Medical teams, major investments on horizon in Ethio-Israel ties

ADDIS ABABA – In a bid to strengthen bilateral relations, the Israeli Embassy in Ethiopia is not only fostering diplomatic ties but also facilitating the arrival of medical teams to provide essential eye care and other medical treatments.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Israeli Chargé d’affaires to Ethiopia Tomer Bar-Lavi emphasized the embassy’s dual focus on deepening ties and enhancing healthcare in Ethiopia. “One of the key initiatives is ‘Operation Ethiopia,’ which delivers vital eye care services in hospitals nationwide,” Bar-Lavi stated. Additionally, Israeli medical experts are sharing their knowledge with Ethiopian doctors in various fields.

Bar-Lavi indicated that Israeli surgeons, particularly those involved in the ‘Save a Child’s Heart’ initiative, are performing surgeries and training Ethiopian doctors both in Ethiopia and in Israel. He also noted upcoming visits by Israeli trauma doctors and experts in neonatal resuscitation, scheduled for September.

Beyond healthcare, Israel’s economic footprint in Ethiopia is expanding. Major Israeli companies are investing in Ethiopia’s agriculture, healthcare, and innovation sectors. “Israel is significantly involved in building Ethiopia’s innovation ecosystem, supporting startups, and contributing to economic reforms,” the Chargé d’ affaires elaborated.

The agricultural sector, particularly in areas like intensive fish farming and civil aviation, is another focal point of Israel’s investment in Ethiopia. “When Israeli investors consider Africa, Ethiopia is their first choice due to the strong ties between our nations,” Bar-Lavi remarked.

He expressed optimism that ongoing economic reforms and initiatives would lead to a surge in Israeli investments and economic activities in Ethiopia in the near future. “Our Embassy is promoting Ethiopia’s wider investment opportunities among Israeli companies that would help to enhance the two countries commercial ties.”



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