Is it possible the “internal document” is a propaganda piece prepared by supporters of the TPLF and passed on to Susan Rice, who in turn “leaked” it to the New York Times under the official seal of the State Department to give it a veneer of authority and respectability?
I know the “internal document” obtained by the New York Times is a TPLF document.
I will not say how I know.
As the old saying goes, “Those who talk don’t know and those who know don’t talk.”
The “LF” in “TPLF” stands for Lie Factory.
Though the Tigray People’s Liberation Front today is deader than a door nail, its diaspora supporters, a number of the major Western legacy media, U.S.-based think tanks and lobbied policy makers concertedly operate its Lie Factory on an industrial and global scale unleashing torrents of disinformation about “ethnic cleansing”, “genocide” and similar claims on Ethiopia on a daily basis.
On February 29, 2021, the New York Times reported: Ethiopian officials and allied militia fighters are leading a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing in Tigray, the war-torn region in northern Ethiopia, according to an internal United States government report obtained by The New York Times.
“Ethnic cleansing”? The U.S. Government kept an “internal report” on “ethnic cleansing” secret from the world until outed by the fearless and prying New York Times!? How did the New York Times obtain “an internal United States Government document”? Does the New York Times have moles in the State Department stealing government documents?
Is the New York Times conveniently oblivious of various federal laws that sanction unauthorized possession, use and distribution U.S. Government documents? Aha!
Is it possible the “internal document” is a propaganda piece prepared by supporters of the TPLF and passed on to Susan Rice, who in turn “leaked” it to the New York Times under the official seal of the State Department to give it a veneer of authority and respectability?
Is the State Department used by Susan Rice as a weapon of mass distraction in her propaganda and disinformation offensive against Ethiopia?
Sniff, sniff… I smell a rat!
After all, for years Susan Rice was a contributing op-ed writer for the New York Times.
Need I say more?
Of course, the report on the “internal documents” begs obvious questions.
Once the “internal report” was made public, why didn’t the State Department release it to the public or comment on it one way or the other?
Why didn’t the State Department present it to or confront the Ethiopian Government with the findings of the “internal report”, particularly after Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the U.S. Fitsum Arega challenged the Times to see the “proof of ethnic cleaning”?
Could it be that the State Department did not want to acknowledge or comment on the “internal report” because it is afraid on closer scrutiny it could be exposed as the handiwork of TPLF supporters and concocted from nothing more than rumors, innuendoes, hints and allegations?
The New York Times motto is, “All the news that is fit to print.”
What is the standard for “fitness” to print; Rumors, innuendoes, hints and allegations; Leaks of TPLF-concocted reports by the TPLF mother hen Susan Rice?
Journaliesm and the Western media conspiracy against Ethiopia
The New York Times and the other legacy old guard corporate media have lost their journalistic and ethical compasses, if they ever had one.
The New York Times will sacrifice the truth on the altar of Journaliesm in a New York minute!
Whenever I find the English language lacking in expressive power, I simply mint my own word.
Over the past fifteen years or so, I have engaged in dozens of such neologistic exercises (minting my own English words).
So, what word captures the lies, damned lies and disinformation coordinated, propagated and orchestrated by Susan Rice and her puppet (or is it puppy?) Antony Blinken using the old guard, reactionary corporate media including the New York Times, BBC, Washington Post, Bloomberg, Reuters, Guardian, Financial Times and their ilk?
JournaLIEsm! I prescribe the proper use of this word with “LIE” in capital case. I define Western JournLIEsm in the context of Ethiopia in many ways. Foremost, Western JournLIEsm on Ethiopia is the politicization and weaponization of journalism for the purpose of demonization, denigration, destabilization, demoralization, and dehumanization of the Ethiopian people and their government.
Western journaLIEsm on Ethiopia manifests itself in infinite ways: Reporting which undermines and trashes Ethiopian sovereignty, independence, image and reputation; Reporting the “news fit to print” on Ethiopia in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the facts; maliciously shaping a negative narrative to create adverse global public opinion against Ethiopia; Conflating a variety of false information and disinformation on Ethiopia to confuse global public opinion; Representing anonymous sources as reliable sources to make outrageous and inflammatory claims against Ethiopia and nauseatingly repeating such “facts” in flagrant disregard for journalistic standards; Presenting misleading and false content on Ethiopia as news and analysis; Creating mass hysteria, churning the rumor mills and fanning the flames of ethnic and sectarian conflict to destabilize Ethiopia.
Presenting events as zero-sum (one is always the winner, the other a loser) game outcomes and reporting which claims one ethnic group has vanquished another without discussing how ethnic groups in Ethiopia have coexisted peacefully and harmoniously for millennia.
Providing information with little depth and context and focusing on the sensational aspects of conflict, recklessly using inflammatory words and phrases to describe the situation in Tigray as “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”; describing the victims as “devastated and defenseless”; evoking hatred against the Ethiopian Government by describing its law enforcement actions as a “genocidal”, “systematic ethnic cleansing”, “committing massacres and war crimes against civilians,” and demonizing its sovereign acts to uphold its Constitution as “vicious,” “cruel,” “barbaric”.
Depicting and portraying the TPLF as the “good guys” despite overwhelming evidence of the fact that the TPLF engineered the ethnically motivated Mai Kadra Massacres on November 9, 2020 which resulted in nearly a thousand dead and destruction of critical infrastructure as the “good guys” and the Ethiopian government and people who seek to hold the TPLF criminals as the “bad guys”.
Propagandizing for the TPLF with little effort to include or represent the Ethiopian Government’s side of the story or other independent sources of facts.
Expressing paternalistic pretensions of giving voice to the voiceless while suppressing the voices of those who disagree with their narrative and deliberately excluding from their op-ed pages diverse voices and informed opinions from those who disagree with them.
Providing half-truths and exaggerations of facts to demonize the Ethiopian government and people.
Reporting news (fake) with little regard to the consequences of their reporting on Ethiopia, indeed aiming to exacerbate the political situation.
Reporting which revictimizes the victims by causing “disaster fatigue” in Western publics and diminishing the prospect of mass-based relief efforts.
The New York Times is the foremost practitioner of JournaLIEsm in America. I disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. But there is one thing I agree with him one hundred percent! I say without any reservation the New York Times is the true enemy of the people including Ethiopians!
The New York Fake News Times loftily pontificates about its journalistic standards: The Times strives to maintain the highest standards of journalistic ethics… our first duty is to make sure the integrity of The Times is not blemished… Our fundamental purpose is to protect the impartiality and neutrality of The Times… In print and online, we tell our readers the complete, unvarnished truth as best we can learn it…
Blah, blah, blah…
The Times, of course, journaLIES through its teeth. In December 2020, I fact-checked the New York Times and proved they had published fake news and a fake photos of an alleged victim of human rights abuse. I demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that the New York Times had patently lied at least five times in that report!
The BIGGEST journaLIE of the New York Times was the use of an image of an alleged victim of human rights abuse in Ethiopia which was proven to be a fake to a forensic medical certainty.
I published the forensic medical report which demonstrated the New York Times image was fabricated.
The Ethiopian Herald April 24/2021