A futile attempt to tarnish Ethiopia’s genuine proposal of cooperation

As tensions in the Horn of Africa are escalating, the act of tarnishing the name of Ethiopia has become prominent which exacerbates the uncertainty in the region. The deliberate movement to tarnish Ethiopia’s good deeds in the Horn has been entertained even by some state leaders and historic enemies of the country. With actors from different areas across the globe, everything is very sensitive and should be considered carefully when it comes to the Horn.

After Ethiopia and Somaliland signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) back at the beginning of January 2024, tension escalated between Ethiopia and Somalia. Using such a golden opportunity, some actors have started to mobilize their cliques to put pressure on the Government of Ethiopia by standing with the lies.

The dispute also paved the way for those enemies to tarnish the names of the signed parties. Though it seems that those historic enemies of Ethiopia are trying to bring the issue to the next level, the reality is rather unmatched. Those actors seek such dispute and instability in the Horn of Africa to address their own national interests despite they picture themselves as saviors and true partners of Somalia or a true peace seekers for the region.

The reality on the ground

Though those actors who wish to trade by using the dispute between Ethiopia and Somalia, the Horn and the entire world know what Ethiopia did to the region and how Ethiopia is portrayed in striving for world peace. Ethiopia sacrificed its sons and daughters to ensure the peace and stability of the region, especially in Somalia.

Adversely, those actors who are accusing Ethiopia of the instability of the region have done nothing at any point in time. And even, some of them are also the ones who equip rebel groups to revolt on their government so that countries will no longer think about changing their economy and growth rather being busy with such instability.

As the region is congested with so many actors with various interests, Ethiopia should also observe things very curiously as many want to destabilize the region for the sake of its interests. Any act of instability in the Horn affects the whole nations of the area including Ethiopia. Such an act also adds another negative impact on the overall development of the region as some of the regional countries have been dealing with various internal conflicts.

Ethiopia’s truth

Ethiopia is well known for its stand in diplomatic relations. In good truth, its foreign policy of Ethiopia has always been centered on advancing its relationship with its neighbors. Ethiopia believes that the well-being and prosperity of the country is closely tied to the peace, stability, and development of its neighboring nations. The country is committed to taking action to protect and ensure the destiny of the country and the region through taking responsibility.

Besides, Ethiopia is always committed to solve any dispute with any nation in a peaceful way. Speaking of the current disagreement with its neighbor, the Republic of Somalia, Ethiopia has shown its unwavering stand when it comes to peace and stability by accepting discussion sessions with Somalia representatives.

Ethiopia’s stand

As mentioned above, Ethiopia wants to live peacefully with its neighbors no matter what the issue could be. Again, any nation has its own national interest to achieve, and so does Ethiopia. Being found in one of the most dynamic and volatile sects of the region, the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia must take its fair share of the benefits of the region as it has accepted and lived up to all the hardest challenges and responsibilities of the region.

Speaking of national interest, Ethiopia must work on ensuring its national interest in the region as many other actors from different parts of the world come and do their best to do so. When it comes to Ethiopia’s situation, actors from here and there start crying and tarnishing Ethiopia’s name when the country raises some strong national interest.

It is the fact that Ethiopia is blessed with many human and natural resources, and as the country has many enemies, they leave no stone unturned to see Ethiopia stays there as it is because the world understands that Ethiopia’s prosperity and development is somehow hard to accept for some entities.

Delivering the bi-weekly press briefing last week, the newly appointed Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiat Getachew addressed some of the issues regarding the geopolitical dynamics of the Horn of Africa. Ethiopia’s foreign policy prioritizes neighboring countries and anchors Ethiopia’s pivotal role in the region’s peace, stability and development. Ethiopia will not passively observe any attempts to destabilize the region as well as to thwart its development efforts.

The spokesperson reiterated that Ethiopia’s diplomacy prioritizes peace, security, mutual development, and regional integration based on principle and reciprocity. Meanwhile, the country is monitoring the recent acts of its neighbors, he noted.

Ethiopia will avoid engaging in hostile rhetoric aimed at distorting its focus. However, we will not only continue monitoring actions in neighboring countries affecting Ethiopia’s national interest but respond, Nebiat noted, reaffirming Ethiopia’s commitment to peaceful resolution of disputes and regional cooperation.

On top of that, having a stay with a local media, veteran diplomat Ambassador Tiruneh Zena disclosed that the current antagonizing approach by leaders of Somalia is disgraceful and a total denial of Ethiopia that has contributed hugely to maintaining their country’s statehood.

The diplomat further stated that Somalia is currently pursuing unprecedented moves and negative rhetoric against Ethiopia by inviting outside powers that are seeking geopolitical influence. Following these narrow calculations, many geopolitical experts have been expressing concerns that the hostility stands to jeopardize the well-earned stability for which Ethiopia has sacrificed enormously.

“When Somalia disintegrated into factions, it is Ethiopia which has done everything for the statehood of that country and rebuilt it,” Tiruneh recalled, adding that Ethiopia’s contributions inherently emanates from its foreign policy that gives utmost importance to the neighboring countries.

“Of course, every country gives priority to neighboring countries in its foreign policy. But in the case of Ethiopia, there are things which are a bit different. Because significant numbers of citizens of neighboring countries like Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti, they also reside in Ethiopia.”

Similarly, the incumbent leadership of Somalia is now disgracefully instigating negative propaganda against Ethiopia and inviting other countries to destabilize the already turbulent East African region.

Taye Atskeselassie, Ethiopia’s Foreign Minister, also addressed those concerns and warned against the dangerous consequences of such rhetoric.

“Collusion with forces hostile to peace in this region is short-sighted and counterproductive. Ethiopia remains vigilant in monitoring developments that could threaten our national security. The well-being and prosperity of our country are closely tied to the peace and development of our neighbors,” said.

All in all, the Horn of Africa and the entire world know Ethiopia’s way and unwavering commitment towards ensuring peace and stability in the Horn. The recent act of criminalizing Ethiopia and tarnishing its name emanated from the unconscious mind of those who forget what Ethiopia did to the region. Those actors who work on defamation have no ground to do so as they did nothing for the peace and stability of the region.



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