Regional integration calls for Ethio-Sudan cooperation

Ethiopia and Sudan share over 740 kms boundary. The people-to-people relations and economic transaction across this border remains very strong and showing dramatic developments. Not only long border, the two countries share a long history since the ancient civilizations of Axum and Meroe. The ancient civilizations shows that the two countries development is inseparable and they have a common destiny either to sink or to swim together.

Sudan, the third largest country in Africa interims of area and Ethiopia, the second most populous and the 10th largest country in Africa, needs further infrastructural investments and inter-government cooperations to boost the historic relation for the common development of the two countries peoples.

On the other hand, Ethiopia is found at the heart of the Horn of Africa, sharing boundaries with Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Eritrea. It shares boundaries, culture, language and other social, political and economic activities with all this countries. Ethiopia’s developments have direct relations with all its neighbors, indeed.

Considering this in mind, Ethiopia designs its foreign policy relations to see its neighbors as potential developments and working day and night to link its relations with these countries of the Horn. With the aim of developing the overall relation with its neighbors, Ethiopia is investing highly on infrastructural networking, in road, railway, energy, investment, green strategy and trade activities.

 For example, for the year 2021, Ethiopia plans to distribute one billion seedlings to all its neighbors, from this the share of Sudan, according to Ethiopia’s Forest and Climate Change Commission, is 356 million. Ethiopia also plans to distribute 386 million seedlings to Kenya, 129 million to Somalia, 91 million to South Sudan, 29 million to Eritrea to Eritrea and nine million seedlings to Djibouti.

At the same time, Ethiopia sells electric energy to Djibouti and Sudan, and currently power line construction connecting with Kenya is under its final phase of completion. On road side, Ethiopia has roads connecting with all its neighbors and working to develop the roads to express way level. Beyond road, Ethiopia has planned to connect with its neighbors through railway transport and is already built the Ethio-Djibouti railway line, which is already functional since 2018.

In case of Sudan, a feasibility study is already underway to construct a railway line between Ethiopia and Sudan and as land locked country, Ethiopia is working to expand its use of Port Sudan for its developing import-export freight. With this purpose, Ethiopia recently inaugurated the Wereta Dry port in North Gondar of Amhara State, expected to facilitate the trade transaction with Sudan.

With this hope, Ethiopia is investing to develop the strategic relation with its long-time friend, Sudan, to comprehensive strategic level whole heartily. Its investment, diplomatic activities and political actions are being practiced keeping this unwavering stance for friendship and common development with Sudan and other neighbors.

 As the fastest growing economy in the world, these Ethiopia’s activities are blessings for the mutual development of the two countries and potentially contribute for the regional integration and common development of the Horn of Africa.

In its history, Ethiopia never attempts any belligerent act against its neighbors and Ethiopia is source of peace and development for the region’s countries. Its current, medemer foreign policy stance, is also designed to develop this long-standing stance of Ethiopia, keeping friendship and spirit of working together for mutual development. Sudan always remains the top priority ally for Ethiopia.

A Sudan’s Journalist Hali Yahya, during his recent stay with The Ethiopian Herald said that “Ethiopia is source of water and peace for Sudan. And is the real potential source of economic development and prosperity for the people of Sudan.” Hali said this considering the Nile River, Sudan’s water source and no belligerent and rivalry came from Ethiopia to Sudan rather Sudan’s internal disputes and disagreements were and are, always solved and discussed at Addis Ababa.

Disturbing this historic relation and cooperation of the two countries for the sake of serving third party interest is quite irresponsibleness. There are thousands of opportunities to boost the strategic relations of the two countries for common prosperity and to play strategic role for the economic integration of the Horn of Africa.

Though these potential advantages are there, with the pushing factor of third party, the Sudan’s Transitional Government recent belligerent acts remains odd and disturbing. Yet, the people of Sudan are keeping the friendship and the situation remains peaceful due to the patience of Ethiopia and the peaceful stance of the people of Sudan.

The issue between Ethiopia and Sudan remains unruffled though a lot of baseless propagandas have been disseminating to disturb the peace and strong relations of the two countries based on unfounded and fabricated agenda. The strong people-to-people and the historic relation of the two countries remain peaceful as usual and all interactions and activities are continued business as usual. Surprisingly, the Sudan’s Transitional Administration Officials needs belligerent and violent acts against Ethiopia, a historic friend of Sudan, as Ethiopia is calling for discussions to solve imminent border related issues via bridging gaps. Why?

Currently, Ethiopia and Sudan are under historic reforms and transitions for democratization, economic developments and working for their peoples’ prosperity at home. To achieve their goal of prosperity, democratization and development, the two reformist governments needs to work closely as their close cooperation plays a crucial role in fueling the regional integration of the Horn of Africa and common growth of countries.


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