Part I
NATO is now openly threatening to invade Ethiopia.
On June 3, 2021, Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon tweeted, “Conflict-related sexual violence is abhorrent and unacceptable in our world. This week, UK and NATO ministers agreed powerful action to stand up to these brutal crimes and ensure we can protect and support victims and survivors today and in the future.”
Weaponizing FAMINE for regime change in Ethiopia
“There’s a sucker born every minute”, quipped circus master P. T. Barnum.
The U.S.-E.U. and U.K. (The Axis of Lies, Damned Lies and Disinformation – A-LDLD) have launched a new campaign of “The Famine sky is falling on Ethiopia.”
Their massive disinformation campaign marketing “humanitarian access”, “human rights violations”, “atrocities”, “massacres”, “war crimes”, “ethnic cleansing”, etc. pulled no traction with the white people in America and Europe.
The whole propaganda aim of this marketing campaign was to fool and stoke the emotions of white people in America and Europe and excite outrage among them so that they demand action against Ethiopia.
The brutal fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of white people in America and Europe do not give a rat’s ass about what happens in Trump’s “s**t hole countries”.
They got big problems of their own.
White people in America and Europe are sick and tired of hearing disasters news in Africa. They just don’t give a damn! It is what it is!
But Western leaders, elites and their press-statutes’ are now proclaiming, “EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it. FAMINE IN ETHIOPIA!”
They are trying to pimp “conflict-related sexual violence is abhorrent and unacceptable in our world” tagline as a justification for “humanitarian” military intervention.
Time was when the TPLF was in power, the USAID and the other Global Poverty Pimps called “famine” by fancy names: “extreme malnutrition”, “severe under-nutrition”, “extreme food shortage”, “catastrophic food shortages” “food deficits” “acute food insecurity”, “extreme food consumption gaps” and many others deceptive euphemisms and other clever misnomers.
In its August 15, 2014 report USAID reported, “Despite a fast-growing economy… Ethiopia… experiences high levels of both chronic and acute food insecurity, particularly among rural populations and smallholder farmers. Approximately 44 percent of children under 5 years of age in Ethiopia are severely chronically malnourished, or stunted.
It is no different in Tigray today! “Chronic and acute food insecurity”.
In May 2016, Alex DeWaal, a notorious TPLF lackey and apologist declared: There is “no famine in Ethiopia… Ethiopians aren’t starving to death… People aren’t dying… Animals are dying of thirst…”
In 2021, there is no famine in Ethiopia but there is terrorism by the TPLF that has made farming and access to humanitarian relief difficult in certain parts of Tigray.
In 2011, Wolfgang Fengler, the lead economist for the World Bank, in a refreshingly honest moment observed, “The famine in the Horn of Africa is a result of artificially high prices for food and civil conflict than natural and environmental causes. This crisis is manmade. Droughts have occurred over and again, but you need bad policy making for that to lead to a famine.”
USAID and the other global poverty pimps did not say a damn thing about the 2011 famine in Ethiopia.
I have written extensively on famine in Ethiopia and pinning the tail on the TPLF donkey for famine over the years.
In 1984-85, TPLF leaders including Meles Zenawi hatched out and successfully executed a humanitarian aid scam using a front “humanitarian relief” organization called “Relief Society of Tigrai” (REST).
One of the TPLF founders, Dr. Aregawi Berhe told the BBC that of the 100 million USD that went through TPLF hands to mitigate famine in Tigray, 95 million USD was diverted for weapons purchases and other purposes not related to famine relief.
In 2005, the U.S. created its Africa welfare-on-the-dole program, a/k/a Productive Safety New Program (PSNP), keeping millions of people especially in Tigray in a state of permanent poverty and dependency.
Truth be told, PSNP is a modified African version of the U.S. welfare program which has trapped millions of African Americans in dependency and poverty for generations.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I guess what is good for indigent African Americans is good for poor Africans.
Now, the Axis of LDLD in desperation is pulling out the oldie but goody FAMINE CARD.
On June 1, 2021, the U.S. Embassy in Ethiopia issued an S.O.S. to “avert famine”.
Last week, Mark Lowcock, the UN’s top emergency relief coordinator issued a warning asserting, “There is a serious risk of famine if assistance is not scaled up in the next two months.”
On June 2, 2021, the Guardian wrote, “Pressure is mounting on Ethiopia to declare a ceasefire in the northern province of Tigray to allow humanitarian organizations to reach millions of people who face famine.”
On June 2, 2021, USAID boss Samantha Power tweeted, “Ethiopia has seen Famine of disastrous proportions before and could see it again within months. Stakes could not be higher. Government must end conflict in Tigray and allow unhindered aid access.”
On June 2, 2021, “France and Germany joined together in the international call for immediate humanitarian cease fire. Unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid depends on it.”
The “US-EU plan meeting to keep spotlight on Ethiopia ahead of G-7”
The strategy: To mobilize consensus among U.S. allies on the enormity of the humanitarian and human rights emergency in Tigray; To galvanize bolder action within the UN system for a relief response commensurate with the scope and scale of the crisis.
The hidden strategy: Pressure Ethiopia to agree to a “ceasefire” to give the TPLF a
chance to regroup and expand its terrorism in Tigray and throughout Ethiopia; Pressure Ethiopia to provide “humanitarian access” to provide massive military shipment to the TPLF.
Day of Western Long Knives on Ethiopia-History repeating itself?
The Night of the Long Knives helped Hitler and the Nazi Party to consolidate absolute power in Germany by removing their political opposition.
Today, Ethiopia is on the receiving end of Day of Long Knives of the West.
The U.S., European Union and G-7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States), NATO Horsemen of the Apocalypse are making final plans to absolutely destroy Ethiopia economically and militarily in the name of humanitarian concern in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.
But that is nothing new!
They have always done it.
The European powers sold Ethiopia down the river at the League of Nations in 1936.
When Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935 with some 400 thousand soldiers and ravaged and terrorized Ethiopia, the European powers turned a blind eye and muted lips.
H.I.M. Haile Selassie at the League of Nations said, “The very refinement of barbarism consisted in carrying ravage and terror into the most densely populated parts of the territory… The object was to scatter fear and death over a great part of the Ethiopian territory.”
The European Powers gave a nod and a wink to Italy to colonize Ethiopia.
Today, the U.S. and European Powers are trying to return the TPLF to power by a “ceasefire”.
On November 3, 2020, the TPLF attacked the Ethiopian Northern Command and with unspeakable barbarism and spread ravage and terror with the object of scatter fear and death over a great part of the Ethiopian territory.
Like the Italians, the TPLF also failed. The Italians were defeated by our forefathers. The TPLF was defeated by the current generation of patriots in the Ethiopian National Defense Force.
The European powers tried to pressure to enter into an armistice with fascist Italy just as they are trying to pressure Ethiopia into an armistice with the terrorist TPLF.
Beneath their coats and shirts, the European powers have always held a long knife to slay Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Herald June 11/2021