Today’s dedication, a foundation for a better tomorrow

Ethiopia, a nation rich in history and cultural diversity, has made substantial strides in the past few years in driving change in all areas and transforming the country. This is especially true in the last six years when the reformation brought about remarkable changes across the nation.

The commitment to create a better Ethiopia under the principle of “Synergy”-which denotes togetherness and solidarity -is being realized through collaborative efforts between the government and the public.

The principle has yielded significant achievements across various sectors showcasing the potential of collective action in fostering solidarity and cementing social cohesion; thereby accelerating the country’s growth in various sectors.

One of the most tangible indicators of Ethiopia’s advancement is its economic progress which witnessed a positive change within the past six years. Even though the nation had been through challenges, it was able to register remarkable economic progress that laid a strong foundation for the country’s future.

The schemes devised to increase the production of wheat; not only in the rainy season but also in the dry season through irrigation, and the initiative dubbed “YeLemat Tirufat” have solidified the pathways to ensure food sufficiency at the household and the country level.

Likewise, the various infrastructural developments expanded throughout the country over the past few years are also other indications of how the government and the people have been actively engaged in establishing a base for future development. The Abbay Hydroelectric Dam and several industrial parks and tourist destinations that have already been completed and are still under construction are the other wonders that have immense potential not only to realize growth but also to brighten the country’s future.

In the realm of social services, the government has also made impressive strides in enhancing access to healthcare and education. Just to mention, expanding healthcare insurance, improvement in service delivery, promoting the rate of maternal and child health overcomes, vaccination programs, and the establishment of healthcare facilities in remote areas are good indicators.

As part of its commitment to ensure access to education, the government is working closely with local communities to create inclusive and relevant curricula that reflect the diverse cultures within the nation. As community engagement has been crucial to ensure quality education, parents, educators, and local leaders are collaborating to ensure that education not only meets national standards but also respects and values local traditions and languages. Besides, building several education centers and schools, the government is also endeavoring to ensure quality education through integrating digital technology in the education system, mainly digitalizing higher education.

As recently indicated by Academic Affairs Lead CEO of the Ministry of Education, Eba Mijena (PhD) several changes have been witnessed within the past five years in areas of education. This change resulted from the reform programs the government undertook in the education sector. According to him, exam provisions and curriculum changes are among others. The reform has brought a positive change in the area of curriculum which in turn ensures remarkable changes in the education sector.

On his part, Ethiopian Teachers Association President Yohannes Benti (PhD) said that the reform has brought a policy change in the country. Measures taken including teachers’ development, school improvement, input provision, and school feeding programs among others have their own great contribution to education quality.

In a related development, the Head of the Democracy System Building Coordination Center with the rank of Deputy Prime Minister, Adam Farah said that the past years have witnessed the effectiveness of the reform.

According to him, the reform has enabled the nation to build a sustainable economic system. The past six years were times that the economic, justice, science and technology, education, and civil service sectors have reformed. All sectorial changes witnessed over the years are the outcomes of the reform. The reform has enabled it to address major bottlenecks and attain positive changes.

In the economic sector, the reform has brought about a positive change in areas of food security, increased export earnings, and stabilized the market. He also said that the financial and tax policies have improved the government`s revenue.

Indeed, over the past six years, Ethiopia has undergone a remarkable transformation fueled by a series of reforms initiated by the government in 2018. These reforms have touched upon various sectors, including political governance, economic development, and social cohesion, significantly altering the country’s trajectory.

In areas of economic change, Ethiopia has enjoyed robust economic development over the past few years, despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, internal conflicts, and global economic pressures. The reform has spurred foreign investment in various sectors, including manufacturing, services, and agribusiness, with several multinational corporations drawing into Ethiopia. Initiatives such as the Homegrown Economic Reform Agenda aim to diversify the economy and reduce reliance on traditional sectors.

Additionally, the government has prioritized infrastructure development, resulting in significant advancements in transportation, energy, and telecommunications. The construction of projects such as the Abbay Hydroelectric Dam not only symbolizes a vision for energy independence but also a hope for regional cooperation in resource utilization.

Although some challenges remain unresolved, Ethiopia has seen a notable shift in the areas of social policies to promote gender equality and empower women in leadership roles. The government has set ambitious targets for women’s representation in various sectors, including politics, where women now hold significant number on parliamentary seats, a groundbreaking achievement compared to the global average.

Ethiopia’s reform agenda has not only aimed at fostering internal stability but also enhancing regional cooperation. Ethiopia has played an active role in regional organizations, advocating for peace and stability within the Horn of Africa. The integration of regional economies and collaborative security initiatives reflect Ethiopia’s ambition to serve as a vanguard for peace in the most volatile region.

The past six years have been a period of significant upheaval and transformation in Ethiopia. While challenges persist, the positive changes stemming from the reforms initiated by the government signal the country’s journey toward a promising future- to economic resilience accelerated social progress, and a prosperous Ethiopia. And by building on the gains made thus far, and its continued commitment to ensure sustainable development, Ethiopia stands at the center, with the potential to emerge as a beacon of hope and stability in the Horn of Africa and beyond.



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