Ethiopia’s remarkable accomplishments, successful progress registered in the just departed year

At the just concluded year, Ethiopia had witnessed a diverse range of successes which has been giving an impetus to the country’s economic growth in the face of challenges.

On the heels of the commitment and determination of the federal government, Ethiopia on numerous occasions has been gaining the respect of the wider international community. In the present circumstances, the country has sustained making progress in the right direction putting a broad assortment of effective strategies into action.

Ethiopia’s diplomatic success, Green Legacy Initiative, joining the BRICS, seaport access deal, remarkable step in GERD construction and other things of a similar kind can be just a case in point. Let’s enumerate them case by case.

Diplomatic accomplishments

In the just wrapped up year, Ethiopia has experienced an extensive range of changes that enable the country to oil the wheels of its relations with the world community at the earliest possible time. Following its accomplishments, the country has been winning international acclaim pouring cold water on the efforts of some groups that have been pulling out all the stops to drag Ethiopia’s positive developments surfacing on a national scale through the mire.

Some groups that feel an extreme animosity towards cast aspersions on positive strides have been engaged in smear campaign against the federal government. No matter what worrywarts say in connection with the positive developments, Ethiopia has sustained moving in the right direction more than ever before giving the cold shoulder to barefaced lies.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) recently announced that the 2023/24 fiscal year (2016 E.C.) was a strong year for Ethiopia’s diplomatic affairs. Several diplomatic successes related to national economic and political interests have been registered.

Briefing journalists in the recent past, MoFA Spokesperson Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla stated that these successes were achieved amid regional and international challenges. Ethiopia has marked a series of significant diplomatic achievements over the past fiscal year. Key areas of progress include neighborhood diplomacy, BRICS membership, setting agenda on the sea access, migrant repatriation, multilateral and bilateral diplomacy, and foreign direct investment, according to the spokesperson.

In strengthening its international presence, Ethiopia participated in 501 international discussions and bilateral events. About 195 international diplomatic decisions, compliant with Ethiopia’s stance, were passed, he noted.

Several joint meetings, including leaders’ summits, ministerial forums, and high-level meetings, were held in Ethiopia. Twelve agreements in education, tourism, economy, and infrastructure were signed between Ethiopia and neighboring countries, he added.

High-level conferences held during the year contributed to the development of conference tourism. About 29 African leaders and high officials visited Ethiopia for bilateral purposes, he added.

In total, 71 bilateral agreements were signed; 19 of these were with African countries, while the rest were with countries outside Africa, he said.

Green Legacy Initiative

In the present climate, Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative has been turning out to be the talk of the larger international community. Many nations in the Horn of Africa and beyond have been following in Ethiopia’s footsteps. In the current climate, the initiative has been receiving diplomatic solidarity from various organizations worldwide.

For the sake of truth, over the recent years, Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative has been moving forward in the right direction signifying its capacity as an approach to encounter the climatic catastrophe in every part of the world.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that 615.7 million seedlings have been planted from the dawn to dusk planting campaign held recently across Ethiopia, according to information obtained from local media.

All Ethiopians set out to plant 600 million saplings from sunrise to sunset, Prime Minister Abiy said, adding “Refusing to let the sun set without achieving our goal, we surpassed it, planting an astounding 615.7 million saplings by the end of the day.”

He added that “children have planted their hope. Young people have demonstrated their resilience. The elderly have left a legacy.”

From one corner of the country to another, Ethiopians stepped out and made their mark, the PM remarked.

“With our unwavering spirit and perseverance, we accomplished overnight what has never been done anywhere else in the world. Today, we stand for climate balance, line up against soil degradation, and commit to ensuring food security,” the premier pointed out.

Ethiopia has worked relentlessly to restore the prosperity of the country, he said adding “With the Creator’s help, we achieved what we set out to do by today’s sunset.”

In total, 29.1 million citizens planted saplings across 318.4 hectares of geospatially mapped locations, he said and added that the planting efforts outside the registered database will continue to be reported.

The Prime Minister noted that this is a testament to the incredible solidarity and perseverance of Ethiopians, extending gratitude to all who have participated in the process.

In a biweekly press briefing held recently, MoFA Spokesperson Nebiyu Tedla (Ambassador) stated that the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) is receiving diplomatic support from regional and international environmental organizations. Due to the unpredictability of weather, he suggested that the initiative needs to be implemented globally.

Over the past five years, the initiative has been promoted across the continent, demonstrating its potential as a model to combat the environmental crisis faced by both Africa and the world. The spokesperson emphasized that the global climate crisis requires practical solutions, and Ethiopia’s initiative shows that tangible actions, beyond conferences, can significantly mitigate the impact.

Seaport Access Deal

In the aftermath of Ethiopia’s seaport access deal with Somaliland through round table discussion, some groups have been beating the drums of war under the guise of scores of lame reasons that do not reflect the existing realty on the ground.

It is worth mentioning that seaport access deal plays a huge role in expediting economic growth and safeguarding peace and security in the Horn of Africa and beyond. In the same way, the agreement will pave the way for tackling security related matters in the region.

Though Ethiopia’s arch-enemies know the fact that they cannot make their dreams become a reality by any means whatsoever, they have been trying all possible means to step the country into unexplored waters turning their back on Ethiopia’s heroism.

The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ethiopia and Somaliland becomes involved in broadening the horizons of ports and oiling the wheels of import and export businesses.

Speaking to the Ethiopian Press Agency (EPA), a Political Science Scholar Prof. Biruk Hailu in the recent past stated that Ethiopia’s acquisition of a sea gate in the strategic, yet volatile region is of great significance to the area’s maritime security and repulsing criminal activities.

As to him, the security of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden will be more guaranteed if Ethiopia has direct access to a seaport and can participate well in maritime issues. Besides, the seaport plays a critical role in intensifying it

commercial activities and deploying the naval forces. Therefore, Ethiopia’s aspiration to direct access to port is justifiable and reasonable on legal, moral and other grounds.

Prof. Biruk lamented, “Taking its large population and economic prowess into account, Ethiopia has been suffering a lot in the past 30 and plus years due to the absences of direct access to seaport and the loss has also had a lasting impact on its security and the public wellbeing.”

Joining BRICS

There is no denying the fact that joining BRICS is a noteworthy achievement that gives emphasis to Ethiopia’s position as a principal actor in foreign economic affairs, diplomacy, international relations and more of the same. It is anticipated that joining the BRICS without a shadow of a doubt will play a huge role in strengthening Ethiopia’s emerging economics to the benefits of its people.

BRICS has also proven that developing countries have a lot of common agenda to work on. It is also showing that the IMF and World Bank are not the sole sources of funds. BRICS Development Bank can be an optional source of finance for big projects in the Global South. There is no arm-twisting like that of the IMF and World Bank that requests structural adjustments and other attached strings so as to provide finance, according to an article.

BRICS will strengthen a multipolar world that can counterbalance the unnecessary pressure from hegemonic powers. A multipolar world is more advantageous to developing countries than developed countries that have the leverage to use unilateral decisions on other weak countries. BRICS is not to challenge the global north but to complement the gaps and interests of developing countries. It can work with the Global North on common issues including global peace and security, climate change, human rights, sustainable development and democracy.

GERD Successes

The past year heralded the success of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) that nears its completion. More good news is its 3rd and 4th turbines began to generate power that upgrades Ethiopia’s power supply. As repeatedly said from the side of Ethiopia, the Dam benefits not only the owner, but also the neighboring countries via power interconnection and especially the lower riparian countries by supplying managed water.

Currently, the Dam releases 2,800 cubic meters of water per second, providing more water than usual to the downstream nations. “Ethiopia is sharing its resources with other nations for mutual development. If the lower riparian countries manage these resources wisely, it could significantly enhance their development,” Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) remarked. He assured that as further construction progresses, the Dam would provide an even better water supply.

Ethiopia, when receiving the new calendar, benchmarks its remarkable accomplishments and successful progresses registered in the just departed year for the journey it is undergoing to prosperity. With full participation of citizens from all walks of life, the intended prosperity undoubtedly will be a success story.

Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald



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