Ethiopia’s longstanding commitment to maintaining peace, stability in Horn, beyond

It is widely recognized that from the dawn of history, Ethiopia has been taking a role in maintaining peace and security in the Horn of Africa. Apart from mobilizing its peacekeeping forces to nearby nations in the region, Ethiopia has been going to the ends of the earth with a focus on fostering regional integration and taking the region to new benchmark and unprecedented heights.

In actual fact, Ethiopia has been demonstrating its resolute commitment for restoring peace and tranquility effectuating every possible thing with the objective of accomplishing the appropriate goal at the earliest possible juncture.

In the aftermath of Ethiopia’s peacekeeping mission forces’ success stories registered at different points in time in the Horn of Africa, the wider international community has been giving a pat on the back and expressing admiration.

No matter what the challenges may be, Ethiopia has sustained ensuring peace and tranquilly in the left, right and center of the region. In view of the foregoing, the region has set in motion breathing a sigh of relief and bolstering regional integration.

Notwithstanding the fact that some predicaments have been witnessed by some terrorists working around the clock to back the region into a corner utilizing abroad assortment of fake news stories, the country has been smoothing the path of peace and tranquility irrespective of challenges using Ethiopian National Defense Forces.

Ethiopia leaves no stone unturned with the motive of restoring peace and tranquilly in neighboring nations making the most of its effective techniques. On the heels of Ethiopia’s unflinching stance to exterminate terrorists residing under the umbrella of the region, the sought-after possession has been moving forward in the right direction.

Some neighboring countries should trust Ethiopia to maintain its peacekeeping efforts in the Horn of Africa (HoA) region, Assistant Researcher at Kuwait University, Indrissa Ibrahim (PhD) stressed. The country’s consistent engagement in peace missions reflects its dedication to fostering a stable environment for its neighbors.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the Academic Researcher of African Affairs, Indrissa Ibrahim Ayat said that some neighboring countries are choosing not to collaborate with Ethiopia, an anchor nation in the Horn of Africa, which has been steadfast in fostering regional stability and cooperation. Certain neighboring countries would rather join distant club to push them to their own whims and become a leader in a region that they do not belong to, claiming they could be the peace keeper but they are actually bent on destabilizing the region, the expert warned.

“We all know what happened 30 years ago with Siad Barre. They are the same countries who led that country to be what it is today. Those who created the problem cannot offer the solution,” he stressed.

“But a country (Ethiopia) that stands beside you, helping you and sending its own soldiers to fight against Al-Shabaab and other armed groups, you cannot come today and accuse that country of trying to destabilize your country, and bringing alien actors,” Ibrahim stressed.

However, he added that one should rely on Ethiopia to be the peacekeeper that it had been for like 30 years to continue doing so. Ethiopia’s exceptional contribution to ensuring peace and security in the Horn of Africa has been witnessed by the wider international community time and time again.

It is worth mentioning that Ethiopia’s high degree of amalgamation with nearby nations in the context of its unflagging support for the freedoms of African nations have been held in high regard by various people.

In the present circumstances, Ethiopia, along with other peace keeping troops of the countries in the region, has continued consolidating peace and security in the Horn of Africa with the aspiration of doing away with extremists residing in every nook and cranny of the region.

It is widely acknowledged that since time immemorial, Ethiopia has been contributing to the regional peace by exerting all possible efforts and mobilizing its peacekeeping mission in different parts of the globe.

As Ethiopia has been getting involved in African matters with the intention of bringing about peace and tranquility in a number of locations in the continent of Africa, the country has been winning the hearts and minds of the international community.

Everybody unanimously agree the fact that Ethiopia has been playing a meaningful role in upholding the peace and security of the Horn region battling with extremists working on a daily basis to move the region into uncharted waters.

No matter how hard terrorists fought to get control of the region, they failed to materialize their objective in consequence of Ethiopia’s National Defense Forces bravery. Despite encounters, Ethiopia is committed to ensuring sustainable peace and stability in the region.

The price that Ethiopia has paid to give rise to peace and security in the Horn of Africa took a stroll down memory lane and indulged in nostalgia.

Albeit terrorists at various points in time made an effort to move the Horn of Africa region into uncharted territory working in league with various terrorist networks, Ethiopia has persisted putting a stop to unofficial combatants from the length and breadth of the region.

Head of Political Affairs and Counter Terrorism Focal Point for the African Union (AU), Babatunde Abayomi Taiwo commended the commitment of Ethiopia for its positive contribution to peace and security in Africa and globally, according to information obtained from local media.

The first African Defense Ministers Conference organized by Ethiopia on its own initiative recently held in Addis Ababa at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum. During the occasion, AU’s official expressed deep gratitude to Ethiopia for hosting the event, which aims to address the continent’s complex security challenges.

Taiwo highlighted Ethiopia’s significant contributions to the AU and the United Nations since 1951, particularly its leadership and in peacekeeping missions in Somalia and other regions.

Growing geopolitical tensions could threaten Africa’s sovereignty and stability, urging a unified approach to strengthen defenses against transnational threats and enhance Africa’s position in the global arena. Aside from historic contribution for freedom and pacification of Africa, Ethiopia pressed on playing a due part to ensure peace and security in the continent.

Notwithstanding the fact that some groups move heaven and earth with the purpose of dragging the positive moves of the country employing cock and bull stories that do not reflect the existing reality on the ground, Ethiopia has continued battling with extremists with a view to safeguarding peace and security. To this point, the country has preceded making history once in a while.

There is no doubt that Ethiopia has been bending over backwards to make the Horn of Africa free from terrorists through the passage of time. No matter how long it takes, the Horn of Africa will set in motion uttering a sigh of relief.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), Ambassador Konjit SeneGiorgis, in the recent past stated that the nation has been putting unwavering effort along with IGAD and AU to safeguard peace and security in the region.

Besides, striving to create economic cooperation in the continent, Ethiopia has remained the largest troop contributor to AU and UN peacekeeping missions in Rwanda, Burundi, Liberia, Sudan and Somalia, she said.

Ethiopia’s contribution to the continent is not limited to its symbolism of freedom, Konjit said, adding that the country also takes the lion’s share in the coming in to force of former OAU now African Union that aimed to rid the continent of colonization and apartheid.

As it has been working with the purpose of restoring peace and tranquility in the Horn of Africa and beyond, by eliminating terrorist groups, the international community should stand by the side of Ethiopia.

According to Chief of General Staff of ENDF, Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) made unparalleled sacrifices to bring peace to the people of Somalia.

Field Marshal Birhanu welcomed a battalion of ENDF which successfully completed its peacekeeping mission under the umbrella of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) in Ferfer Woreda of Shebele Zone, Somali State.

Upon receiving the battalion, Field Marshal Birhanu emphasized that Ethiopia sent its army to Somalia for several years prior to and following the resolutions passed by the African Union, and paid incalculable price to protect the Somali people from al- Shabaab’s attacks.

Field Marshal Birhanu added that the battalion was well-harmonized to the people of Somalia and won their acclaim for its bravery throughout the peacekeeping mission, local media reported.

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald



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