A memo to my wife

Though I’m Less attractive As I’m not a fool I set criteria My wife to be Ravishingly beautiful.

Though I have A wandering eye Cast yours On lothario’s why?

Though my Achilles’ heel Is infidelity I demand from you Unflagging loyalty.

Though The breadwinner Is I To juggle Two or more jobs Try not you why?

Of course Forget not to tackle Domestic chores.

Though I come home When peep stars bright Get home when Days cede place to night!

Though I’m spendthrift I expect you To prepare a dish I relish.

Though I don’t know My son’s grade I’m afraid Help him out with Assignments you have Before he Goes to bed.

Though I’m Growing grotesque And old Why don’t you Exercise care Your beauty to Maintain or hold?

Though I’m peevish Fix in your mind You must not Pay me in kind.

Though I’m To you Less respectful And rude To whatever I say Be crude.

Though I’m dictatorial And prefer to use The stick This habit of mine Get not sick.

Though I’m In love making weak Contentment elsewhere Do not try to seek.

Though I’m Willing with you On marital avenue Long to walk Shun we must On the complication A hard talk.

Though I’m A grown up Pamper me As a newly born Its mother That has to worn.



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