EXPOSED: The western conspiracy to weaponize famine for regime change in Ethiopia

Part II

The TRUTH is this: Europeans have never forgiven Ethiopia for destroying a white army on the Black Continent. The Ethiopians defeated the mighty Italian army at the Battle of Adwa in 1896 in less than 24 hours. The Second Italo-Ethiopian War lasted 5 years but Italy again was defeated. What the Axis, G-7 and NATO forces are doing in 2021 was done back in 1985 using the same M.O. (mode of operation).

Throughout history, Ethiopian has been the lodestar, the pole star of Africa. Anti-colonial struggles were inspired by Ethiopia’s independence and freedom. They knew deep in their hearts if Ethiopia can remain free, they can one day gain their freedom. Today, Ethiopia is charting the course on the African skies. Ethiopia is a shining example of freedom in Africa. Ethiopia is a “Youthocracy”, a “government of the people, by the youths and for the people’.

The amazing Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed is charting a new course not only for Ethiopia, but all of Africa with his “Medemer” philosophy. Ethiopians will for the first time in their history have an election that is free and fair. With the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia will unquestionably become the star of Africa.

Aah! Wish upon the African star. The Axis must ensure Ethiopia fails and is destroyed.The way Ethiopia goes, so does the rest of Africa! A defiant, in submissive and daring Ethiopia is a threat to Western neocolonial rule in Africa.

The Western Conspiracy: Ethiopia must be destroyed politically, economically and socially! In 1985, Maggie Thatcher declared war on Ethiopia. On November 29, 1985, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Private Secretary wrote: Thank you for your letter of 27 November about the political implications of the aid we should give to Ethiopia.

The Prime Minister continues to believe that it is not enough just to jog along in our relations with the distasteful regime in Ethiopia. If the conclusion is that our present relations offered no serious scope for exercising beneficial and positive influence, she would like serious thought given to ways in which we could make life harder for the Ethiopian regime. These might, as examples, include:

(i) Support for the rebels in Eritrea and Tigray; (ii) A more active effort in conjunction with the Americans to identify and perhaps encourage opponents of Mengistu within Ethiopia; and (iii) Continued attempt to get the Ten to be more forthright in criticizing abuses of human rights on Ethiopia; and (iv) A more robust line by the European community when there are examples of the Ethiopian government abusing European Community aid or imposing restrictions and conditions (such as customs duties) on it. This might embrace suspension of all but humanitarian aid with the people of Ethiopia.

None of this is of course incompatible with continuing humanitarian aid with the people of Ethiopia. The Prime Minister would like serious examination made of these points and others of similar import which may occur to you. She feels that her original question — is it not inherently wrong to pour tens of millions of pounds of aid into a country and yet conclude that we have no serious scope for influencing its particularly cruel and objectionable government? —has still not been adequately answered.


By April 1, 1985, the U.S. was putting together a plan for a covert operation to overthrow the Ethiopian Government. Strictly personal excerpts from my diary April 4. — High-level Source reported urgently he had reviewed top-secret documents which showed White House, Defense Department and CIA were planning covert operation in Ethiopia. Ultimate objective: to unseat, if possible, Dictator Mengistu Haile Mariam. Source said CIA was planning to use food shipments to starving Ethiopians as cover arms and supplies to rebels in North, who are battling the Mengistu Haile Mariam regime. Trying to check out report.

In 2021, NATO has agreed to invade Ethiopia on the pretext of “sexual

 violence” in Tigray

Today, the Western Long Knives-men are trying to use “sexual violence” and “famine” as justifications for invasion of Ethiopia. The idea behind the NATO “sexual violence” action is to get white women in America and Europe to champion the cause of Tigray!

The western conspiracy of regime change by famine in a nutshell in 1985 and 2021

The U.S.-U.K. Conspiracy for regime change in Ethiopia in 1985 in a nutshell

“It is not enough just to jog along in our relations with the distasteful regime in Ethiopia. “Serious thought given to ways in which we could make life harder for the Ethiopian regime.

“(i) Support for the rebels in Eritrea and Tigray; (ii) A more active effort in conjunction with the Americans to identify and perhaps encourage opponents of Mengistu within Ethiopia;” (iii) Continued attempt to get the Ten to be more forthright in criticizing abuses of human rights on Ethiopia; (iv) A more robust line by the European community when there are examples of the Ethiopian government abusing European Community aid or imposing restrictions and conditions (such as customs duties) on it.

“This might embrace suspension of all but humanitarian aid with the people of Ethiopia.” None of this is of course incompatible with continuing humanitarian aid with the people of Ethiopia. “It is inherently wrong to pour tens of millions of pounds of aid into a country and yet conclude that we have no serious scope for influencing its particularly cruel and objectionable government The U.S.-E.U.-U.K.-NATO conspiracy for regime change in Ethiopia in 2021 in a nutshell

Special Envoy Jeffrey Feltman, “Authoritarian leaders in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia draw closer at the expense of the wider collective.” [“Distasteful regime”]

Cutoff economic aid, “temporary pause in U.S. economic aid until situation improves in Tigray”. [“Make life harder for Ethiopian regime”]; “Unfettered humanitarian access to Tigray” [“support rebels in Tigray”]

Because of the ‘restricted the right of several opposition political parties to peacefully assemble and organize’, ‘detention of opposition leaders’ and closure of ‘political and civil space’, the June 2021 election ‘will not meet international standards’ and should be cancelled. [“Encourage opponents the regime”]

“EU has repeatedly called for full humanitarian access to all areas, as well as for the immediate withdrawal of Eritrean troops.” [“the Ten (10 Western European countries) to be more forthright in criticizing abuses of human rights on Ethiopia”]

European Union has cutoff 90 million Euros (109 million USD) in budgetary support to Ethiopia over lack of access to the country’s Tigray region [“imposing restrictions and conditions”]

“The U.S. will continue humanitarian assistance and certain other critical aid to Ethiopia.” [“None of this is of course incompatible with continuing humanitarian aid”]

“UK and NATO ministers agreed on powerful action to stand up to these brutal crimes of sexual violence” [“no serious scope for influencing its particularly cruel and objectionable government”]

In 1991, the U.S. arranged a “mediation” forum in London and let the TPLF walk into power and stay in power for over a quarter of a century. The U.S. and U.K. think they can repeat their 1991 performance in 2021. And so history repeats itself.

Indeed, history will also repeat itself for Ethiopia. Remember 1896! Remember 1941! It is not the size of the dog that determines the outcome of a fight. it is the size of the fight in the dog! Speak truth and fight the power!


The Ethiopian Herald June 12/2021

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