Congratulations on the dawn of a new era

The burgeoning population witnessed in Africa accompanied with the ever-rising water needs in the 21st century has attracted a systematic and doable mode of utilizing common water resources. Cognizant of this fact, the Nile Basin countries have now taken the right track to grow together bringing to effect a binding basin-wide agreement.

The step taken by the countries in general and the Nile Riparian countries in particular—instituting the Cooperative Framework of Agreement (CFA)—has registered a momentous epoch towards inking common growth.

Completing a trying trek towards ensuring sustainable development through the effective water utilization, thanks to the commitment of riparian states, the Nile Basin Cooperative Framework of Agreement (CFA) has come to effect as of October 12, 2024. Congratulations Africa!

The Nile River Basin Commission (NRBC)will spearhead the cooperation and projects of reciprocated importance. The countries have ratified the Framework and pushed it to the decisive pace. As CFA presents the unparalleled option for institutional basin-wide cooperation, all countries are expected to positively entertain the issue and be part of the game-changing scenario.

It has been well recognized that Ethiopia has time and again recapped its unwavering aspiration for an equitable and reasonable use of water resources for its development endeavors all the way through the effective water use. Undeniably, it has so far been working hard to pull other sisterly countries towards the sacred and beneficial step to foster common growth under the scaffold, the CFA, which has confidently helps pave the way for the vision of collective change.

True, the framework is really a forward-looking accordance that can be a workable approach to emancipate the content in general and riparian nations in particular from poverty and lack of coordination. It has also provided nations with equitable and reasonable utilization as well as a bundle of benefits and sense of fraternity.

Hence, all states have to join the framework and move in unison for the practical application of the just commenced great move. Since CFA’s potential for fostering basin-wide cooperation depends on the inclusion of all Nile Basin States, they all have to come up with firm commitment to push this significant step into fruition. Yes, it is high time for Africa to reinvigorate cooperative management of the Nile watercourse.

The coming into effect of the CFA is a clear memorandum urging nations which have not become party to it to think well and properly weigh the significance and come to the track soon. And a lot has to be done for its further effectiveness.

No need of explaining the fact that the primary objective of the CFA is to ensure the long-term and sustainable management and development of the shared Nile waters. Hence, to get all sorts of efforts bear fruit, all riparian nations have to be wholeheartedly support the move so as to augment cooperation thereby effectively and fairly utilizing the vast potential of the Nile water.

This landmark agreement signifies a shift towards a more unified approach to the Nile’s resources thereby fostering regional integration and economic growth.

No doubt, countries have capitalized on the CFA with a view to reducing transaction costs, recording continuous improvement within long-term relationships, bringing about a better value and greater community wealth, among others. Since the framework has targeted at sketching out principles, rights and obligations for cooperative management and development of the Nile Basin water resources.

It is a new dawn for the Nile Basin countries. The binding agreement, the CFA, entitles all the riparian countries to utilize the waters without causing significant harm to downstream countries. The two downstream countries must choose the path of cooperation and join their fellow countries’ far-sighted move.


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