Strong Leadership: The Story of the Communist Party of China

Founded in 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC), from Day One, has always been committed to its original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. Over the past 100 years, the CPC has resolutely led the people through arduous and bitter fights, leaving behind a fascinating collection of epic stories. In 2020, China reached 101.6 trillion RMB in GDP, with the per capita exceeding 10,000 USD.

Its economy, technology, and overall national strength have advanced to a new level. With its people living a considerably happier life, China brings about the historic achievement of building a moderately prosperous society. A country cannot prosper without a capable political party, and a political party cannot grow without strong leaders. China’s success is essentially attributable to the CPC’s solid leadership that guides the course.

Since the inception of the CPC, Chinese communists with Comrade Mao Zedong as the shining epitome have combined the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism with the particular case of China’s revolution. They have successfully encircled cities by the countryside and seized political power through military force. From their victory over Japanese imperialism and Kuomintang’s reactionary rule emerged the People’s Republic of China.

Since the New China was founded, they continued to lead the Chinese people through the Socialist Revolution, which facilitated an independent and sound industrial system and national economy to take shape. It has laid the political and institutional foundation for China’s contemporary development and provided valuable lessons as well as ideological and material basis for the proposal of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After 1978, Chinese communists with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as the chief representative liberated their minds and sought truth from facts.

They made the historic decision to shift the focus of the CPC and the state to economic development and kicked off the reform and opening-up program. They established Deng Xiaoping Theory, calling for a China-specific development path and socialism with Chinese characteristics, which proved to be a great success. Then, the Theory of Three Represents and the Scientific Outlook on Development emerged one after another, which upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics under new circumstances.

Since 2012, Chinese communists with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the leadership have been well aware of the need to reposition their socialist theories in line with the the changes of the times and the concurrent priorities and initiatives. They established Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to promote balanced political, economic, cultural, social and ecological development. “Four Comprehensives”, specifically, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, deepening reforms across-the-board, advancing law-based governance in a well-rounded manner and tightening party discipline at every nook and cranny, have become on top of the country’s strategic agenda.

They have also striven for the modernization of China’s governance system and capabilities and worked diligently to make people feel satisfied, happier and secure. They have found solutions to many long-overdue challenges and cleared the backlog of major initiatives. These historic changes and accomplishments bring bright prospects for the renewal of the Chinese nation. In retrospect, General Secretary Xi has shown unwavering convictions, people-centered values and strong will as the Party’s core, people’s leader and military commander. He is the embodiment of selfless dedication to the good of the people. In return, he has won the universal support from members of the Party, the people and the military, complemented by international recognition.

The CPC’s centennial history is featured by the theme of tireless struggle, ideological exploration and internal development. Over its century-old life, CPC has constantly committed itself to the happiness of Chinese people, the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the common good of the world.

First, the CPC is committed to exploring the development path aligned with China’s realities. “What is a road? It is something trampled out of a place where once there was no road; it is made from a place where once there were only brambles and thickets,” said Lu Xun, a celebrated Chinese writer. The Party adapts the basic principles of Marxism to China’s conditions to make it more compatible with the country’s modern context. Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the Marxism for contemporary China in the 21st century with significant influence both at home and abroad.

It diversifies the options for the modernization of the developing world by presenting an alternative for the countries and nations that aspire for faster growth without compromising independence, providing inputs to this mankind’s challenge with a Chinese solution. Omari, former Secretary General of Morocco’s Authenticity and Modernity Party, said that a country cannot indiscriminately copy the practice of other countries, but China’s development path brings a new line of hope for the developing countries with a thirst for modernization.

Second, the CPC upholds the fundamental stance of siding with the people. With delivering a better life to the people as its ultimate mission, the CPC gives full scope to the people to create historical achievements. General Secretary Xi stressed that, “the history has made it crystal clear that a government’s top priority should be its people; people are the very foundation of a government. People’s support is a matter of life and death for the Party.” Since 2012, General Secretary Xi Jinping has personally led the battle against poverty, promoting targeted and effective actions with unprecedented commitment and resolve.

He visited 14 contiguous destitute areas and chaired 7 symposia on poverty alleviation. After 8 years of hard work, 832 impoverished counties as well as 128,000 villages have been removed from the poverty list, and nearly 100 million poor rural residents have risen above the poverty line. Overall regional poverty and extreme poverty are now things of the past. General Secretary Xi has also commanded an all-out people’s war against the COVID-19 pandemic. With people’s interests and lives high on the agenda, he has overseen the overall situation with resolute decision, rational guidance and composed manner, offering the underlying support to the strategic achievements of COVID-19 prevention and control.

Third, the CPC never forgets the great initiative of its internal development. It has constantly improved its organization, ideology, discipline, conduct and personnel to enhance its creativity, solidarity and productivity. The Party keeps the anti-corruption campaign going and exercises strict discipline on all fronts to always keep abreast of the times and serve as the backbone of all the Chinese people. As General Secretary Xi pointed out, “It takes a good blacksmith to make good steel. China’s success hinges on the CPC, and especially on the principle that the CPC should supervise its own conduct and abide in full by the code of discipline.”

The CPC must initiate reform from the inside and make itself even stronger to maintain its vigor and vitality and live up to the historic mission of the new era. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, a number of officials across the ranks who have violated party discipline or laws have been investigated and penalized nationwide. According to the public opinion poll conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, 95.8% of the respondents deemed the Party’s discipline campaign effective, a 16.5% increase from 2012. The 2020 Trust Barometer published by Edelman, a global leading consultancy in public relations, showed that China has been topping the chart for 3 consecutive years among the world’s major economies, with 90% of the population trusting its government.

Fourth, the CPC is committed to the progress of mankind. The Party believes that peace and development are the trending themes of the times. China will answer the call for peace, development and win-win cooperation, and remain committed to world peace, global development and international order. China stands ready to work with all the other countries for an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that features lasting peace, universal security and common prosperity. As General Secretary Xi pointed out, “The future of each and every nation and country is interlocked.

We should sail in the same boat, share weal and woe, endeavor to build this planet of ours into a single harmonious family, and turn people’s aspiration for a better life into reality. The CPC takes an open attitude for more exchanges in governance experience with political parties of other countries. It also welcomes dialogue with different civilizations to enhance strategic trust. China will join hands with people in all countries to build a community with a shared future and a better world!” China has extended its COVID-19 support to over 150 countries and 10 international organizations, including 220 billion masks, 2.25 billion PPEs and 1.02 billion test kits, and sent 36 medical teams to 34 countries including Ethiopia.

China is also donating or will donate vaccines to 80 countries and 3 international organizations, exporting vaccines to more than 40 countries, and cooperating with more than 10 countries in vaccine research, development and manufacturing. In response to a UN appeal, we have donated vaccines to peacekeepers from various countries. We are also ready to work with the International Olympic Committee to provide vaccines to Olympians, offering our solid support to our friends in their prevention and control against the pandemic.

A good understanding of the CPC is the gateway to solid knowledge of China. As the world’s largest ruling party with 91 million members, the century-old CPC will follow the lead of its leadership and stay true to its purpose and mission. Committed to peaceful development, China will enhance its partnership with Ethiopia and other countries to step up its contribution to mankind development.

H.E. Zhao Zhiyuan,

Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China

To the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

The Ethiopian Herald May 22/2021

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