Holiday volunteering: To make festivals enjoyable, peaceful

Ethiopia is a country where people with diverse backgrounds –ethnicity, languages, religions, cultures, customs, and traditions coexist peacefully; and a nation where various cultural and religious practices are entertained regardless of any differences.

Meskerem (September), the first month of the Ethiopian year, is a month of festivity in which several religious and cultural festivals are celebrated warmly and colorfully among Ethiopians.

Enkutatash, Ethiopian New Year, Gifata- a cultural festival celebrated every mid-September (second week of September) by the Wolayta people in the Southern State of Ethiopia-Meskel (The finding of the True Cross) and Irrecha- the Oromo people’s Thanksgiving festival which is marked colorfully a week later Meskel and Mewlid- the birth of Prophet Muhammad- are among the festivals cherished colorfully among Ethiopians.

Currently, the people of Wolaita are rejoicing in the festival of Gifata which also serves as a platform to strengthen a sense of unity, love, and solidarity.

According to documents, the celebration of Gifata extends until the beginning of October (Ofinta), and during the festival days, religious and cultural rituals, and storytelling are the important parts of the celebration. Children engage in a variety of activities, including music, dance, games, and traditional sports such as “Genna” (hockey on horseback) and “Amora” (wrestling).

The consumption of “Gifata honey”- fermented honey mead, raw meat, kitfo, bacira, filla, and other high-protein foods is a part of the ceremony.

In addition to ‘Gifata’, Ethiopians are readying themselves to warmly celebrate the upcoming Meskel festival which falls on Meskerem 17; and the Irrechaa festival, on Meskerem 25 and 26, 2017 E.C in Addis Ababa and Bishoftu Town respectively.

Meskel is celebrated primarily by Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, with vibrant processions featuring the Meskel Demera, a large bonfire, symbolizing the discovery of the True Cross by Empress Helena. This festival is characterized by songs, dances, and colorful attire, fostering a sense of unity and cultural pride.

On the other hand, Irrechaa marks the end of the rainy months and the beginning of the sunny, bright season; and the people of Oromo mark it to express gratitude for the blessings received and pray for a prosperous year ahead.

The celebrations include rituals at sacred natural sites, traditional music, dances, and community gatherings highlighting the importance of nature and tradition. During the event, participants gather to honor the spirit of their ancestors.

As these festivities are approaching, the government, joining hands with pertinent bodies, the society at large, and volunteers are preparing themselves for the peaceful accomplishment of the festivals.

Addis Ababa City Youth Association and Federal Police are among these entities that have finalized their preparations for the peaceful celebration of the festivals.

As indicated by Association Head, Yehunegn Mohamad, Meskel and Irrechaa festivities are among Ethiopia`s heritages that have special value for the people of Ethiopia and the whole world as well. That is why it is common to see local and foreign tourists attending the events. For this reason, the Association has finalized its preparation to assign more than 16,000 volunteers to the successful celebration of the festivals.

According to him, it is common to observe both local and foreign tourists take part in these festivals. For this reason, the volunteers will play their role in enabling the festivals to be marked peacefully. Several youths are keenly waiting for the day to discharge their responsibility in the capital Addis Ababa, where Meskel and Irrechaa festivals are celebrated colorfully.

Yospeh Adel and Birtukan Bekele, are members of the Addis Ababa Youth Association. Speaking to ENA, they expressed their willingness to serve the society and discharge their responsibilities.

They said that public holidays like Meskel and Irrechaa are events where multitudes gather in one place to observe the day, and volunteers would play a key role in coordinating the event, and facilitating the ground for participants.

As mentioned to The Ethiopian Herald, Adane Fesha, a former member of YMCA Ethiopia, (Young Men`s Christian Association), volunteers have a significant social and economic role in their country. Their role is not only confined to rainy seasons when several volunteers are actively involved in serving the community. They play a critical role in organizing and coordinating public holidays and other special events. From planning logistics to coordinating activities, their involvement ensures that the events run smoothly. They assist in setting up venues, managing crowds, and ensuring the safety of participants, allowing for a seamless celebration. In this regard, events like Meskel and Irrechaa need the involvement of volunteers.

According to him, in a rapidly globalizing world, the youth serve as cultural ambassadors, bridging the gap between tradition and modernity. They take the initiative to educate their peers and younger generations about the historical and cultural significance of such festivals. By organizing workshops, discussions, and culture-centered presentations, they foster pride in their heritage and encourage broader participation.

Youth volunteers are often at the forefront of community engagement efforts. They mobilize their peers, families, and neighbors to participate actively in the festivities, emphasizing the importance of communal celebration. This engagement not only brings people together but also strengthens community bonds and fosters a collective identity and shared purpose.

To mention their role in the upcoming festivals, the vibrant nature of both Meskel and Irrechaa requires the active participation of youth volunteers. “Young volunteers often participate in traditional music and dance groups, contributing to the cultural tapestry of the events. They are also, the ones who organize performances, art displays, and cultural showcases, providing entertainment and enriching the overall experience for attendees.”

With an increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability, youth volunteers can also play a vital role in ensuring that Meskel and Irrechaa celebrations are eco-friendly. Initiatives such as clean-up drives after the festivities, educating participants on waste management, and promoting the conservation of natural spaces used for celebrations demonstrate their commitment to protecting the environment. What is more, he said that volunteer youths play a key role in sustaining peace by working with security forces.

The role of volunteer youths in every aspect cannot be overstated. Their contributions not only enhance the peace and cultural significance of such events but also ensure their smooth execution and sustainability. By embracing their roles as organizers, educators, community builders, artists, and environmental stewards, have the power to make the festivals more peaceful and unforgettable for all. What is more, their passion and dedication are instrumental in fostering peace, unity, and pride, and cementing a sense of belongingness between and among the people.



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