America has assisted Ethiopia in many ways in the past 100 years since Skinner had tried ties with Ethiopia. The most I remember is the donation on HIV/AIDS of the president`s initiative- PEPFAR.
But these assistances are no free lunch. Every government has to learn from the United States on giving priorities to its interest. But this national interest of the United States should not make us Untied States.
This advocate of Democracy, civil rights, anti-terrorist; whether governed by Republicans or Democrats gives priorities to its interest as it is just said.
It often violates principles of democracy to maintain America`s interest. This Democratic country deposes democratically elected leaders not for they have exercised democracy but for standing against the interests of America which usually reflects the benefits of only one percent of its population, i.e. the billionaires.
Unless any government on planet Earth is not against USA two legs good four legs better. But if it is against America two legs bad four legs worse as it more or less is satired in George Orwell`s Animal Farm.
Despite his authoritarian rule Manuel Antonio Noriega once was “amigo grande” of the White House. But when he no more entertained US, it is known what happened to him and who did what to topple him.
General Augusto Pinochet, who was said to be responsible for the catastrophes including torture and killing of Chileans at his time was more “Democratic” for America than his predecessor The Marxist Salvador Allende who was elected by Chileans.
U.S has also never questioned Saudi`s democracy. But no one can give witness Saudi Arabiya has a democratically elected government.
On the other hand Islamic Republic of Iran elects its president every four years like USA using ballot not bullet. But the two sides are bitter foes since the time of the last Shah in Tehran. Why does Washington, Advocate of Democracy”, prefer Riyadh than Tehran? Though it is their business, we never stop shouting ‘we know how the cages bird sings’ like Maya Angelo said in a different context.
The same is true with America when we come to Africa. America blessed Blaise Compaoré to kill the popular Thomas Sankara who had done a miracle for Burkina Faso in just four years. Why was Lumumba killed in Congo? Was that because he was less democratic than SeseSeko and Kasavubu?
Leaving Congo, Burkina Faso and other fellow Africans in solidarity, the policy of US doesn’t change when we come to Ethiopia.
It is the same country who “supported” The Imperial Government of Ethiopia which denounced the socialist government of Ethiopia. This was because the Leader Mengistu, who once had learnt in US, had not become puppet to Washington. That was why America had denied armaments which Ethiopia bought in self-defense, when it was invaded by Ziad Barre`s Somalia.
Though appeared in a different form the same had happened when Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) was attacked deliberately from behind (which is confirmed by the group itself) last year by the local military group of the terrorist Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in Tigray Region.
This time Ethiopia doesn’t ask for weapons. But it demanded justice, no matter how it is a domestic affair.
However, US has acted the same wayas it did four or so decades ago during Somalia`s aggression on Ethiopia though an outgoing super power America has no right to intermingle the affairs of a sovereign country like Ethiopia- by all means.
Contrary to this, whether the Democrats govern or the Republicans, it seems America is intervening in the local affairs of our country which is sovereign for more than three thousand years.
For instance, last year former president Donald Trump said Egypt can blow the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The dam is believed to take millions of Ethiopians out of poverty. A “democratically elected” wouldn’t have said this if he was considerate of the poor.
The former President was also not happy by the fact that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) won the Noble Peace Prize. Here there is no need to mention what he said. By the way it was the same Trump who accused the vote is rigged even before the presidential poll and `if I don’t win a second term in the Oval Office it is unfair’. Whether that vote is rigged or not it is the affair of Americans, not Ethiopians. The reciprocal of this should also be true.
And this year his successor, Joe Biden, who has better experiences in the diplomacy than his predecessor, got bitter with Ethiopia who currently has enforced law in its Northern Region of Tigray.
Last month the president had issued visa sanction on Ethiopian leaders. Why is he doing so? Does this action take Ethiopia out of poverty? Why is he concerned when Ethiopia is struggling to get out of poverty?
Note that I am not sympathizer of the governing party in Ethiopia or its leaders. I am in favour of my country Ethiopia. I am in favour of countries who assist my country in the efforts it makes to take Ethiopians out of extreme poverty. I am in favour of powers who bring countries of the Nile Basin to round table for the benefits of all the countries reasonably including those who had the lion`s share namely Egypt and Sudan. I am in favour of those who say Ethiopia has the right to self-development using its rivers without hampering its neighbours as aresult.
The US president must see this. He doesn’t have to make Ethiopia the sacrifice sheep on the altars of Cairo. He has no right to do this as a sitting president or as a peace loving human being. The sitting president has no right to unseat other in other countries like us, as we none-Americans have no rights to unseat him. Yes, he is elected to give priorities for the interests of the USA. However, this has not to be at the expense of Ethiopia.
By the way, high ranking Ethiopian officials who are denied the visa sanction have nothing to do with travelling to US America like tourists in a holiday. They are governing us for bringing development for our country not travelling to Washington or NewYork. If they have to travel: Johannesburg, Moscow, New Delhi and Beijing are nearer. It is upto Ethiopia to choose between the Devil and deep blue sea. It shall choose the deep blue sea as it can swim! US Democrats and Republicans though you are not evil to peace and development loving Ethiopians, don’t make us choose the lessor of the two evils: although either of the parties seems to be the bitter of the two evils.
So Mr. President of the United States of America, it is time for you to reverse your decision. If not I am afraid you would become bitter than your predecessor who had advised blowing of our precious dam.
The Ethiopian herald 13/2021