States’ specializing in agricultural production for food self-sufficiency

ADDIS ABABA – The specialization of agricultural production is being carried out in Tigray and Central Ethiopia States to improve productivity thereby realizing food security, the agriculture bureaus of the states announced.

Tigray State Agriculture Bureau Head, Eyasu Abirha (PhD) told The Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that his bureau is specializing on the production of sorghum, wheat, teff, maize, and sesame crops.

Particularly, sorghum, which is common to the state, is being cultivated on more than 300,000 hectares of land. However, the state has a total potential of cultivating over 500,000 hectares in sorghum only, Eyasu indicated.

As to him, various activities have been carrying out to improve the agricultural production and ensure food self-sufficiency through expanding mechanized farming.

To this end, the state agriculture bureau is giving adequate attention for market oriented cereals and improving the capacity of executives.

With the rank of Deputy Administrator, Central Ethiopia State Agriculture and Rural Development Cluster Coordinator, Osman Surur on his part said that over 570,000 hectares of land have been cultivated with various crops in which more than 50 million quintals of product is expected.

Osman added that treating acidic soils, working on soil and water resource management, adapting cluster farming are among the serious activities in the state to boost production and productivity at present.

According to him, the State has also planned to conduct a campaign to mobilize over 800,000 citizens in various agricultural activities aimed at maximizing production.

“Using technology in the post harvesting process is among the priority agendas of the state to increase quality production thereby reducing product wastage,” he added.

He further stated that the state has planned to produce 35,000,000 quintals of products by cultivating 146,000 hectares of land in Bega irrigation mechanism. Of this, 141,000 of hectares will be covered by vegetables while the rest is prepared to produce wheat.



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