Higher education with a purpose: Arba Minch University’s commitment to community service

The exceeding responsibility and obligation of higher institutions is enriching quality education to citizens equally and to produce a productive and ethical generation. Beyond this major obligation higher institutions are expected to shine for the society they are placed in. Since education is the key for solving a problem at the hand of the society, the scientific research and technological applications for tackling challenges is mainly expected from higher institutions. That is why higher institutions have inculcated their role and responsibility to be based on solving the troubles of the people that clutches them around.

Arba Minch University, which is located in the Southern part of Ethiopia Gamo Zone had posited its mission and vision with the greater emphasis on community service. As one of the research universities that is ranked by the Ministry of Education, it prioritizes its service to stem from conducting problem solving research and advancing technologies for better service. The Ethiopian Herald had a time with the university’s president Dr. Damtew Derza and the Vice President for Research and Community Service Prof. Behailu Merdekios. For this article the interview made with the president is presented under.

The president confirmed that the university is basically working on producing effective and competent graduates in almost all fields of study. Regarding the potential of the instructors and technical assistants, the university is maximizing various opportunities for further education both in the country and abroad. He said, “Within the past eight years, the profile of teachers is boosting up. Currently, about 180 teachers are PhD holders.

In our university the lowest level of teachers’ educational status particularly in Health Campus is MA degree. This showed that the potential of teachers in conducting valuable scientific research is higher in quality. In relation to this there are full time researchers who are contributing immense scientific solutions to our people’s problem. As a research university, the institute had seven research centers which coexist with educational phases of each discipline. In addition to this we have research works that are conducted in cooperation with institutions located in the country and outside the country. The university had its own five journals that published articles as per their quality and relevance. We are working on accrediting these journals to zoom them up at the country and international level. Thus the potential of research and budgeting is progressing through time.”

The president also reminded that since the university is a pioneer university in water technology, it had 10 PhD programs that are opened in the field’s specialization. Including other disciplines the institute had 34 PhD programs which are actively under-function. He said that the journal on water technology is qualified at the country level. They are working to enable this journal to meet the international standard.

Damtew explained that the research gist in the university is made in line with the goal and need of the country’s development. That way pure and applied research has been done by specialists from different subjects. Thus in the annual research programs research which aimed at solving an immediate and tangible problem of the society gets priority and funded and supported ahead.

The president said, “Regarding community service we had the principle of society ties or ‘Mahibereseb Gudgnit’. In this regard the people in the area had an advantage to get education. 70 to 60 percent out of the registered students, the said amount is allotted for the nearby learners. Thus the number of educated and highly qualified workers in the area is greater in various offices. This had its own great share for the country.” As his words showed the university has been giving higher attention to educational sectors. As per the plan of the government in the town there is a higher education center of excellence. According to the president the university is contributing much of the work and burdens of this school. It provides training and follow up and assisting inputs, and other support for its better function. The university also gave professional aids like organizing laboratories, giving training and other support to high schools in the town.

As Damtew explained, since the responsibility of universities is to investigate the problem and show solutions to problems through research and create technological transformation, the university is shifting its concern to these pillars. Thus, in collaboration with six joint institutions located in Belgium, the university has taught 34 PhD graduates for bringing better knowledge and experience to the university and to the society. The nature of these institutions is different because after the completion of the PhD dissertation the finding of the research had continuity to be applied for the development of the society in the area.

For example two PhD studies were done on the known food plant in the region called Enset. In their study the university detected the presence of this plant’s variety of species and the causes of its damage or disease since it is mostly infected with disease. In addition to that they studied how to improve the production capacity of this plant in the area. Damtew said, “One research particularly showed that the improvement of the production of Enset in this area is a key to improve the livelihood of the society in various ways. This did mean that since the southern and central part of the country that mounts up to 20 million people are going to improve their life if the plant is kept and produced scientifically. With this regard we had a research institute that works on it called Enset Prank in which there are 60 Enset varieties located at Chencha. Among these varieties we are examining which variety is appropriate and more useful for the society and how it can easily be processed with less effort and time is our concern. Thus as part of the location we are primarily working on the plant to transform the people’s life and contribute our own share for the development plan of the country.”

As the first water technology institute in the country, research designs and projects in the regional and country level are advised and conducted with the support of the university. Besides this the institute has been constructing various projects like addressing sanitized water supply to the community and constructing mini dams for electricity, irrigation accessibilities to the farmers and many more plans are underway. Electric technology is also the basic necessity in the community. Thus, “the university is expanding solar technology for schools, health centers and to the people that have never accessed electric circuits.” The president also added that health related services are also potentially assisting the people. He said, “The health department is working on helping women during pregnancy where health centers are away from their destiny.”

As a responsible institute, Arba Minch University is assisting the government policy called ‘Yelemat Turfat” in amplifying it with scientific research and technology.

Damtew raises the contribution of the university in synthesizing the cultural aspects of the society. He said, “In our zone there is a marvelous culture called Dubusha. Thus in order to register it with UNESCO in cooperation with the Gamo Zone Culture and Tourism Department, an extended examination and study is under way. There is a separate institute called Language and Culture Study Research Center that mainly focuses on the indigenous culture and languages of the people in the area.” He mentioned the school of law’s contribution saying that, “In a year more than 2000 victims in the area were supported and attempted by this department. In this regard we have got various recognitions at the country and international level. Thus the school is doing well in asserting the prevalence of good governance in the zone.”

The president also mentioned that the university had built a rehabilitation center for female students. In this center every accessory like computer, tennis table, study materials are served thus girls are freely enjoying and studying there. As per the president these girls are achieving good results from time to time.

Generally the university is working in its every discipline as a research university. We hope the institute could scale up its service in the future.



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