Call for continued financial contribution to nearly -completed Abbay dam

ADDIS ABABA – Office of the National Council for Coordination of Public Participation to the Construction of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (Abbay Dam) called on public to continue their financial support in a bid to accelerate the completion of the dam project.

In exclusive interview with Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), the Office’s Public Relations’ and Media Communications Director Hailu Abreham said that since the commencement of the flagship project till last July, the public has contributed over 20 billion Birr.

The building of the mega dam has proved the world that how powerful is Ethiopians’ unity, he said adding that such solidarity should be continued until the dam is fully completed.

“The last year’s public financial contribution to the dam was overwhelming appreciable.”

Various Abbay dam’s public fundraising events have been organized over the past years. Last year alone, over 1.7 billion Birr was mobilized in this fiscal year. The amount of contribution to the dam is expected to surpass the previous one, it was learnt.

Hailu, moreover, pointed out that a total of 137 million Birr was collected during last July alone.

All branches of the Office and political leaders of the government have been actively engaging in various campaigns aimed at raising funds to Abbay dam, he noted.

Last month, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated the status of the dam construction of the dam as “a historical arc” that cannot be reversed.

“The dam is a monumental project that everyone should witness. It stands as a powerful lesson for the entire continent of Africa,” he said in a televised message heralding the lunching of the fourth turbine of the dam.



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