Office allocates budget for road inventory, survey

ADDIS ABABA – Ethiopian Road Fund Office said that it has allocated 3 Million Birr to conduct road condition and inventory survey in the Bahir Dar and Mekelle towns of Amhra and Tigray States respectively. Asrat Asale Corporate Communication Directorate Director told The Ethiopian Herald that the Office has signed an agreement with Bahir-Dar and Mekelle universities to work jointly and conduct road inventory and condition survey within the two respective states .

As to the Director, the survey aims to monitor and identify road condition, spot the roads with potential maintenance in the two states. It would also help collect reliable data, avoid unnecessary costs and resources throughout the country, preserve the road and conduct fair road maintenance in all states. “The road that needs maintenance should be inspected critically and identified in scientific method. To this effect, undertaking road condition and inventory survey is crucial.”

Mentioning that the survey is carried out by Bahir Dar and Mekelle Universities under the supervsion of Road Fund Office, the Director said that the assessment is expected to be completed in the coming June. Then after, based on the outcome of the survey, the maintenance budget for all states would be allocated. In the coming years, the survey would also be extended and conducted in other states by the Addis Ababa Science and Technology, Adama and Jimma Universities.

Herald January 18/2019


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