Benishangul cultivates 1.2 mln hectares

Targets 45 mln quintal harvest

ADDIS ABABA – The Benishangul Gumuz Agriculture Bureau has announced that 1.2 million hectares of land are being cultivated with maize, soybean, sorghum, and other crops this farming season.

The state initially planned to cultivate 1.3 million hectares and is nearing that goal, with 1.2 million hectares already covered with various crops, according to the Bureau.

Bureau Head Babekir Halifa told The Ethiopian Herald that the state aims to harvest 45 million quintals of crops during this season, primarily from maize, sorghum, wheat, rice, soybean, and sesame-one of the state’s key export commodities. Of the total yield, maize alone is expected to contribute 20 million quintals.

Babekir stated that 161,000 tons of agricultural fertilizers and improved seeds have been distributed to farmers. In addition to synthetic fertilizers, farmers are also utilizing compost and bio slurry to enhance soil fertility.

Agricultural experts are closely monitoring the farming activities across various zones and districts to ensure productivity, the head added. He also mentioned that peace has largely been restored in the state, allowing for more stable agricultural practices.

While around 1,000 investors have been allocated 400,000 hectares of land, only a small portion is being properly utilized. “Last year, 69 investors cultivated 13,000 hectares, and this year 80 investors are engaged in agricultural activities,” Babekir stated.

The state has also ramped up its irrigation efforts, developing 37,000 hectares last year, with plans to expand to 53,000 hectares this year.

Asossa University is conducting research to improve crop yields, particularly in wheat, teff, rice, and maize, while also working with local farmers on natural resource protection and sustainable agricultural practices.



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