UN reaffirms commitment to support Ethiopia’s peace endeavors

ADDIS ABABA – The United Nations (UN) has pledged unwavering commitment to back Ethiopia’s peace initiatives aiming to promote durable peace and sustainable development.

The UNDP Resident Representative Samuel Doe (PhD) made the above statement recently on behalf of the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator while commemorating the 25th anniversary of the International Day of Peace.

He further remarked that Ethiopia has embarked on a dynamic milestone towards attaining its vision of unity and prosperity by crafting the National Dialogue Commission, Transitional Justice (TJ) which is critical for reconciliation and building trust among all segments of communities.

Apart from confronting the past and healing historical fractures, he said, adding that it also reinforces the rule of law, ensuring that everyone has recourse, and that justice is accessible to all.

In the pursuit of comprehensive peace, Samuel also stated that the country is preparing to demobilize approximately 400,000 former combatants. It entails the vital aspects of the society to integrate with their respective society and enable them to contribute to their country’s shared prosperity.

Moreover, Ethiopia is finalizing regional and national strategies to reintegrate over 4 million people displaced from their communities due to violent conflicts and climate change induced disasters, he noted.

In addition to these initiatives, the UN partners are supporting the efforts in advancing the Women, Peace, and Security and Youth Peace and Security agendas in the country.

As the United Nations Secretary- General has articulated, cultivating a culture of peace “means replacing division, disempowerment, and despair with justice, equality, and hope for all, he said this requires a focus on preventing conflict, advancing the Sustainable Development Goals, promoting human rights, and tackling all forms of discrimination and hate”.



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