Obscuring truth for hitting hidden target leads nowhere

Some western countries are heard of explaining that there is a human rights violation in the northern part of Ethiopia, Tigray State. They have been reflecting ideas which are diametrically different from what is happening in Ethiopia and what is the government really doing. Obviously, Ethiopian government was forcibly engaged in the law enforcement operation, but the leftovers of the terrorist Tigray People’s Libration Front (TPLF) junta are playing victim card thereby prettily cheating the world. Unless some countries calculatingly turn deafear and a blind eye to the real situation in Ethiopia, the barbaric attack of the northern command of the defense force and the issue of MaiKladra will never be out of mind all the time.

Without a shadow of doubt, denying the truth leads nowhere. No country can tell Ethiopia about respecting human rights as it has strong conviction on the protection of human rights and it has taken it as an important prerequisite to transform the nation to democracy, peace and development. Thus, it has been undertaking various reformative activities to safeguard rights of citizens. Among these, transforming Ethiopian Human rights Commission and the justice system are activities worth mentioning. Political prisoners had been released and human right violations are being exposed and are on trial.

Ethiopia has been immersed in activities that widen the political landscape, shield rights of citizens and strengthen economic achievements over the past three years. The country thus believes that these activities are critical to realize peace and development.

Regrettably these improvements have been overlooked by some western countries and US as they are heard of blaming Ethiopia for extreme violation of human rights merely taking what they are fed by the TPLF remnants for granted. Ethiopia’s law enforcement operation in Tigray region has been taken as a blessing by these bodies to blindly accuse Ethiopia of violating human rights, which is shame on them to forcibly interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation.

However, if one refers the genesis of the war, terrorist TPLF is found the sole responsible entity to start the war. Terrorist TPLF attacked Northern Command of Ethiopian army, massacred civilians in Mai Kadra and caused other atrocities to people in Tigray. But The United States and its European allies are waging propaganda war against Ethiopia. The media such as CNN, BBC, AP and others are now acting as propaganda mouthpiece of the terrorist group. These media outlets reported none or little about the barbaric

 crimes of terrorist TPLF. They didn’t want to balance their reporting taking Ethiopia’s saying. They didn’t even care to balance their report; rather producing one-sided reportage against the journalism code of conduct.

Prior to saying this and that the following questions should receive clear answer: Why do they do this? What is their real intent? Is it really protection of human rights? Donald Trump’s reckless utterances about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) was an indicative of the intent of the country as it provides one of the answers for this question.

The former American president has clearly indicated the US blindfold support to Egypt. The new Biden Administration seems to be taking similar stance. But Ethiopia is advocating for equitable share of the Nile River. The construction of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam is now entering to the second phase of filling and it could help Ethiopia generate power and foster developmental campaign. The dam is very consequential for Ethiopia’s development and economic independence. This seems to be unbearable to some Western powers because there won’t be Ethiopia which can be controlled or manipulated by them henceforth.

The other most important reason is the election, which is left with finger counted days. Ethiopia had five consecutive elections so far. Apart from the 2005 election, which has seen relative competition, the rest of the elections were noncompetitive and total fraud. The reform government wants to change this history. It began the journey making the electoral board an independent institution and autonomous entity. Chairwoman of the board Birtuakan Mideksa was strong critic of the government. Now, as she is leading the board and the return exiled parties are expected to help Ethiopia hold free, fair and credible election. The government is now working to translate words into actions along that line.

However, some Western powers didn’t seem to be happy about this. There have been different statements by the United States and European Union to undermine the election. Once they call for national dialogue and other times they say there is no a conducive environment to undertake election. The European Union has gone far in cancellation of observers, but revised its decision again. Surprisingly, none of this havoc had happened when Ethiopia carried out sham and substandard elections five times. Why now? Is everything alright if the government they prefer seizes pinnacle? No! No! They are following the wrong direction.

So, even a political novice can understand that some Westerners intention as it seems human rights protection is a mask. It is clearly political. It is rather arm twisting and hindering Ethiopia from its democratic and developmental ambitions. They have prettily known that a democratic, peaceful and developed Ethiopia can’t be subservient of the West or any other power. It shall be taken as a nightmare meddling in the internal affairs of Ethiopia.

Cognizant of this fact, the Ethiopian government and Ethiopians from all walks of life at home and abroad should be determined to resist western intervention and ill-guided restriction. Ethiopians are eagerly waiting for the completion of the dam. They want to taste the fruit of the dam. They are also preparing to vote their leaders and build democratic state that is going to guarantee to durable peace and sustainable development. Ethiopians are now together with sense of patriotism to fend off foreign intervention.

Ethiopia has also understood that foreign intervention has been affecting stability and development of many countries in Africa, Middle East and other parts of the world. True, the Westerners have been involving in numerous foreign interventions across the world. The United States is the main actor and promoter of such interventionism. Its foreign policy has two dominant schools of thought: interventionism and isolationism. In the pretext of human rights and combatting terrorism, however, the US has been directly or indirectly intervening in the affairs of developing nations and made their status even worse. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria are textbook example of USA’s failed interventions.

Various researches on foreign intervention indicate the West’s intervention inflicted suffering to home states and eventually failed. Another indication that West is using Human rights as camouflage is that human rights condition of countries it intervened has become very much worse.

Thence, it is high time for the West to assess their policy of interventionism and refrain from intervening in internal affairs of other countries. If they truly care for the protection of human rights, they have to refrain from intervention; instead they are expected to help countries realize peace, development and democracy.

Other countries including Ethiopia on the other hand should stand together and fight for their territorial integrity and independence. Ethiopia is all the time willing to solidify solidarity with its neighbors and countries of the rest of the world. Consequently, either the west or the United States of America have to work hard to find the truth instead of haphazardly talking measures with a view to serving the interests of terrorist groups at the expense of the reality on the ground in Ethiopia. Grippingly, ‘Truth will triumph in the end,’ as falsehood fabrications and factitious narratives lead nowhere.


The Ethiopian Herald June 11/2021

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