Part II
Get ready! Suzie has more sanctions tricks than a snake oil salesman at a county fair!
Blienken announced he is imposing sanctions (visa restrictions) because: the people in Tigray continue to suffer human rights violations, abuses, and atrocities; urgently needed humanitarian relief is being blocked by the Ethiopian and Eritrean militaries; no meaningful steps to end hostilities or pursue a peaceful resolution of the political crisis have taken place.
The Ethiopian Government has failed to hold accountable all those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, to protect civilians, and to ensure unhindered humanitarian access. The Eritrean government has failed to live up to its public commitment and immediately return its troops to internationally recognized Eritrean territory.
Without an immediate cessation of hostilities and a rapid expansion of humanitarian access, current and significant food insecurity could lead to famine. Blienken also signaled this is just the beginning of Susan Rice’s “fire and fury of sanctions the world has never seen.”
Blienken warned the U.S. will mobilize “other governments to join us in taking these actions.” The U.S. will hold fast to the “wide-ranging restrictions imposed on economic and security assistance to Ethiopia and will bring our defense trade control policy in line with them.”
What exactly is in Serial Sanctions Suzie’s can of worms? It should be clear that the “visa sanctions” are the tip of the iceberg and opening salvo. The Susan R Ice Woman cometh after Ethiopia with the fire and fury of sanctions the world has never seen!”
The Duchess of Darkness’ sanctions war on Ethiopia is just getting started. The visa restriction is merely warning shot intended to deliver a clear and unmistakable message:
The U.S. will use everything in its arsenal of sanctions to destabilize the Ethiopian economy political process to break Ethiopia’s back and bring it to its knees. If the Ethiopian Government does not bow down at the feet of the Duchess of Darkness and kiss her rings, there will be hell to pay. That will not happen even if Hell freezes over and the Princess of Darkness goes ice skating with the TPLF demons!
Suzie’s Mission
Suzie Girl’s only strategic objective is to restore the TPLF to power in full or at least force the Ethiopian Government to negotiate with the TPLF and agree to a power sharing plan. Suzie’s ultimate operational tactic is to unleash the fire and fury of sanctions on Ethiopia like the world has never seen before. Suzie and her gang think they can slowly choke, suffocate and incapacitate the Ethiopian economy and political process and bring Ethiopia to its knees. If Ethiopians think “visa sanctions” are the end of Suzie Game, they should think again.
Wicked Suzie’s Arsenal of Sanctions includes cutoff of “development aid” and “counterterrorism security aid” (BFD; Biden has continued Trump’s cutoff of US foreign aid to Ethiopia. As I have said many times before, the U.S. can take its aid and shove it up…) using its power to block/force international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to deny new loans, balance of payments, etc. And renege on old ones (that was announced today (5/27/21) at a TPLF press conference-cum-Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing); banning of private financing of trade and investment in Ethiopia.
Who cares? China remains the largest FDI in Ethiopia. Restrictions on international transport, personal travel, and communication; denial of access to U.S. financial markets which presumably Ethiopia uses to conduct international transactions; denial of access to the U.S. banking system; restrictions on foreign direct investment in Ethiopia; banning of trade promotion activities and imposition of tariffs on current imports/exports (No big deal: Ethiopia primarily exports coffee, leather, and leather products to the United States.
The vast majority of Ethiopia’s imports come from Asia (62.3 percent followed by Europe (21.4 percent the United States (10 percent); disrupt access to U.S. and European Union-based financing institutions to create shortages in the availability of credit for Ethiopian Government and firms (announced today (5/27/21) at the TPLF press conference-cum-Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing; freeze any U.S. assets of Ethiopian businesses and officials (Not a problem.
Only TPLF corruptoids have any money worth freezing in America. But more power to the U.S. freezing millions of Ethiopian dollars deposited in American dollars. Nothing will make the Ethiopian Government happier. American law says stolen money deposited in American banks goes back to the country of origin.)
Pressuring other countries to cutoff trade with Ethiopia; denying Ethiopia access to U.S. trade preference programs such as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); Embargo on arms sales (Ethiopia is not buying arms from the U.S. Remember! President Jimmy Carter claiming “human rights” refused to deliver arms paid for by Ethiopia. He ended up being a one term president. Biden will be a one-term president too. That is a prophesy. (Which one of prophesies over the past 15 years has not come to pass?)
Denial of export price subsidies and financial assistance to businesses, low interest loans, subsidized loan guarantees, or project insurance available from the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Commodity Credit (there ain’t much of that with Ethiopia).
Suzie’s Cirque du Von Batten, Montagu, York
Suzie has set up a circus sideshow in which some lobby firm called Von Batten which is now taking the fall her. Suzie thinks we will not be able to detect her fingerprints, footprints, palm prints and voiceprints on Ethiopia sanctions.
Suzie ain’t pulling the wool over our eyes. We can see the long dark shadow of the Duchess of Darkness puppeteering Von Batten-Montagu-York. The bottom line is: Susan Rice’s “fire and fury of sanctions the world has never seen!” and the Senate Resolution 97 is nothing more than tempest in a tea pot. The Duchess of Darkness and her Army of Darkness believe they can twist Ethiopia’s arms, break her knees and ring her neck until cries out, “Aunt Suzie, Uncle Joe. Please Auntie! Please uncle!)
Ha! Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe just don’t get it. Ethiopians are exceptional people. I have written about it time and again. Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe should know there ain’t any way and no how they will be able to break us. That goes for our brothers and sisters in Eritrea too.
Ethiopia and Eritrea united can never be defeated. Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: You are free to try! All the huffing and puffing in Congress and the State Department is to gaslight the Ethiopian and Eritrean people. Gas lighting means manipulating someone by psychological means into questioning his own sanity.
Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Cut out your psychological gas lighting game telling us, “There are ethnic cleansing, massacres, genocide… in Ethiopia.” Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Cut out your psychological gas lighting game telling us Ethiopia is going to hell in a hand basket in an ethnic implosion and regional conflagration.
Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Stop telling us we are dumb and stupid and only you can be our kingmakers. Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Stop telling us you are going to cripple the Ethiopian economy and bring us to our knees. Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Do what you gotta do! In the end, I will assure of one thing. You will become our footstools because the Almighty fights our battles. Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: you will lose mightily! You will come begging on your knees! Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Heed an African proverb, “The dogs will bark, the Camel walks.” Ethiopia will keep on walking as she has for thousands of years. I will leave the barking to you.
Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Heed an American proverb: “It is not the size of the dog that determines the outcome of the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. Know this: Ethiopians are all fight! There is American Taliban-who harbored al-Qaeda as it planned the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. There is also American Woyane who harbored the TPLF terrorists for over a quarter of a century and as it planned its attack on the Ethiopian Northern Command. Behold Susan Rice, American Woyane!
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President George Bush told the American people, “We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” President Kennedy advised, “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” Ethiopians will also make no distinctions between terrorists and those who harbor them. They will neither forgive nor forget the name Susan Elizabeth rice, the Duchess of Darkness!
My personal message to Aunt Suzie and Uncle Joe: Take your aid and sanctions and shove it! Leave Ethiopia the hell alone! We must chase those democ-rats out of congress in 2022!
The Ethiopian Herald June 4/2021