“Let us develop the culture of dialogue than getting at each other’s throats” Journalist, activist Abebe Gellaw

  Journalism is a profession one chooses to devotedly serve the people. Being a journalist is being a warrior because the career entails the danger of losing a life while seeking answers... Read more »

“I wish to add my voice to the call for revising the constitution and that one of the articles to be stricken is Article 39,” Dr. Hailu Araya

Today’s guest is Dr. Hailu Araya. Dr. Hailu was born in 1936 at Maichew, a town in the southern part of Tigray. He followed his elementary school in Maichew and Addis Ababa.... Read more »

EPRDF was a source of our problem and it became part of our solution thanks to Premier Dr. Abiy. I cannot imagine the reform without Dr. Abiy: Meskerem Abera instructor, researcher.

  Women’s participation is indispensable in all fields of endeavor. The saying also goes women are pillars in all aspects of life. As opposed to the past, these days the participation of... Read more »

“Leaders are limited by time. They come and leave. But state remains. I had been working on how to improve the legal system of the country,”- Dr.Fasil Nahum

Today’s guest is Dr. Fasil Nahum. Dr. Fasil was born in Eritrea’s capital Asmara during the British military administration in 1942. After spending ten years there, along with his family members, he... Read more »

In the battle of Adwa defeating Italian troops without the Oromo cavalry was unimaginable Pro.Tesema Ta’a

H istory is the best mirror to reflect on our past, to analyze where we are now and to manage the future. It showcases the past affording readers a window about forefathers... Read more »

“We can have self-rule within our respective states, and shared-rule with a common citizenship in our country, Ethiopia,” Dr. Dima Noggo, former OLF chairman

In Ethiopia, the 1960’s students’ movement was fueled by the question of basic human and democratic rights. During those days, numerous political parties were born to life. The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF)... Read more »

A true proponent of Ethiopianism both in blood and ink

Ethiopianism is not a sentiment one simply utters out with words.It is the oxygen that gallops through the veins of every citizen.Till they breathe their last, it will remain embedded in their... Read more »

‘Amhara nationalism makes no divorce from Ethiopian identity’

Belete Molla, is Vice Chair and Election Affairs head of National Movement of Amhara (NAMA). He is also staff of Philosophy Department at Addis Ababa University.The Ethiopian Herald discussed range of issues... Read more »

A man with lifelong political dedication Merera Gudina (PhD) “…revolutionary democracy is the mother of all problems” Ethiopia is blessed with a huge number of scholars, who were competitive enough. The 1960th... Read more »

Identity politics left Pandora box open:Prof. Berhanu Nega

Prof. Berhanu Nega: has been chairperson of Patriotic Ginbot 7 Movement for Unity and Democracy. The Ethiopian Herald’s Abdurezak Mohammed sat with him to discuss on issues ranging from identity politics, to... Read more »