Either the existing or the next generation in Ethiopia is duty bound to build a prosperous, livable and stable Ethiopia. Recognizing the fact that the seed we sow today will be the basis for tomorrow and the time to come, all Ethiopians from corner to corner are relentlessly working hard to create new Ethiopia, an affluent and appealing country.
Here, the issue of cooperation has to be placed first as a single handed effort bears no fruit. Yes, cooperation is essential towards achieving success, in all aspects of life. It enables people to work together to meet a common goal, build a great nation of which every citizen is confidently proud. Unequivocally, all Ethiopians can achieve much more than they ever could on their own by embracing assemblage effort and cooperation.
Of course, cooperation can be fostered and well cemented through carrying out open and effective communication, approaching shared goal setting, fostering recognition and appreciation, embracing diversity, promoting collective learning, among others.
True, in the modern era, nation-building is referred to the efforts of newly independent nations, to establish trusted institutions of national government, education, military defense, elections, import customs, foreign trade, foreign diplomacy, banking, finance, taxation, company registration, police, law, among others.
Citizens have to put into practice different means with a view to creating the place/ nation they live in inhabitable such as volunteer their time, donate to charity, practice gratitude, reduce their environmental harm, being kind to others, respect and learn about others’ cultures.
It is well comprehended that great nations had been, have been, are being and will be built by respective citizens, and Ethiopia is the cherished nation all its citizens have had since its formation and all citizens must make it great by themselves using their own big efforts and relentless endeavors.
True, Ethiopia won’t build itself great. Grand Ethiopia can be built by thinking great thoughts, making great policies, and implementing those policies with patriotic zeal, and it is this time citizens can make tomorrow today. This east African star has the potential of becoming one of the most advanced and progressive countries of the African continent and beyond.
All citizens regardless of sex, the language they speak, the origin from where they are, what social status they have, what color they are given, basically Ethiopians are all the same black of course, have to come together and develop absolute fraternity and amicable style as no one can come and act accordingly to build great Ethiopia. In clear terms, the assignment of making the country great and a much more stable one should not be left only to the government; some citizens who do have a relatively greater intensity of patriotic gesture or others, but it demands the combined effort of all.
Undeniably, the most dynamic factor in a country is the human resource and citizens’ capacity to properly carry out all activities targeting at fostering the development of the country to make its future yummy. If Ethiopia is to achieve all its developmental goals, the human resource must be highly efficient and creative, responsible, accountable and with real patriotic gesture.
The second most important thing is the optimal utilization and management of resources, be they are natural or manmade ones. The optimal utilization of the best of resources by the best of professionals results in creating something great. Ethiopia needs this blend, and when the right person is assigned at the right place along this line helps the nation make tomorrow today by coming up with remarkable and real differences.
Unquestionably, there are many challenges in building great Ethiopia. Challenges such as population, environmental degradation, poverty of rural people, corruption, conflicts, backwardness, etc; but these challenges are opportunities too, as they help citizens stand together with great grudge of lagging behind. All citizens can contribute to this change for the betterment by giving their best and working from dawn to dusk remembering the great saying of John of Kennedy phrased as “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
Each one of us must do our job and responsibilities flawlessly. All the challenges can easily be overcome provided that the entire manpower and resources are utilized and used optimally under the right guidance of dedicated and farsighted leaders. Ethiopia can do wonders by making tomorrow today, indeed! Besides, all this will happen only when all citizens set their hearts to make the nation the land of stability, opportunities, growth, and prosperity with their words, deeds, and acts.
The relationship between society and individuals is closely connected, and what we do as individuals can have an impact on society as a whole. This means that the choices we make, both for ourselves and for others, can make a real difference across the nation and beyond. However, many people who want to make a positive impact on the environment and society don’t know where to begin.
All the sacred deeds all Ethiopians have been undertaking explain how acts of kindness can make us all feel happier, and they offer practical ways that people can make a positive change in the nation. Taking time to appreciate the good things in our life can help cultivate a positive mindset and increase happiness. Besides, taking steps to reduce societal gaps can help to create a healthier nation, continent and planet for future generations. Furthermore, proactive behavior for protecting the nation can improve peoples’ happiness since it helps engage in meaningful undertakings.
Yes, one of the most enjoyable ways of making a meaningful difference is to learn more about respecting one another, forging unity, developing sense of patriotism and fraternity. The majority of citizens have no idea how much of an impact their actions, or life skills, have on their mood as well as social fabrics. Besides, expanding citizens’ understanding of different cultures and perspectives can help foster empathy, harmony and reduce prejudice.
Unambiguously, cooperation fosters unity, economic prosperity by promoting trade, investment as well as economic stability. As it is the exchange of knowledge, resources and expertise has enabled the citizens to leverage shared experiences and address common challenges, Ethiopians have to well appreciate it. When we think of it taking a narrower spectrum, for instance, a husband and wife working together to raise happy and healthy children, players on a baseball team working together to score a run and a construction worker, electrician, and plumber working together to build a home, can come up with real change in all circumstances. This holds true for the nation as a wider scope.
One of the most effective ways of using resources and minimizing their use at work when possible is by adopting a systematic approach. This can be achieved by setting a baseline, using previous performance as a base for improvement will help pave the path for productivity of next posterity. Apart from genuine cooperation, wise use of resources is also another means to make a difference via reducing, reusing, and recycling, cutting down on what people throw away, expanding volunteerism, strengthening unity and developing good working culture as well as conserving water and other natural resources. Strengthened public-private partnerships and multilateral cooperation are also needed to advance inclusive, resilient, and sustainable industrial development in Ethiopia and beyond.
A new financial architecture with greater access to finance and lower cost of capital is key unlocking investments at scale. Here, Ethiopia must work collectively to boost entrepreneurship, harness the potential of new technologies, expand opportunities for youth, women and girls, build climate resilient economy, and foster competitiveness and trade. This is part and parcel of the deed to make tomorrow today, too.
Hence, the prerequisite for achieving remarkable social, economic and even political outcomes has been the consistent focus on, and dedication to, domestic productivity—in itself, a necessary pre-condition for rising wages and increasing living standards.
Considerable attention has also been paid to process and transparency, accountability and productivity as these are decisively important elements. The amalgamation of the private and public sectors has consistently foregone current consumption with a view to securing high rates of savings and investments.
It is well recognized that nation-building is a complex process involving many factors, including political stability, economic development, security, social cohesion, and cultural identity. This entails recognizing and valuing diversity as a strength that enriches society rather than a source of conflict and confrontation. It involves acknowledging the historical, social, and political factors that shape citizens’ identities and experiences and using this knowledge to create inclusive policies and practices that promote social justice and equality.
As nation-building referred to the efforts of newly independent nations, to establish trusted institutions of national government, education, military defense, elections, land registry, import customs, foreign trade, foreign diplomacy, banking, finance, taxation, company registration, police, law, among others in the modern era, Ethiopia has been painstakingly working towards adjusting all the gaps recorded regarding these thematic areas at national level.
Since building a new, transformed, affluent and stable nation can only be done from within, Ethiopians are not supposed to wait for outsiders and should stand in unison to make a prosperous and stable nation themselves. They have to make tomorrow today now!
Frankly speaking, nation-building goes further and far beyond imagined and involves a shared sense of national identity, built on elements that tie people together — such as shared culture, language, and history — that cannot be imposed from outside but locally sowed and nurtured.
In a nutshell, all citizens devoid of any disparity can contribute to the making of great Ethiopia by being excellent in their respective spheres of actions. Apart from being perfect in their particular appointments, Ethiopians must be ideal citizens. They must pay taxes honestly; they must not do anything that might affect Ethiopia’s prosperity and development. They, I shall say we, must dedicate ourselves to the progress and development of our country, only then something substantial will happen and we can make tomorrow today.
Editor’s Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald