Boosting Ethiopia’s swift development by adopting global best practices from China

It goes without saying that science and technology plays a paramount role in catapulting Ethiopia to new frontiers. As most developed nations have been putting in place a broad spectrum of up to the minute technologies with a focus on transforming their respective nations, their efforts have been bearing fruits and moving forward in the right direction time and again.

In actual fact, Ethiopia as things stand now has been working at all hours of the day and night with the intention accelerating the development of the country partnering with a broad range of nations worldwide. It is common knowledge that devoid of putting in place the various types of technologies, Ethiopia by hook or crook cannot move forward in the right direction. Therefore, making use of science and technology in all development endeavor of the country is compulsory.

In a related move, in the absence of science and technology which are the foremost drivers of the world in the present day, Ethiopia for sure will feel like a fish out of water and a chicken with its head cut off. Taking this reality on the ground into account, Ethiopia has been combining efforts with various nations in various development undertakings and moving forward constructively.

In the present climate, by teaming up with China, Ethiopia has continued gaining access to technology and expertise needed to leapfrog to sustainable development. In fact, China’s effective effectuation of development plans is an exemplary case for Ethiopia. Through its sharp vision toward long-term aspirations in all avenues, China has attained results at the earliest possible juncture.

In recent years, China has gone through an impressive revolutionary path following the right path. The uniqueness of this path encompasses more than dynamic economic growth.

Collaborating with China, the hub of technological development is a huge opportunity for Ethiopia. But collaboration should go beyond transfers of technology and countless others with the aim of taking Ethiopia to unprecedented heights almost immediately. Learning from Chinese experience, Ethiopia can take a lesson how to ensure sustainable development in every nook and cranny of the country in the shortest possible time.

In fact, the advancement of China is the outcome of collective efforts wisely drawn and well-implemented economic blueprints. As China has been sharing its technologies with various developed and developing nations, several nations worldwide have been reaping the fruits of achievement.

China has been working hand in glove with the aim of taking China to the pinnacle of success. As the people of China know the secret of success like the back of their hand, they bend over backwards to make the impossible possible in next to no time.

It is certain that Ethiopia with its abundant natural resources has the potential to accomplish unbelievable rapid development and growth in various development initiatives of the country following China’s footstep.

As things stand at present, in this world where swift expansion and progress is impossible in the absence of applying science and technology, China has been playing a major role in turning the dreams of many nations worldwide a reality.

For the sake of truth, thinking of development and growth in the absence of applying a broad spectrum of technologies will be a wild goose chase. Reasoning from this fact, some developing nations have been utilizing effective strategies working in close collaboration with advanced nations.

Most nations worldwide can learn the fact that China with its noteworthy experience in quick advancement offers valuable lessons and potential partnerships that could be fundamental in Ethiopia’s development voyage. Ethiopia should keep on aiming for the moon.

The people of China have been working with the focus on transforming their country’s development in digital transformation and intelligence manufacturing projects and other related aspects. Following its successful rapid development journey, China has been winning the hearts and minds of the wider international community. As far as this, the country has continued shooting for the moon.

Ethiopian Ambassador to China, Tefera Derbew Yimam, expressed his admiration for China’s efficiency in achieving its goals and praised China’s technological advancements, as learnt from a local media.

He told CGTN that Africa must work closely with China to catch up with the new industrial revolution.

The ambassador hailed the economic development achievements of China stating that the country shares 30 percent of the global economy. “As we are developing countries we will benefit out of these achievements in terms of generating foreign direct investment, expanding trade and tourism.”

The other area is the technological advancement that has been made in China which is vital for developing countries like Africa and urged Africans to seize this opportunity.

By working day in and day out and pursuing the example of developed nations like China, Ethiopia can achieve all its development goals in the shortest possible time.

It has been noted that a government work report delivered at the National People’s Congress underlined China’s plan for advanced development and top-tier opening up. The report says, “We will continue with the digital transformation projects and intelligent manufacturing projects, construct 5G plants and foster a number of intelligent factories on a tiered basis. We will press ahead with the building of national pilot zones for innovative development of the digital economy and facilitate the development of national data infrastructure.”



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