Ethiopians should keep on unmasking hidden agenda

Ethiopia is found at the juncture of two progressions that lead to cliff of mayhem or the rosy land of prosperity. New winds of hope and optimism is also developing and keeping on unfolding in the Horn since 2018. Since Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came to power in a culmination of popular opposition to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF’s) policy of institutionalized ethnicity, monopoly of power by a minority regime in the economic, security and defense sectors, and, heavy-handed repression with repetitive atrocities bordering on ethnic cleansing in various parts of the country.

The reformist government in Ethiopia had thus to grapple with a slew of contentious political issues to reverse the legacy of ethnic polarization and set the country on the right footing. To ensure the hope is sustainable the Ethiopians are behind the reform in supporting in many ways so that dreams come true. In this regard the diaspora communities keeping on responding to the call for various projects and COVID-19 interventions responses.

The Ethiopians should keep on exposing the hidden agendas orchestrated by the foes  of Ethiopia. Because, some internal and external bodies are working in undermining the reform and engaged in fabricating fake news and conflicts across the region.

As it is well known, the TPLF launched a pre-emptive and massive military attack on all the positions of the Northern Command at that in November as well sponsored the conflicts in erupted at various corner parts of the nation.

The prime unprejudiced was to totally neutralize the Northern Command which possessed around 80 percent of the ENDF’s total arsenal. The TPLF killed several hundred non-Tigrayan soldiers within the Northern Command and its overall plan was to topple the central government once it had pacified the Northern Command. Subsequent plans included military action against Eritrea to advance its avowed “regime change” agenda as well as incorporation of Eritrean sovereign territories for its long-term, multi-layered, aims and aspirations.

It should be well noted that this dangerous scheme has failed with much cost to the region. But both during the early weeks of fighting and thereafter when the TPLF was defeated with few remnants of its forces hiding in remote mountains and ravines in the Region, the dominant chorus in Europe, and in the international humanitarian and NGO communities, remains still tilted towards somehow salvaging the TPLF regime.

As always, the fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians, residing in various parts of the globe, we should stand in unison and speak out the fact on the ground as well and support the internally displaced fellow citizens. In bid to ensure peace and security the incumbent are doing in restoring the chaotic realities that had toured the nation and engaged in soothing the brewing ethnic conflicts.

Though nation is engaged in a tandem of reforms to ensure more inclusive and progressive development and build democratic country with far-reaching domestic changes, as well framing the reforms in economic and political lines and social areas some nations try to prescribe what they think fit their interest.

We are witnessing foreign and internal groups who are consumed in undermining the reform are putting heavy hand to salvage the already designated as terrorists’ callous group to come to power through the pretext of humanitarian aid other covert reasons. In the past week the members of the Security Council noted with concern the   humanitarian situation in the Tigray region, Ethiopia.

The members of the Security Council acknowledged the efforts by the Government of Ethiopia to provide humanitarian assistance and to provide increased humanitarian access. The members of the Security Council recognized, nevertheless, that humanitarian challenges remain. They called for a scaled-up humanitarian response and unfettered humanitarian access to all people in need, including in the context of the food security situation.

The members of the Security Council called for a continuation of international relief efforts in a manner consistent with the United Nations guiding principles of humanitarian emergency assistance, including humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. The members of the Security Council noted that insecurity in Tigray constitutes an impediment to the ongoing humanitarian operations and called for a restoration of normalcy.


The Ethiopian Herald June 5/2021

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