Raising red flag on unholy alliances in volatile HoA

Being one of the most strategic locations in the continent, the Horn of Africa (HoA) has been attracting the attention of continental and global actors.

Taking the advantage of the current tension between Ethiopia and Somalia, some special interest groups have recently tried to create long-lasting instability in the wider region of the HoA

Therefore, these anti-peace elements are in attempt to undermine the security situation in the region and forming unholy alliances, seizing the deteriorating relationships as opportunity to execute their grand strategy of destabilizing the region.

Member of Ethiopian Political Parties Joint Council Mebratu Alemu (PhD) told Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA) that due to its strategic importance, the HoA has been attracting regional and global actors on several occasions.

“Since Ethiopia is located in strategic area of the HoA, it has been a key player in advocating regional peace and stability. Ethiopia has contributed a lot in the efforts to uphold and restore peace in the neighboring countries.”

Despite Ethiopia’s commitment to regional peace and friendship, there are certain anti-peace elements in the region working around the clock to destabilize Ethiopia and the region as whole, he said.

“The destructive forces have been trying to instill chaos in Ethiopia and the region because the former is the source of the Nile waters and its proximity to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.”

Mebratu indicated that over the past years, the nation has been embarking on steady economic development, despite facing stern challenges of internal and external actors.

For instance, Ethiopia has almost completed the construction of the its flagship dam ,he said adding that : “But such great development news is not welcomed by some anti-peace elements that is why these groups are working tirelessly to create havoc in the country .”

He also said that currently these anti-peace elements and external forces are creating unholy alliance in the fragile region of the HoA with a view of putting pressure on Ethiopia and region merely to execute their hidden interest of destabilizing the region.

“Such ill- intent will further exacerbate the fragile security situation in the region and create fertile ground for terrorists.”

An Independent Think Tank and Interaction for Change in Africa (ICA) Director Worku Yacob (PhD)for his part said that countries in the HoA needs to work together to fend off pressure from external actors rather than allowing anti-peace elements to destabilize the region.

He, therefore, insisted on resolving any differences among HoA’s countries on negotiating table .

HoA Analyst and Researcher Musa Sheiko said that Ethiopia’s historical enemies have been relentless attempting to destabilize the HoA for the sake of their narrow interest . The geopolitical dynamics of the HoA have increasingly become complex as external actors exploit regional tensions to undermine Ethiopia’s efforts.

As to him, These hostile forces are forming unholy alliances, seizing on deteriorating relationships of the countries in the region .thus, Ethiopia has already raised the red flags on the recent political tension in the HoA.



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