,” said Djamel Mansour, an engineer at the Algerian Space Agency.

“Our office is very interested in the customization of the CropWatch platform as there is no need to make an additional investment in the infrastructure while enhancing our ability to monitor crops, in our case rice,” said Jatuporn Nontasiri, a senior statistician at the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

The lecturers and specialists in the CropWatch team are now aiming to have more countries provide their inputs for the next August CropWatch bulletin by continuing to offer support and training to the participants.

The Ethiopian Herald June 15/2021

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