U.S. reignites education partnership with Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA – The U.S government in partnership with the Ministry of Education has been contributing to improve and expand access to education, said the U.S Ambassador to Ethiopia.

The U.S. Embassy in collaboration with Addis Ababa University held a Presidential Seminar on the enduring of legacy and the impact of the U.S. government’s Point Four Program in Ethiopia.

Speaking on the occasion, the U.S Ambassador to Ethiopia , Ervin Massinga stated that the program has played a pivotal role for Ethiopia’s development journey contributing its part in key sectors such as education, public health and agriculture . It has been providing technical supports for various sectors. Mainly the U.S. in collaboration with the Ethiopian government in the efforts of improving and expanding access to education in Ethiopia.

Between 1952 and 1961, the U.S. helped to establish Haramaya and Jimma agricultural colleges, which became universities, Gondar heath institute (Gondar University). Hence, the longstanding partnership between the two countries particularly in education sector has contributed towards enrollment rate increase , he said.

Currently, it has been assisting public universities to improve governance and quality of education. In response to the university system transition to autonomy, public diplomacy is helping university leaders to adapt policy, practices, and organizational cultures to more independent governance structure to encourage innovation, academic freedom and others, Ambassador added.

“The Americans from various universities are working with equivalent Ethiopians to adapt institutions that train and empower institutions building to contribute to build Ethiopians’ capacity and around the world. Prof. Gebisa Ejeta story is exemplary for Ethiopians.”

For his part, Addis Ababa University Interim President Samuel Kifle (PhD) said that the U.S’s initiatives shaped Ethiopia’s development. The 120 years partnership advanced societal improvements in enhancing education, agricultural practices and fostering economic developments.



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