GERD: A symbol of national pride, fulfilling economic aspirations amid external conspiracies

Following the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Ethiopia has passed through a diverse range of twists and turns owing to conspiracies emanated from the country’s archenemies working around the clock to badmouth the flagship project.

Albeit Ethiopia every once in a while goes to the ends of the earth to acquaint the unvarnished truth with the wider international community, the country’s adversaries left no stone unturned to defame the move going behind closed curtains time and time again.

As the country’s opponents feel an extreme animosity towards Ethiopia’s growth, they every now and then turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the concrete reality on the ground bringing their usual make-believe and spurious stories into service.

Although Ethiopia’s foes know the fact that the country has no intention of harming any nations worldwide and its overreaching goal like the back of their hand, they have continued bamboozling the international community in cold blood.

There is broad agreement that on the heels of the construction of the colossal dam, Ethiopia at different points of time has been at loggerheads with some nations.

However, no matter what the challenges may be as a result of Ethiopia’s diplomatic efforts, the country’s endeavors have set in motion bearing fruits and making progress in the right direction at regular intervals.

As a consequence of the successful expedition of the construction of the dam, high government officials many a time and opt have been articulating their way of thinking in a number of effective ways.

The newly appointed President Taye Atskeselassie remarked that the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is a mega project that represents Ethiopia’s outstanding achievement in its modern history, according to local media.

The president was sworn in as the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia during the joint session of the House of Peoples Representatives and House of Federation.

Addressing the two Houses, President Taye emphasized the dam’s completion and its fifth round of water filling, marking a major milestone in nation’s development journey. He also disclosed the completion of its civil engineering work.

Acknowledging the remarkable contributions of Ethiopians, The President revealed that their collective efforts will be remembered in history. The dam not only serves as a vital source of electricity but also it fulfills the country’s overdue national aspiration, he stated.

For him, the successful construction of the GERD demonstrates Ethiopia’s capability to achieve its developmental goals in its own capacity.

Furthermore, the President highlighted that the dam will benefit neighboring countries, fostering regional development and reducing risks associated with river basin management. This year marks a significant victory for Ethiopia, he emphasized, reaffirming the government’s determination to reinforce progress of the country.

It is abundantly clear that chasing closely the positive achievements of the dam, Ethiopians residing at home and abroad have been feeling on top of the world and in seventh heaven. As the completion of the flagship project mean everything to them and play a mammoth role in taking the country to new frontiers, all and sundry could not believe their eyes and ears.

As the government has accorded the highest priority to the dam which would be an engine to the industrialization of the country, the construction of the dam has been comprehended prudently, responsibly and shorn of a break.

In the present climate, everyone has continued its support to make the colossal project see the light of day on the grounds that it takes the country to further stage and whole new level. As things stand now, if Ethiopians from all walks of life sustained standing in unison, the country’s economy will at the earliest possible juncture catapult to higher standard.

It has commonly been assumed that meeting the deadline of the construction of the oversized dam of the country would be a do-or-die situation for Ethiopians. In actual fact, diverse backgrounds have vowed to enthusiastically form an alliance for the construction of the high profile project which is expected to get rid of poverty from the face of the earth for good and all through the passage of time.

In the same way, people from all sections of the populations have been discharging large number of activities with the purpose of procuring resources, providing appropriate information for empowering the people, fostering Diasporas participation and more of the same.

It is recalled that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has recently congratulated Ethiopians on the near-completion of the Abbay Dam describing its current status as a “historical arc” that cannot be reversed.

In a video message, Abiy highlighted Ethiopia’s progress on transformative projects like the GERD and the Green Legacy Initiative. “The GERD is a monumental project that everyone should witness. It stands as a powerful lesson for the entire continent of Africa,” he stated, urging riparian countries like Sudan and Egypt to support the project.

The Prime Minister emphasized the vast water capacity of the dam, noting it is possible to fill the entire reservoir in just 71 days. He also suggested that constructing additional dams could enhance year-round water flow, benefiting downstream countries.

Currently, the dam releases 2,800 cubic meters of water per second, providing more water than usual to downstream nations. “Ethiopia is sharing its resources with other nations for mutual development. If the lower riparian countries manage these resources wisely, it could significantly enhance their development,” Abiy remarked. He assured that as further construction progresses, the dam would provide an even better water supply.

Looking ahead, the Prime Minister revealed that by December, the dam is expected to operate at higher capacity as water levels rise and more turbines come online. He mentioned that the dam’s bridge is nearing completion, and additional electromechanical components for new turbines will be commissioned soon.

Abiy explained that launching all turbines simultaneously would not be beneficial; instead, a phased approach following technical guidelines is planned. “The dam is now almost completed. Those who invested in efforts to halt its construction have failed. While they may have caused some damage, we have successfully completed the dam. Their resources would have been better spent supporting the project,” he asserted.

The PM acknowledged the high cost of the project but expressed pride in achieving its ambitious goals, reiterating Ethiopia’s commitment to advancing the GERD for national development and regional cooperation.

The comprehensive construction of the dam has been witnessing accelerated development by the commitment and determination of the federal government that has been working around the clock to make the dam fully operational in the near future.

It is true that the dam has been executed carefully, responsibly and without interruption. Above and beyond, the government has given top priority to the project, which would be the pillar of the economic development of the country.

It is common knowledge that Egypt has been spreading misleading information about the progress of the dam though its nefarious acts over and over again failed to attain the intended outcomes.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed reiterated Ethiopia’s readiness to negotiate on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), according to information obtained from Ethiopian News Agency.

The premier has responded queries from the House of People’s Representatives at its 14th regular session held in the recent past.

In his response regarding the trilateral negotiation on GERD, Abiy said Ethiopia is ready to listen to the demands of the brotherly people of Egypt and address them to the best of Ethiopia’s ability. The premier has also stressed the need for readiness by the Egypt side too to address Ethiopia’s demands.

The information claiming that Ethiopia’s filling of the GERD will cause the Aswan Dam’s water volume to decrease has also been practically disproved, Abiy stated. The GERD has demonstrated the fact that there will be no damage to the lower riparian countries, it was indicated.

The Premier stated, “The filling of GERD will not be a question anymore. Ethiopia’s intention is to develop together with discussion and cooperation. However, the idea of promoting merely own interests won’t take us any further.”

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald



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