Ethiopia’s diplomatic position in the words of the new president

After the end of the term of President Sahle-Work Zewde the first female president since Ethiopia became a republic and the fourth in total, a new president was sworn in when the joint session of the House of Peoples Representatives and the House of the Federation was held on October 7, 2024. The new president is Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie who just as the former president is a seasoned diplomat and has served his country for more than forty years in various positions including most recently the Ethiopian Ambassador to the United Nations and lately the Ethiopian Foreign Minister. He has extensive diplomatic experience dealing with Ethiopia’s relations with other countries. He is familiar with the issues and the ins and outs of diplomacy and the intricate nature of bilateral and multilateral relations. Just recently when he was at the UN representing Ethiopia and responding to every unfounded allegation made by certain countries regarding the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, GERD, Ambassador Taye responded brilliantly earning the appreciation and admiration of Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia.

It is known that Ethiopia has always been an active country in the diplomatic sphere of the world particularly in the African diplomatic arena. Ethiopia’s active diplomatic engagement in the world at large has earned it reputation and credibility. Its various engagements with international organizations such as the UN have been appreciated and recognized by all actors in the international arena. From its fundamental role in establishing the Organization of African Unity, OAU, then turned to be called the African Unity, AU, in its capital city Addis Ababa and other regional organizations such as IGAD, the Inter Governmental Agency for Development, Ethiopia has always played a huge role in diplomatic ventures across the world. For instance it was the only African country that was part of the League of Nations in 1923 thanks to the insistence of the then Regent of Ethiopia Tafari Mekonnen who was later to be crowned Emperor Haile Selassie and was to earn the respect of all African nations and the world for having predicted the second world war if small countries were allowed to invade aggressively without any consequences. The speech he made at the League of Nations in Geneva denouncing the unprovoked invasion of Ethiopia by the aggressive Fascist Regime of Mussolini was appreciated by all those who stood by the side of Ethiopia. By so doing he conquered the hearts of all black peoples of the world.

During the first address to the joint session of the sixth year and fourth tenure of the House of Representatives and the House of Federation as well as the Ethiopian people at large, the new president of Ethiopia Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie outlined Ethiopia’s priorities and positions in its diplomatic opening to the region of the Horn of Africa as well as generally to the wider world. President Taye reiterated Ethiopia’s wish and commitment to live in peace with all its neighbours and other countries in an atmosphere of the respect of other countries’ sovereignty and interests with the principle of give and take. Talking about Ethiopia’s legitimate and peaceful request to have access to the sea, he noted that it sounds inconceivable that a country such as Ethiopia with about 130 million people most of whom are young should be confined or condemned to be land locked when there is vast sea shore within a few kilometers to its borders.

He said Ethiopia’s efforts to secure alternative ports and access to sea through a give and take approach will continue. He added, Ethiopia’s efforts in this regard will continue unabated employing a strategic approach that prioritizes mutual benefit and cooperation. Ethiopia has ambitious plans to strengthen its position in the global stage. He highlighted the importance of forging strong alliances and partnerships particularly with nations possessing maritime capabilities. The president explained that the efforts Ethiopia began in pursuit of port and access to sea using this alternative approach have been strengthened and will proceed in strong manner. He also mentioned that the work to strengthen and increase the number of Ethiopia’s allies and partners is being conducted with great attention. Peace, security, regional integration, economic matters and shared benefits are among the priorities of Ethiopia’s diplomatic principles and paths. Ethiopia has signed the MOU with Somaliland establishing the foundation for the effort to secure port and access to the sea through the principle of give and take.

Ethiopia has always worked to have peaceful and friendly relations with its neighbours and has always respected the sovereignty of other nations but in the case of Ethiopia signing a memorandum of understanding with Somaliland, a de facto state, it does not constitute a contradiction with its principles of the respect of other countries’ sovereignty. The president said Ethiopia strives for peace, security and mutual prosperity in the Horn of Africa and this arrangement with Somaliland underlines Ethiopia’s drive to the contribution of not only to the economic development of Ethiopia enhanced due to access to the sea but also contributes to regional integration as planned and programmed by the chief African organisation, the AU and other regional bodies such as IGAD, COMESA and others formed to amplify exchange of trade and commercial relations with all African nations. It is to be recalled that African nations have also ratified the AfCFTA, the continental free trade area that would link 1.3 billion people in exchanges of goods and services amounting to the biggest free trade area of the world. Such moves would enhance the continent’s influence in the world and hand it the necessary clouts to deal with other countries in non African continents.

As the president said Ethiopia will always continue with its efforts towards ensuring peace and security as well as ascertaining mutual prosperity. Ethiopia prioritizes the peace and security of its neighbours and mutual prosperity as well as focusing on regional economic integration. The signing of the MOU with Somaliland to have access to the sea is based on mutual benefit with Ethiopia exerting every effort to reduce the tension that has come due to this development.

Besides Ethiopia is also pursuing diplomatic activities to resolve the conflict in Sudan because Ethiopia is a close friend and ally of Sudan that goes beyond simple relations between close neighbours. One can say that Ethiopia and Sudan are the same people even if they have different names and the relations between the two nations have been excellent along the years with more economic integration. Many Ethiopians have had safe haven in Sudan when there were dangers that would drive them outside Ethiopia such as when the military regime in the nineteen seventies and eighties were persecuting opposition forces in the country. The same has happened when there were turmoil of all types and Sudanese people were sure to have safe haven in Ethiopia.

Talking about recent diplomatic successes of Ethiopia, the new president has mentioned Ethiopia’s close ties with China whose relations with Ethiopia have been elevated to the status of All Weather Strategic Partnership. Ethiopia has also undertaken close relations with the Gulf countries that have political, economic and military capabilities. Besides by joining the BRICS economic powerhouse President Taye said Ethiopia has strengthened its diplomatic clout in the world. It is to be recalled that Ethiopia’s application to join BRICS has been accepted after relevant consideration by the founding member countries of BRICS and along with Ethiopia Egypt has also been admitted to it from Africa beside Ethiopia along with Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. Ethiopia is looking forward to expand its trade relations with these huge economies at relatively better terms and have access to huge capital that would help it continue with its fast development trajectory.

Talking about the National Dialogue Commission which has been operating since two years ago, the president said it shows Ethiopia’s commitment to ensure peace in all aspects and contributes to the nation building process. The Commission has already started work by gathering agenda items in Addis Ababa and other regional states. It has invited every organisation and political parties including those in the rural areas who have been expressing their disagreement with the government to come forward to discuss their issues freely and candidly because the Commission tries to create a consensus in the country so that there will not be obstacles that can potentially retard its development and growth. A united country is always less exposed to political and even military vulnerability to foreign actors’ intervention in its internal affairs. A united Ethiopia can also score more diplomatic successes.



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