Premier hails Meskel as Ethiopia’s beacon of unity, perseverance

ADDIS ABABA- Meskel is a testament to Ethiopia’s multinational unity, where festivities like this showcase the harmony and shared narrative of the country, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) said.

In a social media message marking the Meskel celebration, the Prime Minister noted that the discovery of the True Cross, carried and celebrated by communities nationwide, reflects the power of collective effort.

Abiy also underlined that the Meskel festivity is more than a religious observance-it symbolizes national unity and the synergy of Ethiopia’s diverse cultures. “The transition from woods to torches and bonfires represents the energy generated through cultural collaboration, showing the strength that different traditions bring to our society.”

Twigs are bundled together to build a large Demera (large conical bonfire that commemorates the finding of the True Holy Cross of Christ) signifying the power of togetherness and synergy. Moreover, the celebration of Meskel in various ways by the different peoples of Ethiopia shows the age-long binding fabric within the Ethiopian society, and the shared narrative of the people, he remarked.

The Premier recounted the story of Queen Helena, who faced overwhelming challenges but remained undeterred in her quest to retrieve the True Cross. Her courage and perseverance, he said, are a powerful reminder that with determination, even the most ambitious dreams can be achieved. “Her discovery of the True Cross marked a turning point in history and serves as a testament to human resilience.”

As Ethiopians gather with families and communities to celebrate, PM Abiy urged everyone to embrace their shared heritage and work toward a prosperous future, inspired by the resilience symbolized by the True Cross. “Our cultural richness is what makes Ethiopia great, prosperous, and respectable,” he declared.

Recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible World Heritage, Meskel continues to be a powerful representation of Ethiopia’s unity and determination.


The Ethiopian Herald September 27/2024

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